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In Vinland Saga 1x6 The Journey Begins, turns out that the first five heart-wrenching episodes of Vinland Saga where really just the prologue to Johnny's story and heart-wrenching future.


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vinland 1x6 extended

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The ending of this episode hurt me deeply when I first saw it

Geneva The Weeba

“Another day in the crew of the man who killed my father. Childhood memories,” “In 1002 A.D., bathtime was ruined for everyone. They never bathed again,” “Do you even know who the real enemy is? It’s birds,” “And just like that, we’re, in a very weird way, aligned with this terrible crew of mercenaries. Against the true enemy: the English,” “This heroic journey is starting off in a very interesting way,” “Anime running: 10/10,” “That just crosses a line. Everything else he did before, that was ok, but the dogs. Unacceptable,” “The universal language of peace: food on an empty stomach,” “That is an advanced case of fleas,” “Really rigorous investigation, there, horse-man,” “His Japanese-English is not great,” “At that point, who are you? Are you Thor’s son, or are you Askeladd’s assassin?” (that one HIT)