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Here it is, the final result of the last several weeks of my life. It's not quite as nice as I would have liked, but as I said when I posted the WIP version, I haven't really 'studied' animation at all and just sort of did it a few times. I've got a ton to learn in that area and complex situations like this are going to take some time to get the hang of.

So it's got lots of flaws and weirdness, but despite that I hope some of y'all like it. :3

This took quite a long time to upload, lemme know if it works alright!


Eddie SanHusky

I'm sure plenty wrong could be found with it, but from my point of view, it's absolutely awesome!


That's really well done! Some feedback, allthough I'm sure you've probably noticed these things as well. (I'll focus on non-animation topics, since I really don't know a lot about animation, lol) So, the most obvious thing I noticed: The cum physics. I'm not a huge fan of it, because it looked very liquidy. Like, it was slow, but it was still just running off the fox's body without really leaving any trace. Cum is pretty sticky by itself, but especially if your entire body is coated in fur it doesn't feel right seeing it just flow off if without any real hesitation. That, and it was probably quite excessive amounts, but that's artistic choice. Second off, I think the cocks don't look very interesting. They feel plasticy, it doesn't look like there is actual subsurface scattering on them (maybe there is, watching this on a phone and can't tell, if there is it feels like not enough). Then of course the fact that they are completely dry. After fucking the fox, the other character's penis should look a little wet I'd say, and especially after cumming both should show signs of that on their meats. The problem is that (warning: dangerous half knowledge ahead) afaik in animations the parts that draw the most attention to them are those that are the main attractions in the scene and the parts where two characters interact with one another. The cocks would be like that, and therefore should get more attention than other parts that aren't drawing too much attention to them. I would probably try to make them more interesting, first better materials/shaders, but then effects like moisture, maybe sculpt some veins onto them, maybe animate some shape keys to add thinks like throbbing or growing knots for canines, stuff like that. Similar suggestion - which is really minor compared to the rest though - it would be cool if at the scene where he's licking the foot, his tongue would actually leave wet strokes of saliva on them, to add even more to the realism. That's starting to get into OCD levels of details now though ;)

Chastity Coyote

So this is about 1:40 seconds - curious on how long it took to render under two minutes of animation. Pretty well done here, the only things i could see are the orgasm twitches are a bit too twitchy, if that makes sense but I think your on the right track with them. Cannot recall seeing those represented anywhere else.

Chastity Coyote

Also, that little bounce when he leans over plants his paws on ther bed was a nice touch.


Fluids are a massive pain to work with. I haven't really gotten the hang of them in general, and they take so long to bake out that iterating to get them just perfect is impractical. Also, some of that is a limitation of the fluid simulator I'm using. Ideally, I'd be able to make some of the fluid disappear over time as it contacts a surface (getting soaked up, essentially), but I can't see any way to do what with what I'm using so it all just piles up. I was also committed to a looping animation so I needed it to go away somehow by the time the animation looped- the only way I could figure was to make it loose enough to slide away. If I made it too viscous it would stick around, and while that would be more accurate, it would also make looping impossible. I'm definitely going to work to try and figure out these issues for future stuff, maybe using different fluid simulators or what have you, but for now I don't know if it's even possible to do what I really want. D: Everything else... yup! I agree. I've been struggling with SSS in eevee for a while now and can't seem to get it to look right. Skin in general I need to improve, it's been giving me a lot of trouble, and everything else you said is definitely true! Things to consider for the future.


It took long enough that half way through I bought a new graphics card because it was going to take for fucking ever. Doesn't help that I made this one at 30 fps instead of 24 because some people asked for it and I wanted to try it out. :P


Whoa, I love it! Very impressive. The feeling of intimacy really comes across in the animation.

Bloudin Ruo

Some amazing progress in this one! I like it that you're getting some more long comments from people that know more about the technical side of animation than I do, too :) A lot of the things they've mentioned are what I wanted to point out--Some more additional texturing on the penises, though I think the shape and size are great, little things here and there that would add more detail. Otherwise, it all looked great! Movement and actual animation was spot on, and now I've been messing with Blender 2.8 to try and get my feet wet in it, and I'm wondering how you get such responsive/snappy movements that look real instead of the standard bezier curve motion? Facial expressions, just wonderful. I can't imagine the complexity of your rigs to have all of that adjustability available, and the fact that you've done it yourself. I have a new appreciation for how ridiculously fast you've been able to learn all of this, it's absolutely staggering. Lighting is definitely better this time around! I've said in the past that things felt too dark and that there were places where we couldn't see the action because the light sources didn't get into those cracks and crevices, but then upping the intensity would then make the areas already lit enough overpowering. I think you found a good balance here, however you did it! I also noticed you did a bit of 'wet fur' where the cum was, even if the effective was minor; it's a great start and already a lot more than what other animators have done. I read through your response above where you wanted the animation to loop (which looks great, by the way) and couldn't find a way to make more viscous fluids disappear, so I think having them just be loose and roll off was a find solution for now. Fluids are always the hardest thing so I don't think anyone would ever blame you for not having total mastery of it yet :)


Yeah, definitely going to have to work on skin in general. Been a bit of a tricky spot. I'll focus on that soon. Keeping in mind that I'm still a notice animator myself, improving movement seems to come down largely to the graph editor. Might not be a bad idea to look up a tutorial on how to use it because it's how you do just about everything that isn't a simple bezier curve. Using it, you can set specific keyframes to different modes, so you can have the curve increase until it suddenly stops to make it look like the movement hit something solid, for example. You can do a bit of this in the timeline, but the real control is in the graph editor. My face rig is actually pretty simple. :P The characters I make would be entirely useless for lip-syncing, for example. They just have a few basic expressions- done via shape keys- on the mouth and eyebrows, and that's about it. The mouth can do smile, frown, O-shape, and angry expressions, and the eyebrows can do sad and angry expressions. That's about it. Combine those with opening/closing the jaw, and raising/lowering eyelids and eyebrows and you can do everything you see in my animations. Pretty simple stuff. I'm glad ya like 'em though! Eevee lighting is as tricky as ever, but I do feel I'm getting a better handle on it. Long way to go though. Fortuanately it looks like they're making some big improvements in that area for 2.81 which should make it a bit easier. I wanted to 'wet fur' effect to be much stronger, but I just couldn't get it to happen for some reason. My 'clump where it gets wet' thing just seemed to not work half the time, and I couldn't make it get as dark as I wanted, all around it really fought me and I'm not quite sure why. This is an area I hopefully can improve a lot in the future, though honestly a lot of the issues are just things blender needs to improve itself, rather than anything I did wrong, I think. The methods for making fur look wet are very clunky and imprecise and I hate it, hah. Ah well, all things in time. For now, thanks for another long and lovely comment. :D


Can you send me the vids? They arent working for me


Are you trying to watch on an iPhone, perchance? For some odd reason, iphones don't have webm support, so I'm not sure they'll work even if I send them to you directly, unfortunately.