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Hey all!

I saw Pirateaba was running an art quest THING and thought "Hey, wouldn't a crossover with a number of pirate's favorite authors be cool?"

Quite a bit of coordinate later, and a large artwork purchase, and we have the crossover!

Titles and authors left to right!

Jin from BOC
Mei Ling from BOC

Ulvama the goblin from TWI
Erin from TWI

Auri from BTDEM
Bi D (Big D) from BOC
Apista from TWI

Salvos from Salvos
Melas from Melas (Anyone noticing a trend with MelasD's character/book names...?)

Elaine from BTDEM
Iona from BTDEM

Had a great time coordinating this, and now artwork for everyone!

On a posting-related note:

All posts for the week have been loaded, and should all post at exactly the same time - 10PM EST. I'm going to try to have this be a pattern moving forward where all posts are prescheduled and come out at exactly the same time and day every week. No telling if I'll be able to keep up with it, so no commitment, but I'd like it to be the case.

Also no idea if RR schedule will work exactly the same!

Cheers all,


PS: Fun Bunny artwork incoming!




Is there the possibility of selling posters/deskmats of this piece?