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Hello! One of Yandere Simulator's modelers independently came up with a fascinating idea, and began creating assets for it: During each "Senpai meets the next rival" cutscene, Senpai will wear an article of clothing that somehow references the previous rival. For example...

In the "Senpai meets Amai" cutscene, Senpai is sad about Osana exiting his life (lethally or non-lethally), so he might wear a shirt that Osana gave to him as a gift - a shirt with a little cat patch sewed onto it. (Senpai is allergic to cats, but Osana loves them.)

In the "Senpai meets Kizana" cutscene, Senpai is sad about Amai, so he might wear a striped undershirt that has the same colors as Amai's striped stockings - either in remembrance of his dead friend, or because - regardless of how she was eliminated - he misses her.

I'm not 100% sure whether or not I will commit to this concept - even though I have 2 of the clothing models I'll need, it would still require the creation of 7 additional clothing models - but if I get those additional clothing models, I'd be happy to incorporate this brilliant concept into the game. (After all, it would be pretty goofy if Senpai wore the same outfit for 9 weeks in a row, right?)

Let me know what you think about this idea in the comment section below!



Dia- Bobo/Deamon Nightcore 666 Lique

I think it's a very good idea ! But there is a "but" ! I think that the reference to the previous rival should be very (very) subtle, almost like a little game for the player to find the reference. Because I think that if the ref is too obvious, people could find it annoying kinda quickly, and maybe some people would think that it's an easy/lazy way for you or the modelor to create model fast and not take time on making it specific, personal, etc... And I think player would like and find it amusing and entertaining to find the little reference. Because if it's a subtle reference, senpai will wear clothes that matches him without having to look like some "genderbend" clothes version of the previous rival, and seing the little ref about the previous rival would make it cool and nice ! Like for exemple, senpai is wearing clothes that matches him, his personality, his vibe, etc... And suddenly the player see the little ref and think : "Ho that's cute ! He wear that for her !" And so on, I think it would give more dept in the characters, the story and the player involvement by tickling the player emotion. Because if the player see that for exemple senpai wear a cat patch that Osana give to him, the player could feel sorry for what they did to Osana (depends on how she was eliminated), and so for senpain, who could lead to think about eliminating next rivals in other way, etc... etc...

Bessie Burnet

Ahhh, I love that idea! Why didn't anyone think of this before? 😍


yo yandev im not sure if this is the right place to ask you this, but regarding the last sock video from 1980's rivals it would be neat if Ryuba's socks would change Lenght/color depending on the ways she eliminates her rivals.


Hm! That's honestly a pretty cool idea. I'm not 100% certain whether or not I want to promise it, but I can certainly consider it!


For real, it’s a great idea and I don’t think any of us would have thought about it. Thank you to the modeler 👍 Taro sure is a sensitive boy, it’s like he's yearning for developing bonds. Poor sap, I get how he feels I was lonely throughout my school years. Anyway I was wondering, as you know you have controversial rival : Mida. Mida is not pure or kind or sympathetic. Even if she was redeemed the fact is established that she preys on students. So you really can’t associate Mida with these traits. My question is : isn’t it blasphemous that Taro would have a wholesome reaction (wearing matching clothes to someone he misses) to Mida disappearing from his life ? Muja is a klutz, she attracts impure attention despite herself. She is otherwise kind and sorta sympathetic. So Taro missing her doesn’t seem inappropriate. But Mida ain’t. Should Taro react the same way for Mida ? Now as I’m thinking about it, here’s an idea : perhaps it’d be more prudent to have Senpai looking down as he watches something Mida-related (school or not). So the player can interpret it however he wants. Personally I’d interpret it as Taro wondering what was the deal with this crazy week. Anyway here's that 🫡


I guess I hadn't put much though into it. Well, a guy Senpai's age might just feel really flattered that an older woman was interested in him, and would feel remorseful that she's gone from his life, regardless of how it happened. It might be that simple.