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Something quick for Mar10 day. 

Page 1 of my next comic is almost done but it's been a slow start up. I want to get it out sooner but for now the latest I can see it finished is upcoming Wednesday(13th).  I might try to do some more color sketches inbetween but it's more likely I'll use all the time I can to get the page out. 




What if you did Shadow Queen Peach instead?


Evil Queen Peach? Interesting, I imagine Bowser is behind this to give him an evil queen to rule with but Peach has her own evil plans to take over not just the Mushroom Kingdom and Koopa Kingdom but the entire Nintendo multiverse

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I do just like the idea in general. Like, Peach herself: evil. Not "Boswer turned into Peach" or "Peach is being controlled." She personality decided this after tasting power.