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As we've just hit the 400 Patron milestone, I just wanted to say a big thank you to all my Patrons for your generous support! 

I've been writing for just over a year now, and it's strange to think back to the very beginning. I wrote the first chapter on a whim, but after receiving encouragement and advice, I decided to keep going with it. Now, over a million words later, it's quite surreal to go back and read my first tentative steps as a writer, and how the story has expanded into this vast scifi epic.

As much as I love writing, it would be an empty experience without the feedback from the people who read the story. For me, reading the comments when I release a new chapter is as entertaining as actually writing the story itself, and it's tremendously rewarding when I hear that people have enjoyed what I've come up with.

Going by the stats from the two sites I post this story to, I estimate there must be at least 20,000 people faithfully following each chapter. I never imagined for one moment that this story would ever grow so popular, but I hope to continue writing fun and exciting stories for you to enjoy.

Best wishes




Thank you for an amazing story, and you are welcome. I wonder. ... Have you bought your new high end writing device yet (computer)?


Hey Tefler, awesome that you have made it this far, congratulations. I have been a loyal follower of your writing from the moment I found you on Lit. Now that you have this site I could not help my self and help you out. I hope you will continue down this path and make a living from it. Your fan, Reizo


Not yet! I did some research into it before Christmas, to get up to speed with the latest technology. I plan to put together a list of everything I need over the next couple of weeks, then I'll place the order. Once it's arrived, I'll take a pic and post it up on the site. :-)


THANK YOU! *phew!* Thank you.




I agree thank you for sharing this story with us. Although we accuse you of being a sadist with the cliffhangers, I don't think we would have it any other way.


With the story getting better and better I have no doubt that 400 is just a beginning. Congrats.




Gratz Tef! Not surprised , but I must confess to inflating the readership stats a bit. You see, I always read your chapters on both sites, to get the chapter early, and to give you the 5 stars you deserve. Thanks for many hours of adventure my friend, I expect your readership will continue to expand.


Yes, it's extremely hard to tell exactly how many people are reading it. Each chapter has about 15-20k views per site, which will be inflated with people rereading the story. With it only just going up on stories online about 2 months ago, I figured that reduced the effect on viewing figures from repeat viewings, or people repeatedly rereading the last chapter while they wait for the next one.


I resemble that remark! Though I'd wager that your Patreon numbers are closest to the truth, if most reader do as I. I download from Patreon to my computer when you post and if I reread that file it does not change that stat. The Lit site will be most inflated by those of us who check the chapters comments daily when looking over the new posted stories. I'm sticking to my guns and firmly believe your readership will keep growing. Looking forward to the reveal of your new computer - after 8 years, it's time!


20,000, why not livestream you writing the story? ?


I won't congratulate you for 400...but only because I feel it's a pittance to what your readership will be a bit later on.


Congrats on the 400 it's only going to keep growing


Onward to another 400 and BEYOND! :) Great Job Tefler!


Did you just create this Patreon back in October? Cause I'm pretty sure you're gonna get to that full-time goal of yours pretty quickly. ~Morningfrost


Keep it up mate :)


Well Done Tefler, stumbled across TSM by complete accident and to quote a kid's movie in relation to it: "Enough just isn't enough!" I've also been spreading the word about the series and it keeps gaining traction. Pretty soon it seems that it'll be the 'water cooler' discussion topic of choice.

Jedi Khan

400 is not enough! Need more! *insert obligatory Scotty quote here, followed by any other quotes to emphasize that more patrons are needed* You get the picture. Congrats on the milestone Tef!


Not gonna lie, I didn't start reading until maybe.. four chapters in? But the first chapter hooked me in quicker than I could blink. Proud of you man, you and FinalStand are my favorite writers. Your story has become something of legend imo, and is quite frankly better than most published books I've read. And I mean leaps and bounds ahead of those. Congratulations on your accomplishments.


I stopped visiting Literotica several years ago, so I didn't find out about TSM until it was posted on StoriesOnline. I was hooked immediately. ~Morningfrost


Always looking forward to when you post, usually the highlight of the day


Congratulations on the milestone! Like many here, i only found TSM recently - on SOL in fact. But once I started reading, it gripped me to hard that I stalked your Lit page, and found this page where i gladly parted ways with my hard earned cash for yoru hard earned work to write great stories for us.


411 Patrons for $575 already, Tefler. It's just a matter of time until you're full time ;) ~Morningfrost