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Hey everyone,

For the second piece of commissioned art, I asked an artist called Jademere to paint a picture of Jade in her tiger form. She was the artist who did the original picture that inspired me to create John's loyal Nymph, so it seemed fitting that I ask her to do the commission.

I think she did a really nice job, so I hope you like it!


N.B. I spotted the shape of a lion's head in the nebula behind her. I didn't spot that right away, and didn't ask for it, but it's an uncanny coincidence the artist added it in!




I made an animated version of that Jade tiger image, using Plotaverse. I’d post it here if Patreon allowed videos, but since it doesn’t I put it at: <a href="https://instagram.com/p/BoNENxlhswf/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://instagram.com/p/BoNENxlhswf/</a> It’s not high resolution, and if you prefer I’ll take it down.


Damn... She a beast... I love the colors green that is used.


That's a very well done picture, also helps imagine the colors better.

Jedi Khan

Damn, she is pretty. Only way to top that is have her do The Birth of Venus, or any one of a number of James Bond girls walking out of the ocean.


Lightning claws. Cute Kitty!

CJ Mora

Nice!!! Just as you described her! Beautiful work!


Wow. Now I'm trying to picture her T-Rex...


Tiger is my favorite animal... And this is just beautiful


Nice lightning!



rich ed

great rendition of jade. pretty much how I imagined her. Another like that but with her toothy grin would be cool


Very cool, but what's the scale here? Unless word of god says otherwise, I'm assuming that those deck plates are 1 meter square. Works out to be about the size I've been imagining for Tiger Jade.


So, have again ignored my perennial request for Jade as She-Hulk. LOL. Nicely done though.


I saw that too.. She seems to be stalk a foe and getting charged to inflict paralysis.


yup just how I imagined her very good


Very nice. It would be cool if Dana made Jade her own paragon armor in tiger form leaving her claws and lower jaw exposed. Jade steps in the rack and click click click. Of course that only works if she changes form on the ship with advanced notice.


New screensaver

Jedi Khan

I'd say those deck plates are no more than two square feet; one meter seems too long. Of course, that's just me guesstimating based solely off a visual.


I agree with Ben, new screensaver indeed. Well done.


Sweet, although I find some impact is reduced with the dark on dark, but hey thats just me


I personally would have chosen a different colour for the nebulae to create more contrast, but the star field looks very nice and I didn't want to ask for changes in case it messed it up. :-)


I believe Tiger's have round pupils and looks like artwork does also. Does Jade retain her vertical pupils in cat form?


I'd like to do another with her getting all bitey, but that means an appropriate badguy for her to chomp on. Perhaps a Drakkar?


This was the sample pic I sent to the artist for the eyes: <a href="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/31/ae/e6/31aee654f7bfdf0b16f509fd72b878a9.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/31/ae/e6/31aee654f7bfdf0b16f509fd72b878a9.jpg</a> On the picture itself, they're a little harder to make out because of the light reflection on the eyeball and the shadowing from the eyebrow (both very nicely done I thought!) Yes, she keeps her vertical pupils in cat form.


Thanks Wookey, I'm glad you liked it. I think the she-hulk requests came after I'd commissioned this piece, but I'll definitely get a picture of her in humanoid form. :-) (Probably the beach shot I mentioned before)


I've thought about giving her Battlecat-like armour, but the problem is that it restricts her from further shifting. I'm sure a solution will present itself eventually. :-)


I asked the artist to use the same kind of colour scheme she used in the piece that inspired me in the first place. :-)


I'm intrigued to know what she'd look like in humanoid form. I wanted the tiger one done first so that the colours would be right.


Same colour scheme, just a lot more teeth! :-) (and a lot bigger!)


That artist is very good at drawing big cats. I think it's a pet subject of hers.


I sent a picture of Thor with Mjolnir to show what I had in mind. :-)


Very nicely done. I through the image in the nebulae was a reflection on the crystal of her.

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Very nice - just as I imagined her


The scale can be solved later with a group hero scene including the tiger.


for some reason my imagination to do with jade in tiger-form slips so thanks for this concrete image. and yes it is better than mine, much better.


one thing though, the floor, its texture doesn't fit, unless that is simply a stile choice. though every time i go past i stop to look, long. *stripes, dark, sparkles, dark, space, eyes, sparkles, stripes, jade...* wait is it weird that this image makes me feel warm? and cool? and calm? and happy? ...?...


$2100/ch coming up next....


BTW Tefler, can you please update your goals. $1500/ch is so last year.


$2100 achieved, just for Wookey


And I didn't think you cared Malcolm. lol


It took me a little while to find the lion's head...but yeah, cool!


Lol im not sure a pg13 movie would do it justice lol

Master Laurent

My next vote is for the graphic artist to do renderings of all of the ships. Invictus Battle Cruiser – Yet to be designed Valkyrie Raptor And the Boys

Jedi Khan

I just had a thought. For one of Jade's portraits, how about doing a variation of "The Birth of Venus" by Sandro Botticelli? It can be called "The Birth of Jade" and be the scene where John brings her back to life. That is considered her birthday by the crew, so it fits.