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Hi all,

Writing to give you all an update on the situation with my hands. Last week, I had the EMG tests done. Not exactly a pleasant experience, getting repeatedly electro-shocked and stabbed with needles. Once they did the right arm, they repeated the same process on the left, uuugh. All the while, there was a 2nd person in the room grilling me about my profession. When the "What type of art do you do?" question comes up, I usually default to something mild and nondescript like "character art and comics", but sometimes they get curious and want more specifics, and maybe this is just me, but I'd just rather not talk about hot anime waifus with the health professionals. Heh. ^_^;

In any case, I made it through that. I have a follow-up visit scheduled with the orthopedic hand surgeon next Thursday to discuss test results and next steps. Very much looking forward to a solution. It's been far too long since I've been at my drawing table, and I desperately miss making art.

On a positive, in the last week, I've noticed minor improvements with my hands, in that the pain is not as constant as it was previously. Small fidgety actions are still giving me a lot of trouble though, like flipping through papers, gesturing with fingers, folding clothes, washing dishes, etc, all of which cause my ring and pinky fingers to go numb -- strong evidence of ulnar nerve entrapment. I'll have to see what the doctor says, but it seems to me that perhaps the carpal tunnel symptoms have subsided, while the cubital tunnel syndrome persists. I don't know, but that's what the EMG test was for, so we'll find out soon.

So what else have I been up to? I'd been pouring my creative energy into writing projects, but the process slowed down considerably once I reached the editing stage, which is just unavoidably more hand intensive. I'm still working on it bit by bit, but very slowly so as not to aggravate my condition.

On the less creative side of things, I'm finally getting around to watching Game of Thrones. I'm a big fan of the books, which I'd read a long time ago, but never found the time to watch the TV show until now. I'm up to the end of season 5. I've heard things start to fall apart around season 7/8... Guess I'll find out! I'm sure none of you would be surprised to hear that Daenerys is my favorite. I did a quick fanart sketch of her way back in 2016... It would be fun to revisit her in my current style (when I'm able to draw again).

I've also restarted a regular exercise routine. I figure even if my hands are off-limits, there's no reason why I can't be moving my legs. ;) So it's back to a daily goal of 10K steps. So far, so good.

All in all, just trying to keep a positive attitude. As always, thanks for your continued support.





Depending on people it starts to fall off with season 5. Personally I didn't like everything in that season but it is still better than the 2 last. Season 6 is ok though. Too bad they deviate too much from the books because the last one was phenomenal

DJ Damien

Great to hear from you. Take care of yourself!


Doctor: So what kind of art do you make? Mina: 🤭😳🫣

Robin Baird MacLachlan

Ought to confidently say "porn" (also an oversimplification) and let _them_ be awkward. XD