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I recently got some numbers about how much I could make on Kindle Unlimited, and WOW.

I'm seeing dollar signs.

It also has the advantage of tapping into an entirely new audience, and funneling even more people to BTDEM.

All of this is extremely tempting from where I'm sitting, but BTDEM isn't just about me. It's about all of you, who are also invested in this.

So I'm like to get a general pulse and idea of what you all think about BTDEM possibly going to KU one day?



iirc, amazon wants exclusivity. also, fuck amazon in general. that said, you're the author, do what you want.


There are people who do amazingly well on KU. There are people who don't. It's not as simple as it's portrayed, overall. It does favour prolific authors with longer books in the present incarnation.


I would suggest talking with other authors like Travis of HWFWM. The other thing would be see if you can compare numbers between that revenue and keeping the book live on RRL and just having it for sale on Kindle? Lastly, figure how much your losing by not having it and find another way of recouping it that way. Like Keep BTDEM Bezos Free! Donate Now! (With some goal amount). Lastly, wtf are you doing? Shouldn't you be writing me my next Elaine fix? Seriously. Some authors these days.


KU is unobtainium for me and everyone else in my country. I like your story, but this would essentially lock out many countries from ever reading your story. Though if you also get it on Kindle non-unlimited, that mitigates it a lot. But not entirely, a LOT of the litrpg content I'd like to read is geolocked even when not on Kindle Unobtainium. As a previous commenter said, the best time is when you start finishing up that last book or thereabouts. One last thing: you make in a month almost as much as many first-worlders make in a year. Greed is healthy, but too much can breed resentment.


Since I will still be able to read it here it won't make much of a difference for me. And even if I can't read it anymore I won't stop supporting this Patreon as the reason I did it was to support someone with an amazing imagination who made a story that has given me lots of joy and inspiration.

Rui Lourenço

I understand that a lot of people are not comfortable with doing this but just so I can potentially help someone: You can just set up an Amazon account for a country that does have kindle unlimited. You'll need some sort of address on the account but just use a fake one. This works pretty well and I've had no problems with it.


I like being able to go back to prior chapters to check things out, or just to re-read the whole story and reorient myself on older events. If I can only do that by giving money to Amazon, I will not, and will probably eventually drop the story. Also, if I can't point someone to the full archive, I probably won't bother recommending the story to anyone. If I were a new reader and saw that most of the chapters were missing due to Amazon's exclusivity clause, I'd just move on. Basically, my opinion is that if you're making a comfortable amount from voluntary donations, keep doing that, because it's much, much nicer to new and existing readers who aren't Amazon subscribers. If you need the extra income, then maybe go for Kindle Unlimited, but I'd ask around with some other authors for the long-term effects of the switch on their readership numbers/trends and income.


i voted for you to do whatever you feel like doing. I am boycotting amazon as much as possible. the success story of this company is based on bad practice with their employee as well as massive tax evasion. they are what a mafia looks like when they manage to pretend to stay on the legal side of the law. disgusting. getting money from such a company would get my self esteem to drop in the abyss. But i'm no one to talk since i work in wine production who is just as bad. And yeah my self esteem is all the way down. i wish you better than that.


I too have concerns with Amazon, and I think they over estimate the amount you’ll make by a ridiculous margin. However, that said, it’s a financial decision that affects you and your family far more than it affects me, reading ahead on patreon. I think I saw someone mentioning some other sort of donation thing and I’d like to add in maybe having a pay-what-you-want option for a non-amazon ebook via gumroad or something.


I know a lot of people hate Amazon, but I worked for Amazon for 6 years in a warehouse starting out putting stuff up on shelves and worked myself up to a support role with a lot of downtime (after hating an assistant manager role in an extremely small building that was extremely stressful and taking a lateral transfer to support), and used said downtime to start an independent retailer business (selling things on Amazon). I quit w2 work with Amazon last year, and I've definitely gained a lot from Amazon. I know my story is not the same as the average warehouse worker, but I honestly think amazon is about average in terms of warehouse employers (though this is a longer conversation), and I've looked into alternatives over the years before my situation stabilized 3 years ago when I started my business about 6 months after getting the transfer to the support role where my job was still important but sporadic. My honest opinion is that not all roles in a warehouse are created equal, and this applies to more than just Amazon, some are just tough as shit physically or mentally while some are cake, and in between. As far as compensation, Amazon has always seemed average-slightly above average to me. I think a lot of the hate towards Amazon as far as work environments points to extreme cases and often mischaracterizations.


while you might tap into new source of viewers, you're locking out many other ones that you had before, nevertheless, if you see an opportunity go for it, why not go for more money when you're making like 130k a year, no one knows when that flow of cash will stop


I've got kindle unlimited, so personally I'm fine getting my books there. Regarding the exclusivity clause of kindle unlimited - the alternative would probably be offering the books to buy on other platforms? While they stayed free on royal road? I only discovered royal roads, because I was searching for the latest updates on a book I read elsewhere. So more platforms to get more readers is always a good idea. ;)


For readers stay on royal road and sell your books on amazon.... like now...


For yourself... go make as much money as possible... while you can...someday you maybe go out of ideas or have a writer blockade and cant write anymore... from my point of view stay true to your roots and dont give up the fans you made... i know for myself i wont follow to kindl unlimited... so wont read your books on royal road... buy your books on amazon and sometimes make a abo for a month... but in the end all of this doesnt matter... good luck... it was a good time...cya