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Book 13's cover is here! I'm really happy with it (although the artist can NOT do eyes and it's frustrating, but after a half-dozen revisions on them I've accepted this is the best I'm going to get) But I'm excited to share it! It's some of my beta's favorite covers.

BTW: Yes, they're mangos, not lemons. A honey mango was used as a reference image, and they come in many many different colors. One of the reasons they're the best!



Jeffrey Marcus

However, still a very zen slice of life image


I personally am adoring the slight more slice of life feel these chapters have so far. I've never seen a story that actually shows what life is like after you made it to powerful immortal. Thats always the end and/or irrelevant cause the world is ending and becoming immortal is a foot note compared to stopping that. In this story we get to see a little of what life is like from that perspective. How many times have you had your main characters acknowledge that the got old, or that kid they helped is suddenly grown up. I am adoring it.


Yes! I'm planning on this book being short (my betas are laughing at me...) and mostly slice of life 'this is Immortality' One of my betas said a phrase that really stuck with me - a 'victory lap' in a sense