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...they want their hairstyle back. XD

Another snafu in this arc...the cellphone. This character (the kid on the phone) will eventually show back up...but in hint sight this elemnt was a bit awkward handled in this arc. 

On a darker side, we thought of the phone being accidentally through out by the mom...once this arc was drawn I looked at this arc thinking that the mom could've also be in the dump...as the victim of a crime 0_0

seriously, that was not my intention, but I can't unsee that in my head anymore. ....Don't worry, she's still alive and well and we'll make sure that she get's to have a say on what happened to her phone ;)

Also, originally we wanted to have the phone be an old Nokia. You know, the one which needs a license because it could be used as weapon...

But in the end we choose the flipphone because of it's unique design <,<



Mike K.

Say, wasn’t Roy estranged from his mom? Hmmmmmmmm ... 🤔✨

Mike K.

And none of these thoughts are mutually exclusive. ✨


You think that's him on the phone? Would explain the person's dislike for Sedine XD