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First!! I wanted to do an animation and damn I had the hardest time and honestly if it hadn't been for Lucky Lui this would suck but now I'm very excited to polish it. Lol be kind cause it's my first animation and I feel like a small kid crossing the street.



I decided to experiment with animations instead of comics for January/February... I also think it's time to accept that I can't stick to a plan.

I have so many ideas rn, a DBD comic, an Enjisho one, finish the Ares/Percy too, and even short panels with a lot of characters.... and I want to draw them all but I'm always worrying that I can't because I gotta stick to the month project.

I don't think I have a valid excuse but I can never concentrate on one project when some other idea gets in my mind, I hyperfocus on the new one. It happened back then with Kinktober and it's happening now with this animation. 

So, if it's ok I beg you to understand when I pop these random projects instead of finishing one I had pending.... I'm not saying I'll leave every project unfinished, just saying that if you're waiting for a certain one the only way to know for sure that I'm working on it is if I post sketches (which I'll try to do more from now on)


So... if I promise I'll draw x thing or something, don't trust it unless you see an sketch!

What I don't plan to change is pick a character from the suggestion pool so don't forget to drop yours there :^

Ok that's it! Thank you!




The tiddy jiggle 👀👀👀


Do what you gotta do! Sometimes it's better not to suppress your inner urges lol. I for one am excited to see where the spontaneity takes you!


Looks great 😃! It's the animation going to be available on the store too?

KARi draws

Can’t wait to see it colored