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Here's the profile view, showing how the Trankarans are below the Terran Federation, with the Maliri above. Again, the Terran Federation is hemmed in on all sides (or at least they've expanded in every direction as far as they can).




Anyone good with SketchUp that could build this in a 3D model? It could then be hosted on SketchFab and give a nice web based 3D view. I use sketchup for building wood working project models and plans but I am still pretty slow with it. Plus work has me traveling nearly full time so I am not sure when I could take a swag at it. Check out this example I found on SketchFab. It would be pretty sweet to have a map like this and mark all of the important planets, battles, etc. <a href="https://sketchfab.com/models/96679b8a298f4630a41f2b1a86dd64d2" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://sketchfab.com/models/96679b8a298f4630a41f2b1a86dd64d2</a> And the link to the full screen version. <a href="https://sketchfab.com/models/96679b8a298f4630a41f2b1a86dd64d2/embed?" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://sketchfab.com/models/96679b8a298f4630a41f2b1a86dd64d2/embed?</a>


where is killix space?


where are the Kirrixx and the Kintark on this map? seeing as TF just acquired a large swathe of Kintark space, shouldnt it be a neighbour?


and the kirrix invaded across a shared border, so they should be on this map too


I actually had a much different view of the borders in my head. With the Brimorians having a somewhat smaller corridor at the Terrans. What also bothers me is that the Trankarans, Brimorians, Maliri, and Kintark. Maliri shar a small border with TF, but ... somehow traversing Brimorian space, which connects with Kintark, to get to Trankaran space.... My brain is frying itself thinking about it...


Thanks Tefler. I have always loved stories with an expended universe and your story certainly deserves more of these types of extra info.


For perspective do the trankaran republic and Kirin share borders? That's how I seems to me. Just trying to make a 3D model in my brain.


That's right. The Brimorians, Maliri, Trankarans and Terrans all share a border with Kirrix Space.


Looking at this map, it appears that if John were to arrange a travel corridor between the Ashanath Collective and the Maliri Regency that the Terran Federation could expand into the Unclaimed Wastes. Am I reading that correctly?


That is probably correct.  But it could also be said it is independent state's that want nothing to do with the major powers.  I can't imagine there being "free space" as much a bit claimed by a major power.  There are also probably quite a few single system cultures.  Reasons can be invented to expand... It might play better at home if they expanded into kirrix space.  The capture of humans earlier in the year is reason enough.  They could say they are addressing the threat.


I'm just wondering whee does the Kintark Empire and Dragon March fit into the map?

Jedi Khan

Comparing this map to the overhead view of the other one, it seems to me that with respect to this map, the Kintark and the Dragon March are behind Terran space.


It is kind of hard to visualize in 2D without reference points. In space there is no north or south. If you look at a map with a radius of just 100 light years it gets awful confusing in both 2D and 3D. Then with the advancements in stellar cartography in the last 30 years it puts the older stuff to shame. A constellation can give you a reference point in what direction but in the old days distances were confusing. The Dragon March is roughly in the constellation of Leo with the two systems referenced (Regulus and Iota Leonis) being roughly 80 light years away from Sol. Most stars in the constellation are farther away (a couple way out there, like 5000 ly+), a few are closer. Wolf 359 is considered part of Leo and is the 5th closest star to Sol, less then 8 ly away. Tef has to step up his game, in the first battle in the Dragon March (when they rescued Rachel) he referenced Iota Leonis being a O class star when it is actually an F class.


By looking at these maps it looks quite possible that the Kintark and the Maliri share a border. I am wondering what the politically landscape of their relationship is? Do they have border skirmishes, is there a peace treaty or do the Kintark avoid them like the Terrans do? It would be interesting to hear that conversation with Edraele.


Hey Tef awesome work on the maps. The only thing I was wonder was in what direction is the galactic centre and how much of the Milky Way does this take up? And I totally understand and accept to suspend realism and that you have total literacy freedom to create your own universe but it would. Be nice to visualise based on what I know :)


<a href="http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/47/11/e0/4711e0053fd467ced496e0286e6ef6a8.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/47/11/e0/4711e0053fd467ced496e0286e6ef6a8.jpg</a> Note with 400 billion stars / systems in the milky way, 1,000 or 10,000 or so represented by his maps are still just a dot.


Thanks Tef greatly appreciated. I was mostly curious about sizes of territories so it gives good view for most of them, although I still wonder how big Maliri Regency rly is. After you expand the story and universe it would be nice to have some map updates. Oh almost forgot is Tashana in Unclaimed Wastes ? Ok nvm I found a fragment with Edraele saying : ,,Tashana spent nearly a decade around the Unclaimed Wastes, which are a lawless region on the far border of Maliri Space. A few years ago, she moved to a location known as ‘The Underworld’, which is an ancient refinery taken over by mercenaries, pirates and other outlaws. It’s just outside the borders of Terran and Maliri Space, and not under anyone’s jurisdiction. I’ve contemplated having it eliminated, but it’s on the far edge of House Ghilwen territory, and thus not easily accessible for my forces.”. My question is where is that exactly, can we find this location on this maps ?


It was referenced that Maliri space is basiclly in the direction of the constellation Aquarius. With the Geniya Trading post in the Theta Aquarii system (191 ly from Sol) and Valaden being in the Epsilon Aquarii system (229 ly from Sol). There is a Android and Apple app called 3Dgalaxy that is pretty awesome. There is a newer version called Star Map which breaks the Orion arm into gridded sectors. You could plot it out fairly easy, at least for me, I did my far share of plotting charts in the military. At one time there was a guy that wrote books about scifi writing. He had one book that was like "The Astrogaters Guide" and was actually well written (understandable by most people) and accurate, He basiclly wrote it so scifi writers could keep things straight but it ended up being used in astronomy classes. But it was only a 150 LY cube with Sol in the center.


Sweet I'll check those out :)


The game Elite: Dangerous is supposed to have most of the milky way mapped and you can jump from system to system. It lets you see how the are in relation to each other. But there is no reason to expect the stars to be the same as our universe.


BTW - Tefler, I meant to ask - where did you get that banner image at the top of these Patreon pages for you? ...or is it something you put together yourself?


When are we going to have a Brimorian story.? Very early in approx Ch 12, there was mention that the Brimorians had the best shields. From the look of it, probably Ch 74-75. Given that the Invictus has been upgraded for Maliri, Trankan and Asganath tech there in only one thing missing. Question is how 10x reformed Chrystal Alyssium compares with it. Or maybe I should distinguish between Armour and Shields.


Brimorians I have a feeling are gonna be some major force in future war with T-Fed. John and crew could potentially find themselve in their territory alone with war on the horizon. Next question is their appearance if they are bipedal ( in that case it suggest species made by Progenitors ) or some other naturally evolving species.


A 3D image of these empires would help a lot in my opinion. Maybe someone good with blender can make one ?


Tefler, what about the other races mentioned in the story: Bolon, Bract, Slarmian, Enshunu, Largath, Yelneg, etc.? Are they just a planet or two within another race's territory or do they have their own territories?


Ummm, John's galaxy is disk shaped, right?!? Because I don't see how it can have this much vertical room...


The Milky Way has over 100 billion stars. The events in the story occur in a tiny fragment of the galaxy. :-)


I am a big fan of maps in Fantasy/ SciFi Books. Maybe you can find someone professional who can draw a map. I guess you would want that for the final book anyways. I like it in 2D.


Shhh, ex-nay on the final book-ay, we don't want that too happen any time soon! We need to get our purple alarm clock back, and Faye has to help kick Gahl’kalgor’s sorry ass and then present his thrall empire back to Rahn ( his former empire from 10 millennia ago ), so no more final book talk, okay? ;-) TTFN


Where is the Kirrix?


Where is the Kirrix? Ahh, just had to scroll down.