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Hey everyone!

I've been busy beavering away on chapter 86 and so far I've written:

20k words.

I'll aim to wrap up part 1 tomorrow and hand it over to my editors. However, I've attached a ~5k preview I had planned to add on to the end of the last chapter before it got too big (it hasn't been edited yet, be warned!). It should answer some of the questions you've raised about the end of chapter 85 (I was originally planning on including this to wrap up that chapter).

I've received the Jade tiger commission from the artist I asked to work on that one. It looks pretty awesome! I've asked them to make a minor alteration, but I'm hoping to have that up for you in the next day or so.

Finally, I'll put up a post in the next few days for the $10/$25 pledge tiers. Those 26 patrons will have an opportunity to name a Terran Federation officer... for no particular storyline reason. ;-)

That's it for the moment, but I hope you enjoy the preview!




Damn you and your preview.. I... Must... Resist!!!


I'll read it when I finish going through the previous 85 chapters... reading the whole thing through. Still love the story, and I get to get a lot more detail reading it through this way


Surprised that after almost a week of not being on the site that I magically get on right as Tefler posts something :P


Yay, just in time for dinner reading. ...

Jim lynch

That was a lovely touch at the end tefler Yamamoto finally at peace was a nice touch. That's another story arch finished there's only the traitor admiral to find and destroy now and I'm looking forward to a horrible death just like he deserves. I'm so looking forward to chapter 86 so ry hurry please.


T Y for the preview


Very nice. I do wonder if that is the last we see of Yamamoto.


Very nice Tefler, now looking foward to sakuras valkyrie training :)

Master Laurent

Nice Touch!!!! Such a tease! Loved how Rachael was a part of this and even Faye and the boys got a mention that was relevant.


A beautifully written stand alone Tefler. You should be proud

Jedi Khan

Now that...that would have been a good place to end chapter 85. That was a nice natural break, with the next scene (possibly) finding the crew already on their way to Jericho for the vacation. On another note, I'm amazed at John's lack of tact and foresight here. First, why would he think it a good idea to drop in, unannounced and uninvited, on a recluse who has gone to great lengths to keep himself hidden? Second, dropping into the man's garden while wearing body armor from an obviously armed gunship while openly carrying a pair of swords; what, was John afraid of being mistaken for a salesmen if he had gone to the front door while wearing plain clothes and carrying a briefcase? Third, your unexpected presence has caused your host to run off to find a weapon to defend himself with: do you give chase as if you were there to attack him as he suspects or do you hold your position and take up a nonthreatening, possibly apologetic posture, something he would not expect an attacker to do? John has obviously lived a nomadic life for too long and has forgotten (if he ever knew) that a man's home is his sanctuary, his castle, his domain, and he is the master of that domain; he does not take kindly to trespassers and other uninvited guests. I do hope Yamamoto has some stern words for John later regarding that visit. As well-intentioned as the visit was, it was still quite rude to show up suddenly like that, so John deserves whatever chewing out Yamamoto chooses to serve up.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

LOL...I can see the Valkyrie on a set of appropriately sized skis flying down the mountainside and scaring the shit out of everyone....getting to the bottom of the slope and then doing cartweels and mid-air summer saults ending in a perfect, textbook, gymnastic landing right in front of the main lodge.


It seems more like two short stories. Closure for Sakura and Closure for Eito. I would love a picture of the garden some day. It might make a nice book cover.


So Tefler you will love this. My wife just asked me if I've read any three Square Meals yet. Lol I laughed and said yeah. She started today and is in the 20s and loving it. (chapter number)


A very nice start to the next chapter with the closure of parts of two different lives and the letting go of pain and hatred.


I agree with Jedi that this seems more like a fitting end to chapter 85. As much as I want to move to John and the girls going to the Brimorians and skipping the vacation maybe there might be another big battle as the Kintark finish assembling their fleet and make a two prong attack on the federation. Drawing out the Terran fleet while the Kintark send battle groups to attack Terran worlds forcing John to choose who he will save. If the Kintark hold Terran worlds hostage they can demand John to surrender.


Right in the feels


yep, I agree with the previous comments. This was a perfect ending to 85. U pace ur chapters very well Tef. Thanks for this... I want you to finish the next chapter quickly as usual but do maintain this quality which has consistently gotten better over chapters... Kudos Tef! Thanks...


That is funny. :-) It's great to hear she's enjoying the story too!


Thanks Jim, it was satisfying to wrap that one up. :-) I'm sure Admiral Norwood will crop up again sometime in the future!


Thanks Laurent. I hadn't intended it to be a teaser though, it was meant to give you guys some closure on the Yamamoto story arc. :-)


Thanks JFL! I enjoy writing those kind of scenes, its always nice to give a (hopefully!) satisfying conclusion to a character's story arc. I'm not a fan of bleak endings or bittersweet ones (they usually just turn out bitter), they always end up leaving a bad taste in my mouth and don't feel emotionally rewarding. Yeah, Mass Effect 3 ending, I'm looking at you!


Thank you! There were quite a few parallels between Sakura and Yamamoto, so I figured she'd be ideally placed to help him deal with the aftermath of Mikaboshi's death. Although I'd intended this scene to end out chapter 85, it should still fit quite nicely into chapter 86.


I'm eager to move on to the Brimorians too, but there's a few things brewing that need a bit of time storyline wise, so it's a good time for the vacation. :-)


Cheers DC! As I start each new chapter, I try and sketch out a bunch of scenes in my mind which I think might be interesting and that I need to cover in that part of the story. I've usually got a rough kind of idea how long they'll take in words, but in chapter 85's case I underestimated it a bit. I never intentionally write "filler" to meet the wordcount, instead I tend to just end each chapter at around the 30k mark. That's why there's sometimes cliffhangers, when an ongoing story arc won't fit into that limit and I don't want to rush the scenes to cram them in. :-)


Well done Tefler. This is beautiful end to Yamamoto story. Hope he can move on, live his life.


Very nicely done, that's both Yamamoto and, hopefully, Sakura at peace. Oh and thought for the day, this preview is only slightly shorter than chapter 1 and longer than chapters 2 and 3.


I see your point, but I don't think this meeting could have gone any better. Like you said, he's a reclus and he doesn't like people showing up at his house. No matter what John did, Eito would have reacted with hostility and/or fear. This way it was quick, like ripping a bandaid. :)


In the immortal words of the Borg: resistance is futile!


That's a nice idea. I don't have a source picture for that one, but if you google japanese stone garden, you'll see the kind of thing I had in mind.


Thanks Tefler.


Perhaps in a few chapters we will see an interview about why Yamamoto is returning to the world of martial arts and he will mention that it is thanks to Sakura Honami. That should raise more than a few questions within the admiralty and set the stage for future reveals.


Good Morning Tefler .According to storiesonline latest word count is 1.943 million. I have attached relevant link and image under community tab . please check it out .


i'm an idiot, the nano-weave contains circuits; they can be duplicated and printed onto armour surfaces.

Master Laurent

Wondering if The Great Tefler will submit this as a part of Chapter 85 to Lit & Sol?


it is beautiful, thank you. it brought tears to my eyes.


No, I'll release it as part of Chapter 86. There's some bits in one of the earlier scenes that's important later.

Big Dude

Even though SOME of us can't immediately download the story due to work and others whom can let the cat out of the bag; that was a fitting ending Tefler. I disagree with other commenters above. John's appearance at Yamamoto's house was PERFECTLY written or written PERFECTLY depending how you look at it. Surprising his Sensei and taking Sakura there added a richness to the conversation and overall scene.


Tefler, now that we've wrapped up some story arches for Sakara and Calara, any chance we'll get some more on Jade? Or other nymphs? Or what about info on the families of Alyssa and Dana. Why were they on Karron in the first place? Maybe they have distant cousins out there? Or any idea on when John will visit the planet his mother met his father? I love the detail you put in to their backgrounds and am looking forward to some more.


Also, when will Rachel take a sample of John's ... spunk for lack of better word, and study it?

rich ed

she took a sample of his maliri hair dye many chapters ago


I do not recall this being mentioned/requested before but I may be wrong. There are plenty of scenes of some of the girls physically sparing, well by some I mean Sakura and Calara. But it would be cool to see a scene in which they spare using their pyschic abilities. Maybe the Malari twins throwing around bolts of fire and lightning with pyschic shields blocking. Sakura could certainly be part of that as well. I envision Alyssa overseeing the sessions instructing the girls on form and strategy. Surely Dana can come up with some type of offensive and defensive abilities. Not sure about Rachel. And who knows what Calara will be able to do. Just a thought. Kind of a way to keep the team building exercises going and incorporate more and different members f the team.


To expand on this. If or once all the girls developed offensive and defensive abilities. The girls can team up in different combinations and groups and spare against Alyssa. That would be great practice for a BSP fight. Or a way to help John develop his abilities for face his dark proginator guide side.

Jedi Khan

So, I've been wondering something recently, Tefler. Now that you've been self-employed for awhile, how are you holding up? Miss the routine of the daily grind at the office yet? Also, how do we compare to your previous bosses? Are we more or less pushy/demanding? How does your workload now compare to before you "retired"? Are your former bosses begging you to come back because the office fell apart after you left and they need their prized employee to restore order?


This would have been a great ending for 85, but it's also a great way to start a chapter. I liked that part about the second skin 😀

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Found a small error: "“A gift?” Yamamo muttered" should be "Yamamoto"

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

"Right... an inch of quad-shaped metal is the equivalent of nine inches of titanium plating, but deca-shaped was as resilient as fifteen inches of titanium?" And, “There was a charred crater in the runed armour, but the burning plasma had only been able to melt about half-way through.” I find it interesting that the Progenitor Runes effectively create a secondary energy shield. That will be invaluable on the Paragon armor and it doesn't effect the energy shield. Fantastic twist there Tefler. So, deca-shaped plating with Dana's fixing of the crystal lattice and the Progenitor runes is roughly 30 times stronger than Terran Titanium plating. Still thinking the addition of a Graphene scrim would help with heat dissipation (reducing the effectiveness of the plasma by spreading out the heat over a larger surface) but also in resilience (it is actually 48 times stronger than the strongest Titanium alloy which is a 60% improvement even over the Dana improved Mark II Crystal Alyssium). So with just the Mark II Crystal Alyssium: 2 feet thick plating on the Invictus you are actually talking about the equivalent of 60 feet of Titanium plating. Ok, we are well past the point then of needing hard points for energy weapons. And if John 'requisitions' Admiral Norwood's Dreadnought (which has 6 feet of Titanium plating) and replaces the plating with the Mark II Crystal Alyssium plating you are talking about an equivalency of 180 feet of plating by Terran Standards. But with the Mark II Crystal Alyssium with a Graphene Scrim: 2 feet thick plating on the Invictus you are actually talking about the equivalent of 96 feet of Titanium plating instead of the 60 with the Mark II version. And if John 'requisitions' Admiral Norwood's Dreadnought (which has 6 feet of Titanium plating) and replaces the plating with the Mark III Crystal Alyssium plating you are talking about an equivalency of 288 feet of Titanium plating by Terran standards as opposed to the 180 feet with the Mark II version. And for the Paragon Armor plating: 1 inch of Mark III plating would be equivalent to 4 FEET of Titanium plating. For those on the metric system: 2.54 cm of Paragon armor Mark III plating would be equal to 1.2192 meters of Titanium plating. 60.96 cm of Invictus Mark III plating would be equal to 29.2608 meters of Titanium plating 176.4 cm of Dreadnought Mark III plating would be equal to 87.7824 meters of Titanium Plating

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Tefler: I have a suggestion for a weapon that will defeat the BSP's armor.....An antimatter torpedo. Have an antimatter generator on the Invictus that transfers the antimatter to a warhead on a shielded torpedo. Contain the antimatter within a magnetic bubble until it strikes the ship and then have a small charge push the antimatter against the ship. When ANY type of matter comes in contact with antimatter, they anihilate each other and all that mass turns into pure, explosive energy.


Well Telfer has some competition, once more. ltcp has returned with Endangered 6, after a prolonged absence. While not prolific as Telfer, it is a damm good series.


John, it's an interesting idea, but allow me to point out that it is expected that anti-matter is hardly rare, exists naturally, and would be not uncommonly found by ships in space. What do you do if you're visiting a system that primarily consists of anti-matter? The Progenitors have been around - fair to say - for a long time, and their ships would undoubtedly be able to handle anti-matter particles, in both dust and larger sizes, that they might encounter in space. We get naturally occurring anti-matter particles from cosmic ray interactions in our own atmosphere, so it's not like the existence of them is unknown, even to us. Personally, I suspect that the black ship is composed of hexaquarks in a manipulated Higgs field, but that could be because they think they're gods and have a fascination with hexagons. ;-) Seriously, though, given their ability to manipulate the space-time continuum, as evidenced by their ability to create wormholes, I suspect that they can simply have their ships repel any materials or energies before they reach their ships. In fact, that might explain why their ships appear to be black, as they're not allowing any photons (or anti-photons) to make contact... providing for an interesting cloaking mechanism, as you don't see the ship itself, but rather, the area where you don't see is the area that the ship is in.


John could demand to only surrender to the Emperor in person, and he could use what they learned from Kindralax (and mate) to get a rise out of the Emperor; implying that he is a fraud of a god and that he should come and prove to the galaxy that he isn't a chump? though he probably would need to say that he is the King of the Maliri, and Leader of the Ashanath, et cetera. while presenting the twins and his powers as proof. kind-of a one leader to another thing.


Love the idea, but there is no way that Alyssa would approve. If the emperor has captured 20 nymphs, John might do it. There would need to be damsel in distress.


Nymphs are all female the emperor isn't


is 86 release planned for Sunday???

Master Laurent

Tefler Release Algorithm = 20k words on the 25Th - 30K words target chapter length - average 5-8K words a day - anticipating a 35K+ word chapter due to preview - Maybe even a release on the 29Th late in the day.


If high command mandates that TFNN turn against John, Jehanna may join the crew and provide hacked corresponce to counter high command. This would be sad and temporary.


T minus 1 day 12 minutes.... for those who are counting

Master Laurent

Thinking that Jehanna may join them for a day or two on the vacation near the end of the trip and do a puff story.


If you thought Alyssa bitched about replating the Invictus just wait until that task pops up in conversation for Norwood's ship. "It's how many kilometers long and you want me to what? Ahahaha. I thought you said re-plate... wait. You did didn't you..."


Anybody who says they aren't counting is pretty much not being honest with themselves.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-06 16:32:35 強気お姉さんをくすぐりでぐったりさせるの良いよね( ˘ω˘ )
2017-07-29 00:23:26 I'm probably wrong but I would love for Yamamoto to have activities with John in the future. He has so much more to offer now that his garden is properly organized

I'm probably wrong but I would love for Yamamoto to have activities with John in the future. He has so much more to offer now that his garden is properly organized


"John Blake All Girls correctional school" with Yamamoto as the headmaster. Oh the stories Tefler could write with that plot line.


The app on the iPad makes reading the comments more enjoyable. It's usually a struggle to get the .doc, but the family members know to clear the path when it's time!


As I head for the computer.


I see a lot of talk about the kintark emperor and admiral Norwoods imminent betrayal... Have I forgotten the scenes in TSM where this is discussed or was it part of extra scenes in the **final** versions of each chapter?

Jedi Khan

All speculation and wishful thinking. We haven't seen Norwood since he turned traitor against the TFed, and the last time we saw the Kintark emperor was just after the Battle of Regulus.

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Hi Tef - After considering chapter 85. I cannot understand that John - now matter how insistant Dana was - would ever fire a live potentially dangerous round at her. Range safety is allways a major issue in the military. And I cannot see John accepting to dispense with range safety for any reason.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

By the way: I know at least one person has proffered the idea that Progenitors are servants. This is supported by hints within the story. For example: when John gives Rachel the ability to psychically heal, a thought comes to him that it is forbidden to do so. That suggests there is a codex by which all Progenitors must live...which is a form of control. So the question becomes: who is controlling the Progenitors? I see two options: First: a super advanced race within the physical world or, Second: a super strong existence within the ethereal plane. Due to the fact there is a presence withing the ethereal plane that has been checking up on John's progress...chastising him when he was not performing up to expectations and attempting to kill him when he transgressed too far from them...I vote for the second option. I could be wrong, though. The super advanced race may exist in both realms. However, I keep being drawn back to the instance where Irillith was hurt by the Astral Plane Behemoth and in the physical world the black goo in the wound exhibited at least some level of emotive response to John using the Crystal Alyssium blade against it. So I am thinking that the Astral Plane beings predate the physical realm and that Progenitors are the Greek equivalent of Hermes, messenger of the Gods. This concept creates one heck of a possibility for a sequel where the physical realm battles against the Astral Plan realm for supremacy (or a revolt for freedom). This has the potential to set up John and the preeminent power in the Universe...and he was balking at being King of the Maliri....LOLs


Anyone else going through withdrawals from lack of updates from Tefler?

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Then there is the fact that John has a Progenitor as his Matriarch. This, along with the stated fact by Tefler in the story that all Progenitors are not created equal, suggests John is transcending his original purpose and abilities. To further make this point, John's Thralls have abilities well beyond the capabilities of other Progenitor's thralls (at least as far as we have seen to date), including those of Mael himself. I am wondering of Mael set a course for all this to occur and he was sentenced to death by 'one of his strongest brothers' as a result of his impudence?

Master Laurent

OK, So I have not found any comments from Tefler in several days like several have mentioned. I checked on Lit also and nothing. In the past when Tefler has gone dark it has been due to one of three things. 1. Tefler is sick/family - Hope you get better soon. 2. Tefler is taking some family time. - Good On You Mate! 3. Tefler is writing an epic battle scene - he usually goes dark when he is having a “Manic” moment of writing - last time he had 8K+ and 6K+ days. Speculating that he may also have created a 45K word chapter because it all goes together and he is trying to figure out how to split it up. And as I pointed out above, Tefler’s usual pace would have him well on the way to releasing the chapter late today or tomorrow, the is including an extra 5K+ to cover the Preview document. Not that I am paying any attention to anything or feeling the need for my fix. No, Not Me!!!!


Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of updates. I took a day off yesterday and I've been busy editing this afternoon. I'll get stuck into the last bit of part 2 in a minute. :-)


A couple of people have commented about the John/Yamamoto/Sakura scene and that John could have handled it much more tactfully, allowing Eito to save face. I've just been relooking at that scene and after studying it carefully, I think I'll leave it as it is. I'll just clarify why I wrote it the way I did: Firstly, Eito Yamamoto is not a wise and peaceful man like the Karate kid's Mr Miagi (although they both lost a wife and child - I promise that was coincidence!) :-) Yamamoto is a recluse, totally unused to dealing with other people for more than two decades. Eito only agreed to train John when he confirms that he's killed people with a sword. The loss of his wife and child tipped Yamamoto over the edge, making him obsessed with revenge (he abandoned Kendo and turned to Kenjutsu instead). I won't go into this in the story, but he was never able to track down Mikaboshi, adding to his intense frustration (not having a handy bunch of psychic babes to help hunt him down!) There was a comment where someone mentioned about Yamamoto getting angry about losing in a fight with John, and being upset because Sakura had been there to see it. Eito doesn't care about saving face, he is arrogant and filled with pride about his own skill as a swordmaster, so losing to John made him jealous, resentful and furious. When John and Sakura appeared at his home, he was incensed that they'd: 1) found him 2) invaded his home He was on a hair-trigger at that point and seeing the same kind of black ninjato that had been used to kill his wife and child tipped him over. He added up 2+2 and got 15! :-)


Here is John's motivations and why he didn't handle the situation more tactfully. John had been trying to befriend Yamamoto in all their interactions, but had been rudely rebuffed every time. The final straw was the call in chapter 70, where he finally gives up. It's followed by a conversation with Edraele where he talked about missing male company. Their duel is later in the chapter, where Yamamoto explodes with anger when he realises John has surpassed his skill as a swordmaster. John's primary motivation here is to help Sakura find some peace after Mikaboshi's death. Despite Yamamoto constantly being a dick, John wanted to help him too, because it's the right thing to do and out of gratitude for his sword training. He could have tried to call beforehand, but he knew that Yamamoto would keep him waiting for 10mins if he even answered, then would be rude and obnoxious. He knew that there was no way he'd be able to resolve this over a call (Yamamoto would just cut him off and be violently opposed to John visting him), so he went for the direct approach instead. Yamamoto needed to be knocked out of his revenge-obsessed state and the only way to do that was in person. It took an overpowered beatdown from Sakura to make him realise that he would have stood no chance against Mikaboshi. John offered him the "Ripples on a pond" as a salve to his wounded pride.

Master Laurent

So late tonight or sometime tomorrow? Just want to set the countdown clock to be accurate. *Soft Smile*


Tef, your series may have outgrown its title. Might you change it?


Yeah the title isn't great. :-) I'll definitely come up with something difference for the ebooks!

Master Laurent

Tefler, As an angry recluse, I think you handled it perfectly for all of the points you have mentioned above. If you check the comments for chapter 85 I speculated that John was going for a face to face with Yamamoto - I did not put my reasons, however, they did mirror your comments above. I was more thinking that John was trying to be a good guy and provide Yamamoto with closure, it was a bonus for Sakura. John has a great moral compass and helping Yamamoto was the right thing to do in his mind. It would have always been s small something in the back of John's mind that he would regret not accomplishing. Closure for all parties involved(Including the readers). Thanks for being such a great story teller and demonstrating such an understanding of the human id.

Master Laurent

Countdown Clock 30H - 10Mins - Thanks Tefler!


Part of sf training, is to be hit with live rounds. To get over the shock of being shot.


Wookey please update time line .. new chapter




I wonder how many words he is at for chapter 86


I have a thought on who John's father is. Likely Mael, due to his previous relationship with Valada causing him to see another way. Given what seems to have happened to him before the battle he had a change of heart. There is a chance that Mael is still alive (in an incapacitated way) on the planet John's mother is (where she still may be). His mother probably wasn't allowed to see him as Mael had planned to let John grow to replace him against the other progenitor. We do know that the last piece of the puzzle regardless of whether I'm right or not resides in that planet. Also isn't it strange that the kirrix hasn't been active until recently when John stopped the slave run? The kirrix is likely the main forces of the other progenitor and the fighting between the kindralax is a distraction to prevent John from looking at kirrix space. The fighting is softening them up too. Unsure why the other progenitor isn't doing anything to the Maliri, maybe he can't or he hasn't realised the danger. More likely he can't as he has to know about 'the warning' and what John's been up to. He has been on the news alot, he could figure out what he's doing. But not why, ordinarily progenitors would have access to all his tech but John doesn't, the other progenitor wouldn't know this and is trying to understand why he's going to all these systems. Maybe figuring that he's recruiting allies. Sry for the long post :)


T minus 19 hours 15 minutes


So what I've been trying to say in prior threads is that I find it incredibly hard to believe that Alyssa and Dana have ZERO family out there. They couldn't be the only children, of parents who were only children, of grandparents who were only children. Family charts is something I deal with in my line of work, and you'll eventually find family, even if you have to go to look at your 8 great grandparents, you'll find cousins of some sort.


Liam I agree with the first half of your post for the most part but The Kirrix might be used as distraction/assault force but Thralls? Not likely . We've seen BSP's Matriarch Ailanthia ,a light green skinned alien & if his were the ghosts/spirit echo's on the Legacy , it seems like he has a normal Thrall army . The Insectoid Kirrix couldn't really be thralls . Their hive mother has been described & I don't think BSP slept with that . EWWWWWWWW....Just my 2 cents

Jedi Khan

Naturally, but to what end? None of those far removed relatives will know Alyssa or Dana from Eve (if that expression is confusing, look up "Know from Adam"), nor will they care. Dana never knew her parents, let alone what name was put on her birth certificate (if one exists), so tracking down her relatives will be next to impossible. Using DNA to track them down won't work either because of the astronomical number of matches that would be possible, and that's if every Terran citizen in the TFed has had their DNA put into a universal database, not to mention the fact that her DNA has been altered considerably and they don't have a DNA sample from before she joined. Alyssa does know her family name, but her parents died when she was young. If she does have an extended family, its doubtful any of them were told about her existence before her parents' deaths. If they had been told, why would they have left Alyssa on Karron when her parents died? We also know from Admiral Devereux that she tried to do a background check on Alyssa and found several women with her name, but of course none of them matched the Alyssa we know. Also keep in mind, these girls were living on Karron, a backwater mining asteroid on the ass end of Terran space, right next to Kirrix space. That's not exactly someplace you would go to live and work if you had meaningful family connections elsewhere, so it's likely that the girls' parents were estranged from the rest of the family tree. If the girls were able to track down an extended family, what then? What would be the point? World building? Add more characters to keep track of? Fluff? Alyssa and Dana have been orphans for most of their lives and now have a loving family with John and the others. Why would they spend time tracking down possible extended family members who are complete strangers? Sorry if this all comes off as just a bit harsh, but why would Tefler add to his already considerable workload just to mention a couple of people that may or may not be distant relatives of a pair of characters who are well established to be orphans - who have shown no inclination to even wonder about the possibility of having an extended family and who are very happy with the adoptive family they have now - only to have these supposed extended family members never mentioned again after the first time?


T-8 hours


I can see Rachel developing a DNA read ability (for healing and efficient termination of enemy) (similar to Dana's new vision) and I can see this very discussion with this very conclusion. Orphans finding family is a heartfelt theme, but they have the "ideal" family a collective of orphans who understand each other, no baggage, simply finding closeness and caring, and peace.


6hours or 8 ?

Master Laurent

I made a mistake earlier when I posted 10 Hours and deleted that post. Tefler is in British Summer Time and it is currently 18:30 currently T-Tie so t-5.5 hours.

Master Laurent

Hoping for a release soon, Have a neighborhood event tonight and I will have to read after event that ends @ 23:00 EDT = very late night


Isn't it a little odd that we haven't heard from Tefler since Tuesday, going on 5 days without a status update, hope all is well


He posted a message yesterday saying he hopes to have it up this evening (British Summer Time) and that he took 1 day off.


Still 3 hours? I need to stand up again in allmost 6 hours :(


feels like we're waiting while he's asleep .... :P


T minus 86 minutes

Master Laurent

T-1H 25M - Tefler usually does a release near midnight when it is this late.

Master Laurent

Terminator 3 is on cable so I am refreshing every commercial break - I also have my email up in browser so I can get instant notification of an email - No, I am not anxious - Yo Wookey - How's it hanging? LOL


I actually turned on notifications for the Patreon app as I heard its faster than email notifications.


If he doesn't happen shortly after midnight BST (GMT +1), then it will likely be tomorrow morning. As a reference EDT = GMT -4 and PDT = GMT -7.


I'm still working on chapter 86 at the moment, so it won't likely be done until tomorrow evening. The editors liked part 1, so i hope you guys will enjoy it. :-)


Well crap. I guess we need an addicts meeting to help us last until tomorrow. Thanks for the heads up Tefler!

Master Laurent

T Minus 24H 19M - Hoping we are rewarded with a 38K chapter.


t-18 hours fingers crossed and toes


Tef said early evening. I'm hoping he means British standard time. 6:00 BST. =1:00 EST. Not sure how day lite standard time works


Could be wrong. BUT HOPEFUL




Actually 6pm BST = 1pm EDT or Eastern Daylight Time. EDT = GMT -4 EDT = GMT -5 BST = GMT +1


T Y I've read here before that PATEON. Cuts off billing early sometimes . Hate to see TEFLERS numbers go down. Or his pay check. He is only getting paid per. Chapter


It doesn't mean he won't get paid, it means this chapter just might be added to the billing for the next month.


True but Tef's goal is 3 chapters a month If he's cut off he wont reach it

Master Laurent

Tefler's Goal was $1500 per month if memory serves me correctly, he is well above that and should keep going well beyond.


O k I' m sorry your right Just more for Tef

Master Laurent

Mjk154, please keep in mind that Tefler Keeps on Delivering AWESOME, AWESOME Work at a rapid pace. Bravo. Anybody that feels differently should be put along with Sakura's cybernetic implants. Quality 60K+ per month on average is such a gift.


I agree. And he should be aware that we really. Really really apreachate him for it


my comment keeps disappearing again (dozen or so times) so i have cut it up for a last try.


i'm guessing that the legacy ship piece that was towed back was without 'kinetic dampening'? and artificial gravity. in which instance there is almost no chance of a survivor. at least not without INSANELY MASSIVE psychic energy outlay. meaning if Maelnerak was on-board (i'm pretty sure he was; can someone clarify?) then he's paste. unless he drained every single Thrall he had in that instant, and spent all that power in a couple seconds. but then he would be stuck in unstable space, also out of power, without Thralls and no ship.


T. Y. So early evening could be as early as 5:00BST or. 12:00EST. T Y


DON'T forget he could mean EST BOO Hoo


Just so we're clear, is the release monday or tuesday?


Monday to bet dead lineM


August 1 August 11 August 21 August 31 would put Tef back on track


Tefler hopes to have it released on Monday in the evening in Britain. Depending on where in the world you are, that could mean Tuesday or Monday.


Yeah I'm not putting Tefler on the spot for scheduling, just need my story fix. I have never come across such a diverse, exciting story before. I've read a few fictional stories over the years and this is by far the best one. Tried to get my younger brother to read but called it smut and porn after the first chapter...


the first couple of chapters I could understand being too sexual for some people but I just kept reading comments that it got better after chapter 6 or 10. The story does take off after. Tefler starts to hit his stride.


That's what I tell him. He reads books like me, I even offered to watch a season of 'The Community' which doesn't interest me alot. So he reads 10 chapters of Three Square Meals.


I work in retail and whenever I come by a customer who has an interest in books I mention this story, I know it may be a little weird but I don't care about social norm not to talk about erotic stuff, even if it cannot be simplified by just that.


There hasn't been an update from Tefler for a few days so this can only mean one thing - He's been kidnapped. Someone needs to get in touch with Liam Neeson to get Tefler back :P Taken 4 Plot right here

Master Laurent

Sid, you must no be paying attention, he posted on Saturday and Last Night, release today if all goes well. hit load more comments and you will see.


Anyone else notice people are getting snarky without their tsm fix? Calm. Down it'll be ok.. Even if it is next week. *starts running* KIDDING I WAS KIDDING!!

Master Laurent

T-Minus 5H & 50 Mins Tefler Time until Midnight

Master Laurent

OK Patreon is having problems again with Long Posts and deleting them. I suggest that everyone types comments up in Word processor and does a paste and then saves them. I just had word go into banana mode and it would not let me access my file until I did some geek magic.


Tick---Tick----Tick ;)

Master Laurent

T-Minus 5 Hours - Fuck if I am going to get anything done until this comes out! And Midnight Texas is on tonight - a new Series on NBC that is starting out pretty good, let's see if it has legs.


ML- i know the feeling. cant stop refreshing the page


Wonder if it would be a pathetic comment on my mental state to say I added the GMT time zone in my clock on my cell phone....


nope not at all cause i think most of us have that added

Master Laurent

T-Minus 3H and 53M According to my Desktop Widget on my IMAC - Retina 5K!!!! Off to make a tuna fish sandwich - Laughing - thinking of the old Steve Martin Comedy Album.


Reading over the preview, I think it was good to leave that off the last chapter. It was an awesome piece though!


I have a funny feelin the Tefler is sitting back watching and reading our desperate accolades and knowing that he has all the power =)


Hmmmm, I wonder if Tefler is the BSP? He got bored and entered our lives so he can hone his takeover plans. He's just using us!

Master Laurent

Is it hypocritical to eat a tuna fish sandwich while sitting in front of your 40Gallon Fish tank stocked with Nano Shrimp and Neon Tetra's - My tank sits next to my desk. Maybe if I was having a shrimp cocktail. - Refresh - Refresh

Master Laurent

T-Minus 3 Hours - hopefully much less - Chapter 86 is driving me and I think many others crazy with need.


Btw Parabola Panther just released an excellent chapter on his Patreon site. Another Tefler in the making. His best work to date. Highly recommend it.

Master Laurent

Yes, his work is great, just finished it last night while Tefler was still editing chapter 86


Does Parabola Panther post on another site to get a taste before joining him on Patreon?

Master Laurent

yes, he is on lit. <a href="https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=3308734&amp;page=submissions" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=3308734&amp;page=submissions</a>


T minus 2 hours 30 minutes

Anthony Kester

I am going to be in a cab for another 2 and a half hours. Would be nice to have something new to read. Hint. Hint. Keep telling myself it will be done when it is done and not a moment sooner.


Also, Fell has posted chapter 26 of Earth Bond today, though his Subjugation Series is bye far my favorite.


T minus 1 hour 43 minutes


Wookies are not known for their patients


It occurs to me that Tefler might not appreciate the pressure that we are placing on him to complete by a specific moment in time. Has anyone else had a similar thought?

Master Laurent

LOL, it is taking Tefler more time to complete a chapter than the Tenure of a White House Communications Director. And Tefler is producing Superior Quality Content, not a telenovela. Apologies for the politics, this is a big thing here in the States.


T minus 42 minutes


LOL, white house appears set to self destruct in 5, 4, 3,...


Just had an odd thought while doing some research: Wouldn't it be awesome if Calara could hear what the enemy commanders are thinking?


That is pretty limited, and although Alyssa has gotten a lot stronger, I think she would still have to single out the commander on the Astral Plane and then break through their mental shields (yeah, like that would be an issue) before being able to actively sift through their thoughts. Besides, Calara's precognition based on probability for enemy actions is way far beyond what is necessary to allow her to swing battles in the favor of John and the girls.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Actually DemonHunter that is nothing like what Alyssa has. Alyssa can hear the thoughts of someone realtime only. What I am talking about with prescience is being able to see the immediate future before it happens.