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You awaken to find a fairy has appeared in your room. Is it the Tooth Fairy? No, she introduces herself as the virginity fairy. It sure took a while for her to finally stop by your house. Time for her to take what she came for. 



This audio was soo good i accidentally closed out the patreon app lol 😆 That's just how good this virginity fairy aka your audio art skills are Sing ✨️ I really love the fairy sounds. It kinda reminds me of that Bewitched show from back in the day. The extra wet noises took this to a whole new level. Honestly I don't even think any other erotic audio makers can compare to you either. I certainly wish this fairy could visit me. Put in a good word to her for me Sing haha. Seriously it's audios like this that makes me glad I'm here. Job well done Empress 👑🎖


Aw thank you so much, Georgio!! Whoohoo, I'm glad it was that good!! I loved Bewitched! Maybe that was a subconscious influence haha. I'm happy you enjoyed the SFX!! Aww thank you! Make sure to click your heels 3 times and say her name! I hope you get a visit from her! She's pretty busy, but hopefully she can see you sooner rather than later. Awwww! You are so sweet, thanks!