I hope this helps with spellchecking efforts (Patreon)
No picture this week, but i think this is fine.. i hope, at least.
Anyway , Dubsington recommended that i should open a Github page ith the story file in it and i did just that. The one and only file in this repository is the condensed story file with all story text in it. If you want to make changes, you can.
While doing so please do not destroy the formatting , this is very important for me to merge it back again into the main story file.
For the game well... i didn't do animations for quite some time and i generated some this weekend for the loosing event of the generic monopoly game.I created about 1800 animation frames which i need to implement next weekend into a event.
Other than that i just did some debugging (the milk sucker from the new chair event should be fixed)
And.. well.. just creating missing content and then moving on to the next project. (which can also take a while)