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As i already wrote i was able to add a function to synchronize two independent AI behaviour scripts witch each other. 

But now i need to create more stuff they can actually do with this so this weekend i want to create more events with them (means : more animations)

I just need some ideas what they could do witch each other. Maybe some not naughty events where they talkling or.. i don't know.

I am also able to add more varibales who behaves like the arousal rate that makes Aemi and Vivian doing things only if certain tresholds are reached.

(But i have no idea to be honest... maybe recharging.. don't know)

..and yes.. the transition looks ugly as hell..i have no idea how i can avoid this.




I am sure you will find a way to soften up the transition (looks like Aemi is picking up the object). Here is an idea, when a character is in the ships shower the player should be asked (if arousal rating is up enough) if they wish to watch, in which the player sits on the toilet and observes the shower show (with pleasure or not), this could also play into the follow function allowing for both girls to play in the shower and have the player watch so long as 1 of them is in the shower. An idea for the interaction part could be them talking about another android body somewhere on the station, this could play out in 2 different ways 1 another girl character or 2 the player character wishes to spend the rest of time with them both. Yet another idea is have a dare game with blackjack. Damn that was long :P


Oh my... this sounds complicated. What i could do is to create a special event where both of them go into the shower and have some fun if their arousal rate is high enough(you can always watch since they do not lock the door: ) A blackjack dare game... mh... not a bad idea but i better concentrate on the hydroponic deck update before i overload myself with too much work.


Do you want more ideas for what they can do?


they could have a shower together...


or a sexy massage


Have to ask, how's things looking?


Today i mostly fighted against bugs i encountered when both of them are in a sychronized event and you hit the save -> load button. (nasty thing...) I was able to build in the event where both of them go into the shower but this is just a generic event. (had to expand my AI life framework for this since i had to sychonize the postions since they first speak witch each other and THEN they go both into the shower) I was also able to make the Assembly line sex machine a generic event and you can make two settings for this machine (inhibit orgasm to android and if the dildo set is allowed to be used by the androids) I think i will make a post about this tormorrow what i was able to do in my small weekend time.


i have been looking for this game! i did not know of it but when i played it i knew this was the game!! TAKE MY MONEY! :D