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I’d be the first to admit, I hadn’t exactly been the model of the perfect Sentinel since returning back to Exterreri and Sanguino. I’d basically shot right home, jumped into a bath, then tunneled under the covers of my bed and stayed there.

Three, almost four years deployed in the field, and I felt like I’d more than earned it. The Sixth wasn’t back yet, and I figured I had some time. What would they need me for anyway? What crisis, what issue, could possibly need Sentinel Dawn, and not one of the six dozen other active Sentinels? My job was being attached to the Sixth.

I didn’t groan as I got up from the dinner table, waving down Iona and Julius who’d started to get up to follow me. Artemis stayed seated, but had doubled the speed she was scarfing down food.

Smart woman.

“I’ve got this.” I told my friends.

“Thank you Titania.” I said, the woman nodding and bowing slightly. I mused over what the possibilities could be as I navigated my way to the entry.

My best case scenario was Arachne politely going ‘excuse me Dawn, I was hoping you’d report back in of your own volition when coming back home, and this is a friendly reminder that I’d love to hear what happened in the Han empire.’

I didn’t want to think what other scenarios could be. A plague was high on the ‘well thank fuck’ list, all the way down to ‘war’s broken out, everyone up and at them’.

A war wouldn’t be fair. I’d just gotten back home!

I’d just spent years getting the message ‘war isn’t fair’ ground into my face.

I didn’t flinch when I saw the [Courier] with a four-man escort at the door, but it was a near thing. The only time when a [Courier] had an escort was when the missive was of critical importance.

I wasn’t polite. I quickly scanned the missive in the fancy envelope before I even entered the room. Perks of [Manuscript Mastery] along with [The World Around Me].

Sentinel Dawn,

You are summoned to appear before Sentinel Arachne and the rest of Command on a matter of extreme urgency. Details are in the form of: Book by order of which we discussed, word number.

4-9273, 7-283, 11-33894…

Do not come before decoding the message.


Sentinel Arachne.

PS: Bring Valkyrie Iona with you, I have some questions for her, unrelated to the above.

My eyes narrowed. Either this was the most elaborate ‘congratulations on getting married’ prank ever, or there was something so sensitive going on that even Arachne had to put it into code.

For fuck’s sake. I spun off three [Parallel Thoughts] to work on decoding the stupid letter.

Smoke and mirrors.

If something Major was going down, everyone would be looking to the Sentinels.

Well, mostly. There were a number of other bodies and-

I shunted the thought off into [Parallel Thoughts] to happily natter on about the various structures in Exterreri and who’d be looked to for leadership and support in various positions. The [Emperor] was a big one, but…

End of the day, I had to look good for appearances sake, especially if everything was going to hit the fan. Give people confidence that they were in good hands, no matter how true or false that may be.

“Thank you [Courier].” I tried to [Rapid Reshelving] the letter to my hand, showing off a bit, but the [Courier] had his own skills protecting it. I tugged on it a few times anyway, figuring it would help him level up if nothing else.

‘Protected a package from a War Sentinel trying to yoink it’ had to be good for a few skill levels if not class levels.

With a great deal of formality, bowing, and the whole nine yards, I got the letter at last. With a round of salutes, they all left, and I went back to the dining room, muttering curses at Arachne under my breath. I threw myself into my chair when I got back.

“Bad news?” Iona asked.

“Yes!” I complained. “Arachne knows I’ve got a perfect memory. She knows I’ve got every damn word of the damn books memorized. She interrogated me over my skills. She knows I don’t have a fucking counting skill! So. Damn. Stupid!” I swore.

I could think incredibly fast, and had every word of every book memorized. It didn’t mean I didn’t have to manually count 33,894 words deep for a single word!

And that was just one word of the entire damn letter! It wasn’t a short letter!

Fortunately, Arachne was concise if not short, with minimal wasted words and no flowery language.

Trio of phoenixes looking for Auri. High level, temperamental. Appear to be under the impression that we’re holding her captive? Don’t let others know. We don’t want a panic. Strong chance that they’ll attempt to inflict harm on you when you arrive. Don’t want you thinking I’m leading you into an ambush. Come from the tunnels. Bring Auri.

[*ding!* [Luminary Mind] leveled up! 476 -> 477]

Huh. Interesting that simply thinking very hard was enough to level the skill now. I was now even more certain it could merge with -

[*ding!* [Parallel Thoughts] leveled up! 294 -> 298]

Annnd there it was. Excellent! Two more levels until I could think seven different ways.

Okay, fine, it wasn’t that many words, but when I needed to count to 16,392 to get one of them, it was a goddamn eternity. At least I could see a solid reason for putting this into code - ‘phoenixes are thinking of burning down the capital’ was something to keep under wraps at all costs. The panic such a rumor could cause could be more devastating than any fire. Part of me wanted to analyze how well Arachne could, on the fly, make up a cypher that wasn’t easily broken that just the two of us would understand.

The PS at the end was also interesting.

Julius coughed significantly.

“Summons from Arachne.” I idly responded. “I’ve got to go. Iona, she’s also asking if you’d like to tag along on a separate matter. Interested?” I wasn’t going to tell my girlfriend - fiancee!!! - what to do.

I grabbed what leftovers I could as I stood up, briefly wondering if I should wear armor and deciding against it.

I was immune to fire, but I had no idea if the protection extended to my clothes or not with [Etheric Aegis], and I didn’t want to find out as metal melted around me. Sounded painful.

“Of course. We’re leaving now?” Iona asked, grabbing a pair of dinner rolls off the table. I threw half a block of cheese in my mouth.

“Yuhf.” I tried to say, not succeeding too well.

She got the message, and trying not to choke, we left at top speed back to Sanguino. After I finished chewing, I quickly gave Iona the rundown in English, fairly certain nobody could overhear us.

Not as certain as I’d been before meeting… what was his name again? I’d done my best to purge it from my memory, and the less I remembered, the better.

We found the ‘secret’ tunnels outside of Sanguino, and I unceremoniously teleported in, backtracking to open the door for Iona. The two of us wandered, hand-in-hand, the tunnels below Sanguino.

“Left.” I said, able to see Arachne’s tiny threads forming into an arrow, guiding us through the city. I tugged Iona along, enjoying our walk together and how she let me direct her.

“Do you think she wants me to spy on the phoenix’s skills?” Iona speculated, running her calloused thumb over the back of my hand. It tingled in the most pleasant way.

“Mmmmm.” I made a disagreeing noise. “She said it was for a different reason. It might be worth checking their skills for Auri though. See if there’s anything neat she can work towards.”

We continued to speculate what Arachne wanted to see Iona for as we navigated our way through the endless maze of tunnels under Sanguino. Our general consensus was Arachne wanted to ‘borrow’ Iona’s blessing to see status and skills to check up on someone.

The two of us made it to Arachne’s underwater lair without any issues, the door silently opening as we approached.

Once again I was struck by the sheer aesthetics of the place. It was a large dome of thick green glass at the bottom of Bloodmoon Bay, light barely filtering in. Fish swam by and crabs scuttled on the dome. Arachne got up from her chair, the center of the gigantic spiderweb that covered all of Sanguino. I Radiance-focused in on her neck tattoos, studying them with one part of [Parallel Thoughts]. Would neck tattoos look good on me? On Iona? Was there any inspiration to be taken there?

I was engaged! Thank fuck for [Parallel Thoughts], I’d never get any work done otherwise.

“Sentinel Dawn. Valkyrie Iona. I am so pleased to see the two of you back alive and well. No Auri?”

We traded looks. Auri obviously wasn’t around, but just as clearly I wasn’t acting like my heart had been ripped out. Arachne was practically omniscient within the boundaries of Sanguino, but didn’t have feelers all the way out to my home, so she couldn’t have known Auri wasn’t around yet. Well, technically, I suppose the phoenix not visiting her bakery was a bit of a clue, but then again, I’d dove under the covers and hadn’t done a thing.

“Auri elected to stay with the Sixth as they returned home.” I reported. “Additionally, I would like to apologize for not immediately reporting back in. I-”

Arachne waved off my explanation.

“Dear, you don’t need to explain yourself to me. I’ve been in more wars and campaigns than I can count. I completely understand the need to just… exist after such events. Night would like to swing by if you’re alright with it. He’s got some experience in these matters. I suggested waiting until you came out on your own. For that, I would like to apologize, but the situation here is delicate.”

Arachne started to pace nervously back and forth. I’d never seen her in anything but utter control of the situation.

“We can speak freely here.” She said. “First off, I would be utterly remiss for failing to congratulate you on classing up. You have successfully passed the great divide, and at your age, can be counted among the elite of the elites. If things go wrong, Dawn, know that this is a safe place. They won’t come down here, not with so much water that can threaten them. In the worst-case scenario, if you manage to get them down here, break the glass. The entirety of Bloodmoon Bay crashing down on their heads might be enough to permanently kill them, but I would not want to find out. I don’t believe it will come to that. They are an eclectic, touchy lot, with a non-stop stream of obnoxious demands. Nothing too serious. They are quite determined to talk with Auri one way or another. I believe the best course of action is to send Sentinel Spark to the Sixth Legion, and have him retrieve Auri. She is your bonded companion. Thoughts?”

I couldn’t see any reason why I wouldn’t want Auri back home sooner. I glanced at Iona, who wordlessly divined my question. She nodded.

“Sure, let’s do it.” I said.

Arachne nodded.

“The message has been sent. Hopefully Rolland has not lost an entire army.” She said dryly.

Arachne then stepped in front of Iona, half-bowing before her. Her words and tone went super formal, reminding me strongly of Night.

“Valkyrie Iona, great [Paladin] of the moons. I wish to beseech Selene and Lunaris for a small fraction of their wisdom, praying that they will grant me with an answer to a small question of mine. A question that is potentially lethal to speak, a question that is dangerous to know the existence of, and even more dangerous to know the answer. Yet, despite all this, I humbly ask for you to become a conduit between me and the goddesses. Are you so willing?” She asked.

That wasn’t what I was expecting at all. We were sure Arachne wanted Iona to peek at someone’s stats, not directly make a request of her patron divinities.

Arachne’s door opened again, and a sword was carried along by her endless threads.

“Do not think I am so crass as to ask without offering anything in return.” She continued. “Please, take this offering, for yourself or the goddesses. Forged of an alloy of Skyte, Glacium, and Starsteel, the elements of Gravity, Ice, and Celestial, a blade fit for a [Paladin] of the moons, humbly offered up to the goddesses so they might consider my question.”

Now I was getting worried. The blade was beautiful, with delicate filigree dancing around the blade. I suspected it was far more dangerous and practical than it looked, and alloying magical metals together was something only a master [Smith] could do. It didn’t come cheaply, that was for sure.

The style was in the typical short sword that the Exterreri legions favored, and wasn’t a great fit for Iona. I suspected it was an acquired blade, not one forged special for the occasion. The alloyed elements implied it was though… ah well.

Iona nodded and outstretched her hands, accepting the offering. She had to be getting some solid [Paladin] experience, if not levels, from all this. She held the blade up high in two hands, kneeling down to the floor.

“Oh Selene and Lunaris. By right of gift-giving, of offering, of possession, I offer you this blade. Take it, if you should have use of it.”

In a sparkle of divine energy, the blade vanished, little motes of blue and yellow scattering and dancing around Iona in a non-existent wind.

Arachne took a deep breath in and out, then asked her question.

“Is the [Illusionist] behind the images laid upon the moons also behind the Moon Cult?”



Ooof, "the" dragon getting aspirations of divinity is possibly a very very bad time. Hopefully the answer is no. But then again if not we have one hell of a plot hook.


Oh shit. I hope that the name of the cult itself wasn't enough to do any, uh, tracking on Arachne there.


I was under the impression that to become a god all you had to do was hit max level with all 3 classes, and that she hadn't due to her own unknown reasons at this point. I don't read very many of the messages on discord so I might have missed this being confirmed elsewere.


Thank you!

Wizard Tim

Moon cult... I forgot what they were about.


I would think at this point said Dragon has no need for a petty cult, they battled Guardians thousands of years ago, what could some mere mortals even offer her besides a bit of entertainment


Interestingly, also the person behind eggnaping Auri.


Unless some measure of worship is needed beyond the max level requirements for godhood.


Oh boy. Let's not mention the dragon very, very old dragon...

Lorevi Q

I think dragons might run by different rules cus they're stupid op or something?


@jacob you're correct but there's been implications/suggestions that there's, for lack of an official term, "tiers" of godhood or levels of influence, and it's not good to be forgotten about


Can anyone give a refresher on anything we know about the Moon Cult? If we don't know anything, or if it's only been vaguely mentioned once or twice, it feels like a lot of build-up to a very underwhelming cliffhanger.


Heh… well talk about dangerous revelations we’re two for two this chapter…


They were mentioned a few times, they are notable by their appearance all over the world as an organization in just a few years, and seems to have an infinite amount of resources. Amber is our main source of info at the moment.


Thanks for the chapter 😁




good chappie


Well that is one hell of a question.

meu 32

I think that the reason she hasn't ascended yet is because she is trying to supplant selune and lunaris. It would make sense, she overlayed an illusion of her eyes on the moons, she has a moon cult, she is at the point that she could ascend but hasn't. Add to that since there are tiers of God's she might be trying to supplant them by just getting stronger than them rather than making them be forgotten wyd know that gods gain strength from worshipers. Honestly as a side note I think this is what might happen if and when Elaine ever attains godhood, because she has WAY more right to being the god of medicine than the current one does.

Tiffany Miller

I want the next chapter now dang it

Wizard Tim

Aren't dragons cursed immortals who can't ascend? As in that's White Doves curse for them.


It’s time for another immortal war! Hold onto your butts


So excited that we are getting chapters again. The break was a killer. Looking forward to the next one!

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


The worst part of reading this story is that it always ends. Why can't there be infinite chapters of every story I like. So sad.


If this ends up with a dragon on the wedding guest list ..

Tyler Machado

Cool. Don't bring Aurie home, send them out. Let them see her working willingly, not obeying like a tamed dog from their POV. Plus they could know that egg was stolen by a dragon which already wouldn't put them in a good mood.

Jeppe Fiig

Oh dear what a way to bring the stygian deceiver back into Play

Tatiana Saturno

What about the that creature that attacked the 6th om the war? It looked like a dragon, not sure though

Hauke Sattler

I may be wrong, but I think it is enough to reach Level 4096 in One class for ascension.

Hauke Sattler

I think it was her egg war Elaine's healers fee. Or did you mean how Lun'Kat acquired Auri's and her siblings eggs?


Good chapter


Hurray! Selkie is resolving a plot hole~


Of course, causing confusion and possibly a fight with 3 high-level phoenixes over the country's capital is a much better solution than simply Auri showing up and explaining the situation.


I'm so looking forward to the meeting between Auri and the pheonixes

The Uub

I've wondered if the story was going to bend back around to what happened in the dragons lair. Will Lun'Kat remember the healing, or recognize the healer based on sight? Interesting times ahead.


Oh dear, I'm getting the impression that Auri might have more forethought and patience than the average Phoenix. That's a truly scary thought.


Depending on the attitude and temperament of the phoenixes, if Auri showed up alone, they might not listen to her and just *actually* kidnap her in the guise of rescuing her. Better to have protectors on hand just in case. Plus, in the best case scenario where they actually listen and are fine letting her stay, they might want to meet her bonded companion. That's a bit optimistic though.


I don't get it... Auri doesn't have basically any forethought or patie- Oh. That's...yeah that's scary.


I was re-reading Elaine's reporting back to the Sentinels upon her return to Remus. She theorised back then that Auri could be related to Ho-O. Just watch her casually drop that little snippet and then these phoenixes promptly lose their minds.


Here is what Selkie replied to me when these phoenixes were first mentioned: "Some of them I've needed to take hard left turns on. (For example - the Rangers were supposed to be a whole interesting Thing, where Elaine was 'politely kidnapped' to Urwa, and the 'grab the uppity wanna-be Sentinel' turned into a 'oh holy shit she's a real Sentinel, we gotta bust her out of this' plotline. I had a whole Thing with Elaine calling in her favor to Night to get them to help and related things. However, Elaine decided to go to Exterreri of her own volition (completely doing a huge 90 degree turn on my story, FFS), and that completely threw a massive rock into the Ranger storyline, among other things. That, and my betas were like "please don't do a massive 'Elaine is kidnapped and a slave' arc", and I listened to them. Changing that one little thing totally changed the Ranger arc. For the Dormin arc, Iona was supposed to be there, and Artemis wasn't. Iona was going to be the only 'non-legendary' person at the dinner table, and since she could spy on Dormin's skills, she'd see that he was a legit threat to Elaine and the rest, able to punch up at them SUPER hard. She'd need to go out and solo him, and the entire confrontation would've been far more interesting. Except she wanted to go teach Nina things, Artemis popped over to say hi, and Artemis is fucking TWITCHY AS HELL. We see an excellent example of why it's good, but at the same time, Dormin could've legit killed Auri. No reanimation, no coming back, but I had no way of showing it. Instead of an epic battle between Iona and Dormin.... we had Artemis doing Artemis things, completely ignoring my outline. All this is because fundamentally I try to stay true to the characters and what they want and what they're doing, which occasionally really fucks with my plotlines, especially when doing 4-5 at once. Sometimes, one dies as a result. Given the phoenixes are a single plotline and the only one I've forshadowed, I'm reasonable confident that I can make something happen with it. The plan's written, it's good, all the characters are well motivated, and the little 'subplots' are small enough and NOT foreshadowed this time that any character-driven shenanigans are unlikely to derail or make them less interesting."


Nope, I mean the whole "why hasn't the dragon ascended yet" plot hole.

Daniel Sifrit

Remember that Auri was born before they jumped forward. So her egg is OLD by modern reconing.


iirc (could be wrong here) ascension is a Elfanoid thing, not just any creature can ascend. I don't think dragons can ascend by the rules of the world. I could see this dragon trying to break that rule though.


@Wizard Tim White Dove only curses humanoids. Why you ask? I'm not sure eather.

meu 32

No I am pretty sure white dove curses all immortals, it would be a weird distinction if she only cursed humanoids. I think Phoenixs are just an exception since they essentially reincarnate every time they die rather than being simply unaging. Based on dragon stariotypes I think dragon's curse is probably greed or something to do with building a hoard.


What does that acronym stand for? I’m kind of dumb


Ho-O? That was the name is the phoenix Guardian that fought Lun'kat alongside the other Guardians all those years ago