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This weekend i wanted to include some generic events for the free roaming mode for Vivian and Aemi.

I was mostly occupied by solving bugs from my system but i was able to implement some events like the one above in the gif file (works for both of them but the chastity bra is not allowed to be equiped)

I also made the assembly line XXX machine avaliable for both and the player can adjust some settings with the machine : 

- Is android allowed to release her tension

- Shall the toy usage be enforced

I have some ideas what i could do with this system

For example : Aemi guides Vivian to a machine or they both equip restraines to each other and only the player is allowed to release the restraines.

..Or a event where the player gives Vivian the remote control to Aemis Toys..(Only usable if the player actually attaches the toys to Aemi)

Anyway there is still many things to do... many many things... :(

and.. btw Could it be that i Spam to much with such posts ?

(I have no idea how this works when i post something .. i don't want to spam your mail or something =O)




good to see work is progressing, think the next update will be read for Christmas? I have no problems with your posts


its good to hear from you and see the progress your making :D


Please keep in mind that this is just a step by step progress because i can actually only work on weekend on this. These are all just small steps into the goal for the next updates.


I don't know... what do the others say .. do i spam too much ? (I could limit such *progress and planning* Post to once a week if you want to)

Oren Barzilai

It's definately not spam. Seeing your progress makes me even more exited for the game. Speaking of which, what accesories are you thinking of including fot the androides?


Mh.. besides the current built in accessories i already have create - a gag with detachable insert - a metal armbinder (see last post with the gif file) - a collar with a hearth shaped light so the player can see the current arosual rate (color will change) But currently all the new acessories do not influence the generic events and AI behaviours because i have to include them into the evnets . (means that with an armbinder Aemi/Vivian can not undress themself , or speak with the gag insdide their mouth etc..)


keep up the good work Kerni :) Myself I stopped posting too much to not stress you ^^


this is so great! :D no i do not think you post to much i like seeing the progress :) You are doing amazing work m8!


The posts are OK!