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Hey everyone,

Just thought I'd mark on the map where the Delta Aries system is (the blue cross) and the proposed route of the Maliri fleet through Brimorian space to reach the Trankaran Republic.





Where is the Dragon March area? Above/ below?


It may be a bit confusing if you ran to look it up as the proper spelling is Delta Arietis. In astronomy it gets sometimes confusing. Yes it is in the constellation Aries. but the stars carry the name Arietis. As far as referencing it to the Dragon March,, in real life think of looking downfield from one end zone to the other on a US football field. Your basically Sol and from underneath the goalpost Regulus, which is one end of the Dragon March, would be at about the 10 yard line on the left sideline and in reality about 75 light years away. Delta Arietis would be at about the 40 yard line and about 20 yards out bounds on the right side. It is roughly 170 light years from Sol. Tefler's strong point is not astronomy. He does seem to be working on it though. At least it is not looking like he is just pulling star names out of a hat anymore.


Why not go through the Ashanth space so that they are protecting them also in transit.


Because the Kirrix are the bigger threat right now and they're closer to the Brimorian "side" of the map??? Add in that they want to trade for Brimorian shield tech if they can and it made sense to meet up in that area. I think this is going to bite them though, I think the Kintark are going to retaliate for the dragon march loss and the Invictus is going to have to haul ass to get back to put out the fire so to speak.


yeah i was looking them up in the beginning and got so confused, thank you for saying what i forgot and better.


What do you want to bet the Brimorians are dealing with an "enhanced" leader steering them to working with the kintark and such. When they try to stop Jon's fleet from passing through Jon gets involved relieves this enhanced leader of their life. Takes over the defense of the bimorians and gets his shield tech all in one?


i think tefler will surprize


Where is the Kintark Empire? According to the other map you posted on this day, it should be where the Maliri Regency is on this map. I'm confused.


Using the same US football analogy, this would be like setting the football down on the ground for a field goal, then looking down at it from above. The Kintark empire would be the football pitch.


Got it. Thanks.