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In March Comes in Like a Lion 2x3, Rei investigates more insects, harbingers of traumatic memories and hopefully insight.




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March is honestly in my top 5 anime of all time (and has comfortably stayed there for a long time) but I have to say that there are some episodes that I don’t rewatch often because I am almost too personally connected to them. When I went though this show for the first time and experienced Rei’s story and the events surrounding him it was a really hard watch. It awakened old wounds of mine that I thought I had dealt with (News Flash turns out I REALLY REALLY had NOT dealt with them). I even ended up using this show in my therapy sessions at the time. Even in this episode we see Rei as a child be fascinated by nature and insects because he used to hide behind bushes to get away from his bullies was pretty gut wrenching to watch because I did the exact same thing. I also sank myself into hobbies of mine at the time to a point of physical and mental exhaustion. That image of him in the ocean with only that tiny board as his lifeline is such perfect visual storytelling. I guess my point is that I haven’t come across many ‘slice of life’ anime that soo effortlessly is able to display low points in someone life and not feel melodramatic. It’s just… life. Also Rei actually thinking through parts of his childhood in his head throughout the whole day from seeing that bush in the morning, through his games, untill it’s dusk and suddenly he’s on the bridge is just perfect. That’s how it feels to be swallowed up by past experiences. One lil trigger and it can completely consume your entire day.

Chris Sharpe

Yeah, pretty similar for me too. Not as severe as Rei of course, but still some problems. I find that I am far more drawn to the heavy slice of life anime (like FruBas and March) and can’t really be invested in lighter ones. I still can enjoy them and laugh (especially the Spy Family manga and Bocchi), but the lack of personal stakes can feel deflating, and some of those anime can be WEIRD.


Hina's arc in season 2 is my favorite in the entire show and honestly is very much up there when it comes to all the anime I've seen. Been waiting on you to get to it since I found out you were reacting to this show. I think it'll be right up your alley and you'll get a lot out of it. Looking forward to the next episodes! PS: It is Nikaidou not Nishikaidou. You've been calling him that the entire show so may be a losing battle to get you to change now but I just had to point it out lol


I've come to accept that Goodwin's "special" names for characters are a feature, not a bug, haha. For Haikyuu, it's "Noshinoya," in MHA, it's an impressive variety of names for Gigantomachia, for ATLA it was "wind-bending" instead of air-bending.... I've enjoyed sort of just leaning into it. :)


Oh no 😅 I struggle with both Nikaido and Nishinoya's names and here I find out I'm still getting them both wrong