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Massacre at blood lake and chill?




I literally "Awwwwwwe"d out loud. This is just so cute and precious! Lexi's pout face is adorable, and of course that's what she's really worried about; being bullied again, and all the trials that come with highschool. I kinda just want to give her a hug! Sleepover is just so adorable, what a great solution- and that huge spread of Lexi lying atop her blubbery belly is incredible! Those side rolls, her huge boobs, that double chin... the shading here looks particularly grand, and I can't wait to see it colored. Moar snacks! Lexi's only had a million calories today, what's a few thousand more?


I love where this is going and I am enjoying how this story is progressing! The growth in their friendship has been such an underrated part of the story!