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There's so many of you just swarming in now in support of the recent... situation I was in. I hope you're all here to stay for the long run cause I have alot of things planned!

Thank you thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me and plus we've gone over the largest goal we set for ourselves so now I can finally focus 100% on patreon alone! The merch stuff and the move towards adjusting the tiers again will be slow as I feel I cant make these changes overnight they're massive big steps and I dont want to burn myself out on them.

In regards to this, I also know that because there are so many of you here now and I wont be able to please everyone with every piece I post. I want to be able to respect people's preferences and as such I will be testing a labeling system to all my piece's titles so you know if you want to check it out or just wait for the next one that will interest you better. 

The way this works is let's say that Kim and Shego piece would have been labeled:


Which would mean that it contains 2 women. So if a piece contains a man and a woman it would labeled as such:


So on and so forth. I'm going to try to expand it as well to accommodate as many genders as possible, such as [NB] Non-Binary, [T] Trans, etc

Now I still want to test this system out and I want to know how it goes as I put out more pieces with this system in place. I just want to preface now that I know some of you may not be comfortable with labeling as a whole as it creates this very non-interpretive way of seeing my characters or any characters I draw so if you do feel that way please PLEASE voice out your opinions on this and let me know how you feel.

This system will either stay or go depending on the responses in the coming pieces. 

Just want to thank you all again for this amazing early christmas present

I love you all <3



Thanks Tori, you are my fav artist, you deserve this &lt;3


What kinda merch you thinking about? 🤔


sounds like a sensible labeling system, you should go forward with it


The labeling system sounds like a great idea!!


Well im definitely gonna start off small first with stickers and pins and we'll see going from there. End goal is definitely plushies and shirts :P


I only became a Patron this week, and I'm proud to say that I am! I love your work, and I think you deserve the recognition you're getting! Congratulations on hitting your goal! I'm so excited for you, and for your future! As for the labelling system, I'll be honest, I'm indifferent. I think it's a good idea, and if you want to use it going forward, than I'll support that. If not, than I'll support that as well! Also, you've got me super excited for merch now! The degenerate in me that obsesses over Yonu and Kose is going crazy right now! 😅


congrats on hitting your goal! finding that semi viral tweet lead me to your art. I had seen one of your pieces before (I believe it was Akali fanart). When I saw your twitter i decided I wanted to follow and support you further. As for the labeling I am neutral leaning towards not having a label for the reasons you mentioned. However, I can see how as a reaction to the situation that just happened to you you would want to prevent that stuff from happening again. I am still happy to support. Ultimately you can do what you want for your business.


Hey good for you. I hope people are here for the long run too. I dont mind the label thing but i watch everything anyway. If i dont like it i just stay mostly silent or comment if its a good piece even if its not my taste. No need to be that idiot that said the T word.

Hunter Hyatt

I wonder if tagging it in the post tags would make it easier for people to sort your posts. Would be a lot of work to retroactively do it though.


That sounds like a great idea, right now my tags are a huge mess because of much much older posts in the past. I'll definitely start cleaning them up and tagging future work so its easier to just sort through em.


I think it's plenty sensible tagging. I've observed some amount of...ah...discourse...on the proper way to label something like the Kim and Shego piece, or with regards to allowing people some interpretation ability, but I feel like your example labels are probably the most balanced set. You also have some options there, if putting it too front and center isn't working. As in, could tag in the title, could tag as just tags, could offer a preview and have it in the filename of the attached file, etc. Flex to find the right fit, I mean. Realistically, you're spot on when you say you can't please everyone. At some point, there's a difference between someone requesting small tweaks that improve things for everyone (good) and trying to turn it to their specific interests/desires alone (bad). It feels like you're trying to be fair and reasonable to everyone, including yourself, which is all anyone can really ask for. Thanks for putting such thought into all this.

Teh Pron

You could also make a [hot] tag but then you'd have to put that on every post


I know I'm late to the party but i think your art is wonderful and i guess i can say that the plan to label your art is working