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Marisa Maribel

Also, it’s interesting what you brought up about Amelia trying to individualize Ryan and Min, and it’s connection to One-One. Since this is a prequel season, One isn’t broken up into the two halves of a whole being by Amelia yet. But he will be, not too long after this season. And the season is all about duality, right down to the subtitle of it. Ryan and Min are obviously the two people it focuses on, but I think you’re right that One-One is also a part of the theme. Even if he’s whole know, we know him best as two halves. And this is the last thing, I swear. But I don’t know if your reaction when Kez’s “friends” mention Morgan and that they aren’t there is not remembering who Morgan is or not. If you do remember, just ignore this, my bad. But just in case, Morgan is Kez’s roommate that she’s taking Ryan and Min to meet.

Kieran Hunter

*enjoying all of Elijah's reactions and Vox Machina would be cool and all but constantly crossing my fingers for Centaurworld* ^^ Happy Pride wish there was a way to recommend shows without sounding like a d-bag lolol

David Bodor

With news that VM comes out on October 3rd, she might be able to catch up to Season 3 in time. There's like 15 weeks or so until then and 24 episodes.