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In Hunter x Hunter 125, Great Power x And x Ultimate Power, I will summon the power of god to slap you real hard, gratefully.




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"and for the first time the king felt fear" ik that was pretty off the dome, but its crazy u predicted that line a whole episode early


Alex's voice sounded still in the recovery phase of an illness, so hope you're feeling well, but the analysis was really astonishingly on point, I felt. I was originally going to say that I don't like how they translated the title, but then Alex's speech about the greater purpose of our existence addresses it perfectly. The title is "bu-no-tsuyomi x to x bu-no-kiwami." In this case, "bu" is 武, martial arts. "Tsuyomi" means power or strength, so in other words achieving the top rank or becoming the best. "Kiwami" is 極み, which means the boundary of limits of something, and it's precisely that idea of making a contribution such that the whole art form advances / the ceiling is raised for everyone / we create a legacy greater than our individual actions. I am, as I often am, very grateful for and admiring of Alex's ability to pierce through everything and articulate a far greater message. 🧡