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Hey all!

I wasn't quite sure if this week was going to be admin week, or next week. The week ending on a Friday makes it awkward, and I could go either way. I polled the mango minions on Discord, and in a 50-13 vote, they said admin week was this week. Okay, cool, admin week is this week!

Onto the schedule: Timing and dates nothing is changing, but my admin week in July is probably going to be early, and my admin week in June might randomly pop up unexpectedly.

I moved last year to what I thought was going to be my forever home, and I mostly love it dearly. (There's one damn door that drives me insane, but that's a different story.) However, Flora developed an unusual and complex allergy that we suspect might require frequent specialized care (it could all just... go away one day), and we're moving to a major city with the specialists needed in July, after buying a house in June. It's a relatively 'short' move, so it's not going to be super disruptive, and there's a number of nice benefits to it. The posting schedule in July shouldn't be impacted too hard, but I'm probably taking an admin week either the week we're moving (the first week), or the week after (I'll have everything set early, so I could set and forget, then use the admin week to catch up on the awkwardness)

I want to iterate: Everything's fine with everyone, there's no need to worry at all. We're just making sure she's able to see the specialists easily when needed. I'd prefer a lack of speculating or commenting on the exact allergies or giving advice - it's a rare and complicated type, and I'm fairly reluctant to give out any details of my family's health besides mine. I just know if I said 'moving for medical reasons' everyone would speculate that it's something far far worse than it actually is. It's almost harmless, but if mismanaged it would dramatically impact her quality of life.

That's it! Really enjoying writing the current chapters, although I think I might've gone a little too deep into the arc you'll be getting in June. It's been SO MUCH FUN to write though. One of my betas suggested I have admin week be the week after this one, just to throw you all off a cliff. I declined.

Cheers! Thank you all for being with me on this journey, and for your unwavering support. It means so much to me.



Patrick Blatti

I wish you and Flora the best luck and that you get everything under control.


Happy you could find a place closer to where you need to go, and thank you for the update! Wishing the best for all of you.