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Hey everyone, I just want to keep you all in the loop regarding where I will be for the next few weeks.

24 hours from now I will be getting on a plane to go to Japan for the first time to go on my first vacation in over a decade. The trip will be for a total of 15 days, 1 of those days would just be for the travel time alone.

So its only fair to say that I wont be posting any new WIPs in that time because i literally wont have a tablet with me. I have that itch to draw over my trip but no promises, a fair amount of you are screaming at me to just put the damn pencil down for 2 weeks.

But I promise once Im back, we're gonna go so hard. Its gonna be crazy.




Use that time to relax and enjoy yourself! Have fun!


Nice, I hope you enjoy it! I went as part of a foreign study program in 2016 and would definitely go again if I got the chance


Awesome! Have fun!


I hope you have a good time at Japan! Take care!


Hope you have a lot of fun you deserve it


Enjoy it! Have a wonderful time.


Have a great vacation! You more than deserve some R&R ☺️ So don’t worry about anything