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And the other three Sausage men WIPs....with...what everyone saw coming...Roy's arrest XD

Many pointed out that poor Sam got his foot injured. Well, I'm sure glad you all are concerned about his well being.

I'm actually not sure what to say about this, to be honest. When drawing this I was wondering if the neighbors are overreacting by calling the cops....but then again, the 'again' might be a sign that this wasn't the first issue they spotted with our father of year ;P

(let alone having a toddler running around with a pitchfork and waving around a realistic looking gun....)

The next batch of WIPs comes on Friday, I hope. Then we get into what we all waited for....a vacation to Vegas ;)

Also, I finished some chibis and will post them for our $5 donors instead of the sketches this month. My apologies for the lack of sketches. But those darn chibis do their best to occupy me right now ;A;



Nick Klepac

Great story, great art. I especially love the alien mask and decapitation scene. And of course anytime you can see Roy go to jail, it is a grand day!

Nick Klepac

What a hero Sam is! He will be so great with his own kids.


At least he goes to jail over stuff like this. Guess knightville doesn’t have bigger fish to fry XD