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*** Updated 2nd August - FINAL version - I've gone through and made a few minor changes to some scenes and fixed a number of spelling and grammar mistakes. ***

Hi everyone!

Here's chapter 86, I hope you enjoy it!

The first 20k has been through a few editing passes, but part 2 is fresh off the keyboard, so you can expect some typos! As before, I'll update the post with a note saying *** FINAL *** when I've completed all the editing.



Jim lynch

Oh fantastic, I was thinking of waiting till you post 3 or 4 chapters then having one great day to sit and read read read but now it's here I can't I just can't wait, I'm just too dam hooked on this drug you keep feeding me and I just need my fix as soon as it's posted I need some professional help so my wife says anyway.

Jim lynch

Nooo lol




Thank you!


Woo story fix

Jim lynch

Haha I wrote that post two days ago and copied it to post asap lol


Lol phone vibes, hit the button, type, post, still not 1st.... lol


Story time people


Now to start reading






I got a challenge for you! Remove the app from your phone, unsubscribe from the emails, whatever you have to for the month of August. Then come back September 1 and you will have three chapters to read!


just as I have to go to work


Woo thx for the slightly early bday present Tef.


Oh Tefler! Here I am, a 60 year old male, and I cried like a baby during that scene on New Eden. You should be ashamed of yourself! ;)


Thanks Tef, gunna read it later tonight. Keep up the great work!


"not entirely sure to handle" should probably be "not entirely sure how to handle"


I was softening you up with the Yamamoto scene. The second one was the knock-out punch. ;-)

Master Laurent

Bravo, The Great Tefler Delivers again! Love the way your are developing Faye and how you took care of Sakura!


And, jumping on Evan's grammar not-see bus... I've seen this in a few places throughout the story (I just finished re-reading the entire way through the story last night), there's places where you switch from present-tense to past-tense, sometimes within a sentence. in 86: "With a slight limp she stalked into the room beyond, catching sight..." should be "and caught sight" to agree with the rest of the paragraph. I know how much of a pain it is to catch all of these, because I'm writing my book in past-tense, and I keep putting stuff in present-tense every once in a while. Best of luck catching these as you go. I'm still looking for a good way to find them on my own, without having to read through every paragraph two or three times. :)


Very nice chapter Tefler, well thought out :)


When you mean part 1 and 2 Tefler, does that mean both parts of the chapter that you have released? Or is there another section you haven't released yet?


Theory: Karron: Seb and the Diablos have teamed up and turned Karron into their own private fiefdom. John and the Pride have to go in guns blazing to liberate the people living there, and John ends up with his first territory in the federation.


Just curious, but it seems like there was a slight gap. Tashana makes lunch for everyone including John, but the last time the food is mentioned is when she is in engineering with Jade and Rachel. Did she ever actually give John his lunch?




WOAH! wasn't expecting that,really wasn't expecting that! Brilliantly written as always.Now all I have to do is try and learn some patience. While I wait for the next ch.

Jim lynch

I was just like Andrew finlayson that scene was just wonderful I could hardly breath due to the massive lump in my throat you wrote that part just beautifully I'm a grown man but I cried whilst reading it my wife was laughing at me and my daughter shook her head whilst looking at me like I'd lost my mind lol but being totally honest I think hat is my favourite chapter so thank you for making me care enough about a fictional character that I got emotional about it you truely are a gifted writer and I'm sure your going to make a great living now that your a self employed author so thank you so very much and as a gesture I'm upping my pledge to you.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

“You’re right, six months it is...” OOOOOKKKKAAAAAAYYYYYY: So the Maliri have 6 months to corner the market on Ice Cream, Pickles, and Watermellon! LMAO.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Tefler: was curious though, John was planning on impregnating each of the Matriarchs after spending a day with each of them when they were last in Maliri Space. What has caused him to second guess that?


And you call yourself an addict? FAKER! I was far to busy reading to be bothered typing as soon as I noticed it.

Jim lynch

Sorry but I had a winning strategy this time haha I saw in one comment that it would be posted tonight so I waited and when I got a notification I pounced.


Wonderful chapter, awesome emotional scenes, and still waiting for more... but, what's this??? No cliffhanger!?!?! For shame, Tefler :P


From what I understand, he writes part one of a chapter and sends it to the editors while he starts part two. Once he's finished part two he posts the whole chapter here while the editors start in on part two. So, one chapter written and edited in two parts.


Thank for the story's been reading them for a month now and i got patreon couple of days ago keep up the hard work, love you storys


Awesome chapter! Love the references to each girls family.


I especially love the idea on how to look for other nymphs.


Last, each of the girls needs her own watch to use to talk to Faye when away from the Invictus.


I hope so. Aside from violence, this would be a great place for Alyssa to spend some of her charity funds, such a improve schools, orphanages, and safety.


I agree. Let John eat his sandwich. He deserves it.


Does this imply that we may get 86 more chapters and 2 million more words from Tef, before Alyssa gets knocked up? Sounds good to me.


I think Tef was listening to our debate on crew family. This widened the possibilities for plot twists.


I totally agree. I also like the "spark" link between nymphs and Sakura's parents. Jade's crystal heart may be like a spirit container, so jade can not die unless the container is rupture. If only John had a device that could detect other containers. Or, maybe he could build one for Faye someday.


Maybe not a watch, but some sort of device to contact the Invictus while on vacation (smart phone). I am afraid that Faye will be bored while the rest are on holiday. She wants her body desperately. Maybe they could have a temp version on day 1.


Maybe Alyssa can work on her business and foundation interests while on vacation. She needs to get the stations running within a year or two, which will require massive capital. Also, they should start to cash in on the inventions of Dana and Rachael. They could even sell lion/lioness t-shirts. My point is that she could setup a ton of profitable ventures prior to leaving Federation space.


Tashana will FINALLY find her place on the crew. Her sister will download massive data for her to sort through to find out more about Alyssa and Dana's parents.


I'm constantly forgetting how to spell her name so I've been referring to her as Rill or Tashana's sister. Lol.

Jedi Khan

I think that example you gave is actually grammatically correct. Yes, it did happen in the past, but it is shown as if it were the present. Also, I believe in a sentence that has two verbs in it, one of them has to be a different tense. Essentially, one verb is the active action, while the other is the passive descriptor. In this case, "stalked" is the passive descriptor, describing how Shinatobe moved into the room, with "catching" being the action upon entry. The other way that sentence could be written is "Stalking into the room beyond with a slight limp, she caught sight..." In this case, "stalking" is now the active action. Another example is: "She shook her head, saying..." or the variant "Shaking her head, she said..." Of course, in this example you could also use "She shook her head, and said..." English is a very complex language and there are so many ways to say the same thing, and all could be considered grammatically correct. I can't claim to know all the rules of proper English grammar, and I doubt many people can; I can only report what seems right and what doesn't.


Thanks Laurent, I'm glad you've been enjoying Faye and the Sakura story-arc conclusion. :-)


Thanks Jonathon, it's always fun to throw a few surprise twists in there to keep you guys on your toes!

Jedi Khan

Spoiler warning to those who care. You've been warned. Okay, so I don't really have much to say regarding this chapter other than neat. What I am wondering is how could John bring back or create the ghosts of Sakura's parents, but yet couldn't levitate the new Valkyrie parts? It's already been established that John's doubt in his abilities is likely the biggest limiting factor of his power, so for him to do something as complex and extreme as what he did for Sakura, while still being unable to levitate a few parts made from physically reactive metal seems just a bit odd to me. There must be some sort of significance regarding John being unable to lift those parts with his mind.


Thanks Jim, sorry about the reaction from your wife and daughter! :-) I've mentioned before that I've spoken to other authors who like to "challenge people" with their work. I think that's pretentious nonsense personally. I write to entertain people and the most rewarding part of writing for me, is hearing that a chapter has provoked a positive emotional response in a reader. I'm really pleased that you thought this one was your favourite chapter!


I'll have to go back and read it, thanks for the heads up! The cross-border interlude is only meant to be a fleeting visit, rather than spending 5+ days with them (five Young Matriarchs), so that's probably the difference.


Thanks ETNSosa, I'm glad you liked the chapter. Sorry I failed on the cliffhanger, I'll try harder next time!


Thanks for joining Brandon! Welcome to the Patreon site and I hope you enjoy reading all the comments, there's usually hundreds after each chapter release where everyone discusses the ongoing plot arcs. :-)


Tefler, I have a question having nothing to do with this chapter. After re reading previous chapters what was the purpose of having Charles Harris move offices while his original office was being refurbished? Was it necessary for some reason? When I read that again my first paranoid thought was is this the real Charles Harris he's meeting as no one else besides a single assistant is ever around?

Jedi Khan

I believe the move was the result of Charles getting a new job/role at the station.


Amazing, sorry I can't come up with anything more eloquent!

Anthony Kester

Absolutely fantastic. Loved it. I know it was already brought up but no Cliffhanger? Who are you and what did you do with Tefler?


The catalyst for his new ability was the same as its pretty much always been. ;-)


That's great to hear Anthony. :-) Maybe my Progenitor-guide has taken over? (who hates cliffhangers!)

Jedi Khan

Here's a question. Now that it's officially confirmed that Athena is still around and Alyssa can chat with her, is the diadem that was on Alyssa's head still there? I believe that the diadem was only visible while doing an Astral Projection, and it signified the barrier dividing Alyssa and Athena. Now that the barrier is gone, perhaps the diadem is too? Or maybe it is still there, just with a different purpose?


Based on previous references I would assume that it is gone. John's was keeping his Progenitor half locked away and Athena did tell John not to touch it as it was protecting her from merging too soon.


Great character building/closure chapter. Good stuff.


Tefler, for what it's worth, I noticed that Patreon had a problem processing my payment via PayPal, so I said to retry and it went through. I think they had an issue with the payment gateway which probably impacted multiple pledges.


It seems that some have confused the investigative powers of Irillith, Calara, Tashana, Dana, and Alyssa. Alyssa can study and master large systems with clear rule, like flight paths, finance, tax, and law. Dana can haggle and has street smarts (unclear whether John enhanced this). Calara has two complementary gifts: battle strategy and pattern recognition. If she has data, she can separate the pertinent info from the noise. Irillith also has two gifts; hacker and data management (these are not the same). Irillith and Calara make a powerful combination. As for Tashana, her gifts have not matured but will probably be more archeological. As for Sakura, she is a bit of an ethicist, but she may develop her psychic powers. Jade is little investigative abilities, but she can dance. Faye runs simulations, but has show difficulty understanding the breadth of possible outcomes. She could assist Calara, but Calara should devise the parameters.


My guess is that any investigation starts with irillith. The data are handed to Calara with Faye's assistance. The results are shown to John and team if important or to Alyssa if not important (e.g., investment strategies). Dana is called in to haggle and Ed is called in if political tactics are needed. Rachel, Jade, Sakura, and Tashana have yet to develop essential skills in such matters, except for brainstorm.


I was completely intrigued by the new development around this Gibbons character. I feel like he will play a BIG role in the upcoming struggle between TFNN command and John. Can someone please recap what his history is?


John and girls saved the spacestation that rach was at and he was one of the stations defence team that they saved thats basically it


A couple of observations, The rest of her avatars were working in a chain, monitoring the work of the rest of the dozen robots as they focused on replacing every section of cabling that linked the Power Core to the upper-stern weapon hardpoint. The last we heard, when the assassins tried boarding the Invictus, there were 9 Maintenance-bots. I know there were plans for 12 but when did the other 3 get built? Obviously we don't get to see everything that happens on board ship but we were there for the 'birth' of the first 9! Also, if all 12 of Faye's avatars are looking after the bots, who's keeping watch on the bridge? Then she was back in the cyber-realm, soaring across the Invictus’ digital network as she rushed to her home in the Engineering Bay. If by home you mean her server I thought that was in one of the cabins on deck 3?


Thanks for another awesome chapter! You are developing skill as an author chapter by chapter. It is such a different experience to get to see chapter after chapter in contrast to an author that publishes his work book by book every Year. I am also very happy to get a "behind the scenes" in means of getting to see the chapters when they at still work in progress. All the little changes you make when some guys here give advice or that you can take up plot twists mentioned here on patreon as you did with the search of the Nymphs for example. I just have to thank you again for this experience!!

Dark Storymaker

Outstanding job as always, Tefler! I still have my opinions on the Yamamoto scene which I mentioned, but all in all, I am enjoying the direction the story is taking!


What ever happened to the assassin in the brig? Did I miss that somewhere?...maybe he got included in the box of parts Sakura sent into the sun...;)

Master Laurent

Tefler, can you please let us know if you are annoyed by out countdowns on the day of the release. Many have speculated that you are because it ends up being so much spam in your inbox. Thanks.

Big Dude

DAMN Tefler, that scene was a real tear jerker. You are one excellent writer and concept creator! I am so glad I found this story!


Tefler - are you writing full time yet?


Interesting.. I'll keep an eye on the payment processing for last month and watch out for anything screwy going on!


They built the last three before working on the Power couplings, I just didn't go into that detail. That's a good point about the server being moved to Deck 3, I'll change that!


Cheers for the feedback MaydaysSin, it's good to hear that you think I'm continuing to improve as a writer! I went back to chapter 17 to reread John's description of Jade and it was fascinating to look at my old work. I only intended to look up some details, but I could't help going through and editing all the punctuation and grammar to fix all the mistakes! I really enjoy all the interaction on the story and the plot discussions. Everyone comes up with lots of creative ideas, so I'd be foolish not to tap into those. :-) I'm glad you've been enjoying the ride!


Thank you. :-) I promise I did give your feedback some serious consideration and tried to figure out how I could tweak the scene to make the changes you suggested. There would have been issues with a number of dialogue changes and character positioning if he was already armed. Yamamoto needed to be inside the Dojo and away from the entrance when he finally broke down, leaving John and Sakura free to work on the stone garden unobserved. It would have meant rewriting lots of sentences or adding in new paragraphs to change it.


I don't mind, but I stop checking my emails when I'm close to finishing a chapter because it's too easy to get distracted. :-)


Hey Mac. Yes, I went full time from a couple of months ago. It's been amazing being able to just focus on the writing and not having to juggle work with that as well! Not being tired out all the time has definitely helped with improving the chapter quality! I've been able to spend a lot more time with my son too and my wife's appreciated having me around to help with him as well. :-)


I found it emotional to write, so I hoped that it would have an impact. :-) Thanks for the kind words, its been loads of fun writing the story so far and there's lots of exciting stuff to come!

Master Laurent

Okay, so I have an obsession about weapons. For the Valkyrie It states Quad-mounted Photon Lasers (Mark II) - does that mean 4 lasers on each of the 2 mount points 8 Lasers total, or are there 4 lasers Total on 2 mount points. Knowing that JFL would like 4X2 *Soft Smile* but I’m thinking it is actually 2X2. Can somebody please clarify? Can they be aimed independently? Buy computer control like the pulse cannons? Can one be aimed forward and the other one behind? Why do I have a feeling of Death Blossom from the last star fighter is an option?


Tefler, those scenes were very powerful; WOW! Makes feel John has gain the strength and knowledge he needs to face his Rouge Progenator. Can you say if it will happen in the next few chapters or that we are still away off? Thanks for all you do for us readers.


The way I understood the firing instructions, one pair of Photon Lasers on the right, one pair on the left. Four in total, but each has three barrels. LOL! Not sure of the firing arcs, probably mostly to the front. The barrels are ten meters long.

Master Laurent

And open topic that has yet to come up, when the assassins attacked the ship, Faye activated a software upgrade in the boys – I think she called it “Battle Mode”. Wonder if Irillith has found this yet? Also, if memory serves me correctly - the boys are capable of running independently of an avatar performing simple tasks. Wonder if this software upgrade changes / enhances any of this?

Master Laurent

I have reread several parts of chapter 86 today, Bravo Tefler for your ability to drop little Easter eggs of knowledge addressing the speculations/ comments in the community response area. It is nice to know that we are part of the team. Acknowledging your comments above about Community feedback.

Master Laurent

More weapons questions? Is Dana going to upgrade to the Punisher Gatling gun on the Valkyrie to the shield penetrating Quantum Rifles as a Gatling gun, or is a Gatling gun not necessary because of the new heat-sinks, and just give her a Valkyrie sized Quantum rifle? What about putting the same on the Raptor? - Come on JFL - Just lobbed a slow pitch over home plate for you!

rich ed

reposting so as not to get lost in the comments - I am actually surprised Dana has not installed cameras into all of their armour. That way Calara could of seen her knight in shinning amour slay the dragon, plus after battle briefings could be visual events. I also suspect the Enshunu have a nymph or two tucked up their sleeves. Cp71 page 2 alludes to it "They walked and slithered respectively, past several entertaining rooms, their doors embossed in garish images of wanton women performing a variety of lewd acts." They seem a race of collectors and they have been implicated in Progenitor affairs.

Master Laurent

And it would also give Faye a way to watch what was going on during the battles - However, that may be a distraction for Faye. It seems that she already has most of her avatars very busy during a battle. Now if she was manning the Invictus while they were in the field . . . .


Well I was not ready for all the feels in this chapter and then those damn onion chopping ninjas came out of nowhere

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Sheesh: Calling me out eh? LOL. Well Dana was not supposed to do the whole Valkyrie...but with the MK II Photon Lasers (each of the 4 is equivalent to the standard Terran Cruiser Beam Laser) there is something everyone is missing. With the upgraded heat sinks, these things can fire continuously. That means they can put out, at a minimum, 5 times the amount of firepower on top of being 6 times more powerful than a Terran Beam laser. That means the Valkyrie can put out as much Beam Laser power as 120 Beam Lasers or 20 standard Terran Crusiers. Folks, that is 57% of the Nexus fleet firepower that attacked Terra!...on just the Valkyrie!


Another incredible chapter. Was refreshing for a purely ship based chapter where they weren't being attacked or attacking but simply just enjoying some much needed down time. A couple of quick questions: any chance of seeing the reference inage for Sakura's lezdom threesome scene (if there is one) and is there any chance of a series of commissions of the crew starting from when it was just John aboard the Fools Gold and any chance of concept art-esque commissions of the various rooms aboard the Invictus and certain planets.


i'm not sure if anyone else said anything about this but Tashana forgot all about johns food in her rush to get more of his Maliri Hair Dye.


How about an art piece depicting each of the characters in poses suited to each of them? Then a group art piece in a casual style, then a battle piece and after that some sexy stuff for exquisite closure p.s. ships n stuff inbetween :)


Thanks Steve, I spent quite a bit of time on those scenes, so I'm glad you guys found them moving. John's getting there, I won't spoil the surprise of what happens or when. :-)


Thanks, It's great to hear you enjoyed it! There isn't a reference image I'm afraid, although that would be a very pleasant picture! I'd like to get pictures of all the girls and use them as cover art for the books, in the sequence they joined the crew. I'll get there eventually, it's just a case of commissioning the artists to do the work. :-) I'll definitely get a picture of the Bridge done at some point, I'll have to have a think about which of the others would be interesting to see.


Actually someone did mention that, I'll go back and fix that in this mornings edits.


Yeah, there's lots of potential for some interesting art pieces! I might look out for some more artists and get a few on the go to speed it up.


I've spent this morning editing and just uploaded a new version. That's pretty much the finished version there, but please let me know if you spot any errors, particularly in the new bits! :-)


New bits? Shit, now I'll just have to read it again. Oh, the trouble we go through to support your story. ;) Okay, we know I would have reread it eventually anyways. Lol.


This worries me as well, especially when Faye leaves them unattended for 1 minute out of 30 minutes, like clock work.


Hey Tefler, you've said that the first 10 tons of Tyreniun went to Thor'a Hammer. I am curious (if you don't mind sharing) what did the next 20 tons go to?


Also, followup from earlier. So Dana already has on her tool belt a device similar to John's watch that lets her speak to the bridge (referenced in first Ashana refit). While that makes sense why she doesn't have it on her all the time, it states that she can make devices for everyone to carry.


Rifles and pistols no.? They have a min of 2 complete combat suits each thats 16 they maybe more as for john 1 briefing room 1 wardrobe 1 fire range 1 combat bridge(that might be from wardrobe) 3 or 4 the girls will have 1 in briefing room and 1 in combat bridge plus there are a few dotted around if thats any where near true we looking at about 30+ ?


there's something that bugs me when you write, i hate it. it gets me every time, that's the moment that the story stops and i realise that there is no more. thank you for another great chapter. by the way, at the rate we are currently going; it seems that the entire story will now consist of the Invictus, with stops and no grand battles. however, i can see the foreshadowing of things to come in the way this chapter goes. loved the little intermissions. please make a longer one or a side story sometime (short, so as to not take much of your time, or perhaps time away from other things... :P ). i also definitely hope John and the girls upgrade the Terran Federation's powered armour, or they do, whichever? (please describe the powered armour some). an idea of 'epic proportions': greys with bad-ass powered armour, which solves some of the issue of the Drakkar not respecting the Ahanath combat strength and probably ignoring or eating them in combat (which i think isn't too far apart in the Drakkar rank and file's minds if they ally).


Although I don't recall it being mentioned I expect that after the latest re-fit the Briefing Room and Main Bedroom Wardrobe no longer have the frames in them and, since Dana used a frame in Engineering before heading with John to the Firing Range it looks like they've gone as well. So that leaves frames in the Combat Bridge and Engineering Bay plus the two special ones for the Dojo. There is the secure armoury in the airlock corridor which, presumably, has weapons, but no mention was made of armour frames. I expect though the existing arsenal is more than sufficient for any boarding action (overkill probably!) and they've got plenty of spare 20mm ammo to get through. Edit: Oops I take it back, there are still 2 armour frames and a weapons rack in the wardrobe, or at least there were when they were doing the post re-fit tour in Ch 75.


What an astonishing creative and emotional chapter you've managed to write! Thanks Tef! Super!


Harking back to an earlier discussion. I am very glad that Rachel received her healing powers prior to the Battle of Ashana. Having John feed directly or via Jade indirectly the Ashanath with his Maliri Hair Tonic would have been off putting. Which brings me to my next point. What are the limits to Rachel's healing powers? Can she go the "full John" with her healing & the changes become a re-build rather than a repair job?


Yeah, I am seeing a sergeant gibbons/Sakura collaboration in some mechs. I can just imagine gibbons pulling up in his mech feeling like he's hot $hit and then Sakura going by in front of him doing cartwheels.


Tefler you should not make a grown man cry , just not right but the chapter was great good job.


Tef, you can definitely tell you are now a full time writer, this chapter has got to be one of the best in the series. The attention to detail of the scene and you can feel the emotions of John, Alyssa and Sukura. It is a little strange that you did not write a cliffhanger in this chapter. Although you did leave us with a thought of 6 months to end the series. If I calculate this out each chapter is about a week, you still have 24 to 27 chapters left basing this on that 1 week is the same as real life. This does sadden me, because I will miss it when it comes to an end. But we still have a long way to go, so keep up the good work. This whole series is awesome and a testament to your skill and dedication as a writer. I am glad I am a part of it. Great work.


I got the strangest sensation, I decided to reread the story (which I have almost never done for a story) and was excited to see what happens again... Although I know what is going to happen, I wanted to see the amazement of what happens, John seeing the invictus after buying it and me reading the bridge for the first part of the story... Tefler... I think you made me a groupie for the story :0


Hi Tefler. First time poster here so I just wanted to say excellent work so far on the story. This epic has become a regular distraction for me over the last couple of weeks as I've slowly burned through the old chapters. I did get a little confused on the timing for one aspect of chapter though. Edraele mentions that she will be meeting John at the border in a little over a week. I assume that means it will be taking place post vacation. I only ask because I thought work on Faye's body would be going on during the vacation, or was that just the planning/design phase? Sorry if this is clear to everyone else. Anyway, thanks again. I hope you enjoy writing this story as much as I do reading it.


About a week is the time it will take to go to the Trankaran Republic and back. They will be trading tech there for supplies so that Genthalas station can start the modular space station build.


So i've just found you Tefler and read the entire series and it's just awesome. I do have a thought and wile it doesn't pertain to this chapter could the monsters that populate the astral plane when he gets dragged in. Could those be fellow progenitors scattered throughout the galaxy. It would also explain why he wasn't dragged in when Irillith was feed the third time because his alter ego was in charge.


Lately each chapter has covered no more than a day, sometimes less, sometimes more. It's taken 86 chapters to get this far. It's safe to guesstimate that it will be another 86 chapters. Maybe an even 200 to round if all off.

rich ed

he may have been dragged in, we just did not see it from his perspective as it was all from the girls perspective during that time of bad john


I figure if you guys are asking questions about things, then it's probably because they need further explanation. :-)


Thanks Kin, it's always a relief when you guys like what I've written. :-)


It is kinda sad that so few of us have voted on Literotica for the awards. While Tefler is still winning it shouldn't be nearly as close as it is if only the community would stand and represent.


lol sorry about that. :-) I just wanted to write a satisfying conclusion to Sakura's lost parents plot arc, but I found it emotional to write too!


I'm planning to go back and edit the earlier chapters, most of which I haven't read properly in over a year. I must admit I'm quite looking forward to looking back at my earlier work. :-)


Ciny S., I'm a SOL follower that wanted to join to vote for Tef. I tried & tried & tried & tried & etc. times without acceptance. No notice was given for the failure, only the same join page with my chosen login name still there, blank password choice, and the new code they provide to type in; so maybe it's my netbook or service provider, but got so feedup I quit! Maybe a lot of Tefler's members are from SOL, word of mouth, or other sources.


Tefler, I hate to be a pain, but can you be a peach and post them in PDF as well? Every time I open up your chapters on my phone it wants to edit them. It makes for reading a bit of a pain. Of course I convert them to PDF but I'm sure I'm not the only one who has to go through this


Finally Read the chapter . Thank you Tefler for Very emotional chapter. It is one of the best chapter in terms of character interaction.


yeah, i joined from sol. never been a big fan of literotica, i have had the same problems


Thought Sakura's pain would never truly be fixed, and besides Tefler's bound to just start phoning it in eventually. So there I was at 37,000 feet over Japan blowing my nose and dabbing tears out of my eyes. Damn you Tefler for proving me wrong on both counts. Well worth my five bucksonsoon.


Hey Ben, thanks for the feedback. I'm glad you enjoyed it!


"Phoning it in"? :-P I'm pleased that you found the chapter moving. It was nice to write an uplifting resolution for Sakura regarding her parents and everything that had happened to her. :-)


The next question is: how long till ch 87?


I hear that the next meeting is tomorrow evening..... :-)


Tefler, in regard to the search for Nymphs, I think John would get better results for asking for people to give him the resting places of nymphs who have died rather than ask for current ones. Or he can offer a reward for green shaped ... Crystal heart, was it? He can hire Mad Jonah or even the Malari to collect the first couple for him. Then John can just send those Nymphs to collect any additional ones. But, as you said in the chapter, I don't think anyone with a Nypmh who's alive would be willing to part with them. And since the majority are dead, this sounds like the better option.

Jedi Khan

Here's a question for the community: If I recall correctly, a lot of us struggled with the section of the story when Progenitor John was mucking things up as it was so hard to deal with. What I'm wondering is how does that section compare to this chapter? Does it even compare? What are your thoughts?

Master Laurent

Jedi, I do not understand your question. This chapter was a masterpiece in character development and a demonstration of the human id. I did not like the whole Evil John story arc, however, I understand the necessity for character development and I hope that it takes a long time before it has to be dealt with and when it does it is not long and drawn out. I am hoping that when Evil John is released John has such a strong moral compass that the integration with Evil John is more like a college ethics class that an ongoing dialog like the evil devil on Pinto's shoulder in Animal House.


Nymphs are going to be very noticeable as arm-candy for those people who like to show off their possessions and we all know of people like that. Nymphs would put trophy-wives into the shade. So trawling through the society pages or papparazi photos might turn up a few nymphs being shown off.


Question for Tefler, which story location was the hardest and/or most satisfying to write? Asanath homeworld/Maliri Shipyards/Terra, etc?


I lament saying this, but you guys are right. Tef has improved so much that he should revise the earlier chapter to enhance the consistency in plot, detail and grammar across the entire series. Hopefully he will publish two version: original and re-mastered. We need to recognize that Tef' s first priority should be to publish the complete series for novice readers, not the addicts. He should revise the series on whatever way improves its uptake. I trust him to stay true to its essence.


Ben, whilst we might agree with you with respect to improving the earlier stories, it is important to remember that - Tefler is now a full-time writer; and - he is not paid via Literotica, SOL or us at Patreon for upgrading those chapters. My suggestion was that he does so BUzt only prior to republishing as a set.


any 87 update?


So I've been rereading the story. I just realized that the deca shaped Alyssium reflects 95% of laser fire and absorbs the remaining 5% through capacitors? So no more laser damage.


Somewhat of a large drop in Patron subscribers (≈20) and income at the end of July :-{


It happens every month. Credit cards bounce due to expiring or being maxed out. I'll admit it's happened to me before. But you'll notice the numbers slowly increasing in the following weeks.


The hardest was probably Terra, because I was extremely reluctant to start mentioning present day cities, so it meant being deliberately vague where it would have been convenient to be specific. I quite enjoyed writing about Oceanus. The scenes with Jade underwater were refreshingly different from anything I'd done before, and writing about the custom-terraformed island was fun as well! :-)


I've been away for a few days visiting relatives, so the first chapter this month will probably be delayed for a few days. I'm thinking about releasing just two new chapters this month , as I want to work on the first special edition ebook, which means editing and adding more content to the starting ten chapters. :-)

Jedi Khan

Well, there goes all the countdown clocks. A few of them probably imploded.


Hey can anyone tell me what this scene was about? Chapter 38: Unnoticed behind them, the hull of the Invictus was shrouded in a faint nimbus of light, the radiance centred where the amorous couple had been kissing. It slowly faded out of sight as the group walked away, leaving the jet black hull glistening with a dark sinister lustre. I don't think that they still know about it where the story is at currently

Master Laurent

Question, Is Dana going to do her metallurgical magic on the new sword for the Valkyrie?


Tefler slowing down next chapter is actually good for me. Am waaaay busy at work and need to stay focussed. And post less. LOL


Absolutely, if it didn't already happen with the rest of the Valkyrie upgrading.

Master Laurent

Question - Will Deca-chaped crystal Alyssium withstand a nova lance?

Master Laurent

Like Jedi Said, the Quantum Rifle does not transport through the shields, it overwhelms the local shields. My question is that it does not have to overwhelm the all the shields, only the one section of the shields it is in contact with. That being the case the Quantum Sniper Rifle for the Valkyrie could have a bunch of power for overwhelming the local shield component. And like we have been discussing, this could be on the heavy cannons on the Invictus, along with the other projectile weapons. Can this tech be deployed on Torpedoes, it engages seconds before impact? Thinking a mini-power core that will have a dual purpose powering this feature and being an explosive.


Tefler, I realized I haven't seen you describe what color lioness that Irillith, Sakura and Tashana get when they wear the paragon armor. I'm assuming Sakura will be black, and unless you go by the eye colors for the twins, maybe make Irillith's golden like her previous armor and let Tashana have blue? Or has someone else seen the colors already named in the story?


Following the master, I challenge the addicts to a bar trivia contest to help pass the time. Who can come up with the best question? Answer? This would be great to see who is a true fan (response speed and accuracy) and a bit of competition might entertain Tef.


Sak is black and twins white due to dna reading not being able to tell them apart. But that may have change since john has been changing they third helix

Master Laurent

OK, How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


Alyssa snuck onto Johns trading ship


Grammar question... "his wife's and daughter's names". Shouldn't this be "his wife and daughter's names"? It's a list, so the last item should be possessive and the subject of the list plural? My OCD is crying out in confusion!


Also, John and Sakura go to the bedroom to suit up, which makes sense due to the emergency armor and weapons in the wall safe. Also, they take the emergency lift to the cargo hold to board the raptor. When they return, they go to the combat bridge to remove their gear. Are they just using the most convenient location, or should they have returned to the bedroom?

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

M-Theory, Quantum computing and Quantum physics. Quantum computing is like exponents of one. For example: 1 to the 2nd power (1x1) is one just like 1 to the 3rd power (1x1x1) and 1 to the 4th power (1x1x1x1)….on to infinity. “Quantum computing studies theoretical computation systems (quantum computers) that make direct use of quantum-mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform operations on data. Quantum computers are different from binary digital electronic computers based on transistors. Whereas common digital computing requires that the data be encoded into binary digits (bits), each of which is always in one of two definite states (0 or 1), quantum computation uses quantum bits, which can be in superpositions of states. A quantum Turing machine is a theoretical model of such a computer, and is also known as the universal quantum computer. The field of quantum computing was initiated by the work of Paul Benioff and Yuri Manin in 1980, Richard Feynman in 1982, and David Deutsch in 1985. A quantum computer with spins as quantum bits was also formulated for use as a quantum spacetime in 1968” <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_computing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_computing</a> What this means is that there is no limit to the iterations of a piece of data (or mass or energy for a Quantum field) that can be computed by a single quantum bit of memory within a quantum computer or (Quantum field). So, if a quantum computer has the capacity to digitally create one Invictus ship, it has the ability to digitally create an infinite number of Invictus ships with the same resources without the infinite number of re-reads of the data that a conventional digital electronic computer would have to perform. Now take that idea and impose it upon matter and space. Quantum space is just like a Quantum computer. Our reality is based upon three dimensional space. If you create a Quantum field around an object, that three dimensional space can exist in two or more (read infinite) places (or times, or Quantum realities) simultaneously but still be just one entity…like exponential powers of 1. Just like with the ethereal plane where psychic conversations happen instantly across any physical distance, so too can any Quantum space ‘exponential’ expression of 3 dimensional space communicate instantaneously. A Sci-Fi equivalent of this concept exist already in the Avengers series…when Loki surrounds Thor on the Rainbow Bridge with multiple iterations of himself. When Thor sent out lightening to all those Quantum iterations they folded back into the one Loki. Yet, when active, they were all one Loki and Loki could have folded back into any one of them (which is how he tricked Thor into entering the cage from which he escaped—the prison built for the Hulk--and also how he got behind the SHIELD agent in that scene when Loci stabbed him just before escaping the hover carrier). This is already done by the space faring races with their communications. Which is why their comms are instantaneous across vast distances of space…the comms are teleported through Quantum space…The only difference here is the creation of a Quantum field that works with volume instead of just energy. What this means for the 3SM Universe: What we see as a worm-hole drive is actually just a Quantum field with 8 dimensions. The current three dimensional space, the directional vector, the length of that vector, and the destination’s 3 dimensional space. In effect, the ship going through the Quantum field event horizon is being transported to another place in our 3 dimensional space. There are other applications, though. Let’s look at 50 Quantum iterations (49 additional Quantum spaces in parallel Universes) all firing a Nova Lance at the BSP’s ship. Once those Nova Lance bursts left the Quantum fields around those iterations of the Invictus they would all converge into the original 3 dimensional space of the Invictus…which means 50 Nova Lances would have been fired at the same point on the Progenitor’s ship. And it does not have to be 50…it could be 5,000,000,000 Nova Lances. Energy is conserved because each iteration of the ship developed the energy to fire the Nova Lance and mass is conserved because there is only one Invictus! On a smaller scale, you could have 1,000 iterations of Irillith (after she was enclosed within a Quantum field) hacking 1,000 enemy ships at the same time…or 2,000 Calaras firing weapons from 2,000 ships or 2,000 Jades piloting those ships…each one acting independently, communicating as one, and all the effects would be felt in the current space time as soon as the Laser or projectile or electrical impulse left the confines of the Quantum field. All this is important because: while the Invictus metallurgy is based upon reflection (white), the BSP ship is based upon absorption (black) of energy. If one overruns the ability of the ship’s capacitors to absorb an energy blast, that energy then begins to react with the ship’s physical structure. Which means, with enough energy, the BSP ship can be defeated…as evidenced by the Progen battle with Mael. This is game changer technology here…and one reason the Progenitors may not have developed it fully is because the Ethereal ‘Overlord’ does not allow it since it would represent a source of power that would be a significant rival and/or it does not meet its needs for harvesting souls/energy.


So it's amazing that everyone thought that Dana's special project was a body for Faye when it's now clear that it was the Valkyrie. Rereading the chapters shows how much foreshadowing that Tefler gave us on certain events.

Jedi Khan

Question: Can all of that power attained via theoretical quantum mechanics survive Tefler's non-theoretical Nerf Bat?


the first is a request for 1 name, the daughters, your second quote is a request for 2 names the wife's name and the daughters :-) so grammatically different


Had to share this: So my wife just got to the scene where jade was killed. Her comment. "you tell that writer I said fuck you!! He killed jade!!" soon followed by "John better bring her back."

Jedi Khan

lol at least that scene is in the middle of the chapter. Imagine what it would have been like if it had been the end of the chapter and she had to wait nearly two weeks for the next one.


They went to the bedroom as it's the quickest access point to the Combat Bridge. The Armoury in there is their main place to gear up now, because it's so convenient to get to the Raptor from there.


I was surprised by that actually. I thought after John dragged that mech into the Raptor for Dana, it was obvious what she was planning on building. Her working on the huge synthetic muscles was something else that I thought would make it crystal clear what the secret project was! :-)


Chapter 86 has shown up on Literotica, is there any update on chapter 87? Not trying to be a pain, just curious.


There's a post for those patrons who are 10+, been up for a couple of days (not me) there's like 32 that can see it. Lol. The rest of us are stuck waiting

Master Laurent

If I am not mistaken, the $10 pledges get to name a character - Tefler posted this a while back.


Tefler said he'd probably only be releasing two chapters this month. Therefore, I wouldn't expect it for another week or so.


Tefler, I was rereading the earlier chapters, some of which I believe you were planning to re-write to a degree, and I ran across something in chapter three that I wanted to ask about. “Sure, lots of places.” John said with a smile. “I’ve traded with all the major races in the Galactic Council and visited quite a few of their homeworlds. The galaxy is an amazing place with lots of incredible things to see out there.” he said animatedly. I don't recall seeing the Galactic Council as referenced above mentioned in any of the later chapters. What is it, who is on it, where, when and how does it meet, what authority and powers does it possess, and what is it's mandate?


I've heard that the human brain never actually forgets anything. If that's the case, could Alyssa help Dana remember the faces of her parents? I know she was a baby, but the images could be locked away somewhere. And could Athena do the same thing for Alyssa?


Actually it sort of popped up again in ch.34 when they captured the Kintark Carrier. “My name isss Prelate Jarganth in command of the carrier Karlan’toh. It appearsss that your power greatly exceedsss our own, John Blake. We have no desssire to die at your hand, and we accept your offer, requesssting only that you adhere to Galactic League termsss of surrender,” the Kintark commander said, his hissing voice filled with regret. Except as you can see it morphed into the Galactic League. No doubt this is one of the things Tefler will want to address in the tidying up process.


Alyssa's memories of her father from when she was six years old could certainly be recovered, especially his image. Their memories as infants would be less helpful, especially Alyssa's, since her mother died in childbirth and the infant Alyssa never saw her mother. The only way for her to 'see' her mother would be from someone else's memories, or a psychic imprint that remained over time.

Master Laurent

Thinking that Chapter 87 will be Around the 20th :-(


Tefler, I'm feeling withdrawal symptoms. I need my dose of the Invictus and crew. Any word on the next episode?

Jedi Khan

I don't suppose anyone's figured out where Tefler got the inspiration for the Maliri's tech from, have they? I know this was a question from last year, but I'm not sure if anyone's been able to answer it yet. I took a guess back then but I was apparently wrong, and haven't figured out the right answer since.


Tef, you have a marketing problem. To attract new readers, your fans send them to other websites than the patreon site, such as literotica. Might you repost the first chapters here free for the general population? Also, might you post all of the original chapters here for the patrons. If this website had the entire series, it would be easier for us addicts to get others to join.


Hey Patreon donators and Tefler, been rereading the story and got to ch50 and still laughed my ass off at this bit: The gunner stared back at him on the verge of panic, and started to reply, when there was a horrific tearing screech of twisting metal that drowned out anything he might have said. The four men sitting in the tank looked up in horror as the turret was ripped effortlessly off the hull. They gaped in shock at the man who had torn the top off their tank, just as easily as if he'd opened a can of sardines, and he casually tossed the mangled turret aside.  "Any last words?" the man asked curiously, as he unshouldered an evil looking white rifle, pointing it towards the gaping hole above the mercs. "You fucking bastard!" Hitch shouted at him angrily, and was gunned down a second later.  John rolled his eyes, and said, "Very profound."


It works fine imho: where do you go if you read every single page of tefler on lit? That's right. Here. :)

Master Laurent

I don't think so, I think that Tefler is working on his earlier chapters now and taking a little summer holiday and will get back on it in a couple of days and we will have something by the 20Th and maybe the next chapter by the 30th.


Hi Tef, I remember Dana mentioning the options for the extra space in the hangar and John wasn't keen on the idea of Miliri fighter pilots and drones. Reading through this chapter made me think again about making drone copies of the Valkyrie that Faye can pilot. With Sakura going be a bad ass mecha pilot it would be a great force multiplier to have 2-3 drones under her control with Faye's support. It reminded me of a scene from the pilot episode of Megas XLR when Kiva(one of the main characters) had drone mechs.


Tefler isn't it time for a status updates on chapter 87? Thanks!

Jedi Khan

I rather like the scene where John busts through the double doors into the control room of the merc base, causing the doors to slam into the wall, turning the two goons that had been hiding there into red smears, and John doesn't even notice.


Dunno Jedi, but I've been playing a bit of Elite Dangerous lately and the first thing that struck me was a sense of 'familiarity' with weapon names etc. ED has beam lasers, pulse lasers, gatling guns, interdictors, heavy cannons and some of the station bosses even hold the title of 'Progenitor' ..... so, of course, there was only one possible name I could give my ship ;)


Anyone else think that Dana's setting of the material will make it non responsive to shaping?