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Practice drawing Scarlet while also half attempting to understand lighting and color. Giganta picture is almost done and I'm aiming to get it out tomorrow. After that I'm gonna get started on my next comic. It's a tight window but I'm really hoping to get it out before this month ends. 




Very nice, mini-gts 😵‍💫 And comic of who??

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It was mostly just keeping it simple for practice but I honestly love mini gts. The interactions are way more personal~ Also idk, kinda want to keep it a surprise but at the same time it might be obvious.


Yes mom-I mean mom- I mean mom I mean-


Love Mini-gts myself, feel the exact same. A surprise??? Hmmm 🫣

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Ultra giga has a great cosmic horror when it's done well and I love that too but mini gts's can have like moment to moment reactions to each other. Love both but I think mini's are under apricated.


I think the teasing of a smaller person is amazing as well, when the giant woman used her assets to boss, get her way and much more is so good