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Pauline doesn't apricate the illegal racing going on in her city.


 So I been putting off writing this because I didn't want it tagged on one of my more elaborate pieces while I also been putting of simple sketches to get more content I can advertise on DA out. 

 There's been some changes to my life situation that is honestly much better for me but is just coming with some adjustment time. The main problem is that previously I was pressured to sleep at certain times despite working from home that I was taking copious amounts of sleeping meds to knock myself out. Now that I no longer have to do that I've decided to give it up completely. However I've found that I had been using sleeping medication for so long I'm finding it hard to go to sleep even at times when I prefer to. With that being said the lack of sleep had really been slowing down my work and personally I believe the quality of it as well.

 With that being said I ended up taking the medication again and will work on that next time I take a big break. I really can't afford to take a break right now as the life changes have also demanded I spend more money then I normally do.

 So I apologize for the bloated story, I really tried to be brief about it without pouring into too much personal details. I just wanted to be honest and express to you all why things have been a bit slow and that I'm doing what I can despite of it.

 I'm mostly going to be doing simple one off colored pieces this month since life adjustments are causing so much mental burn out. Although, I also want to make sure my comic tier patrons get tended to as well so expect a mini comic or two of the absolute least.

 Sorry for the delays and the overly worded excuses but in general I'm dealing with some bad mental burn out but I expect it to go away soon and I'm aiming to put out as much content this month as I can. You guys are the best and thank you all your patronage! :D    




Glad it sounds like things are getting better for you 👑


Great job at communicating and setting expectations. Hope you can adjust smoothly.

Person LastName

Seriously apricated, when my turn out is slower or my pieces more basic I don't want people thinking It's because I don't care.