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Just so everyone knows! I am on other platforms akin to this one.

One of the best ways to keep up with what I'm doing is to join my Discord server. I know that some folks groan at the thought of joining yet another server, I totally get that! 

To make it easy, you can join my server and mute everything except for the 🎁sub-posts channel where I update any time exclusive content goes up along with links to access or subscribe. If you're a patron here or substar, you get a special role that grants access to other channels, but you have to have your accounts connected. 

And lastly, I also have my own website! If I ever have to change up where my content is posted, I would also update that info on my website.

💗Please show your love and support to adult content creators! I'm lucky in that I've not yet been impacted, but that's not the case for all. 

💗And if you yourself are an adult content creator and are stressed out about finding alternatives, feel free to DM me on discord if you'd like advice or tips! I'm no expert and the game is constantly changing, but I have learned a lot over the years of having my stuff removed and restricted all over the internet lol. 




Aaahh Obbi you are always so thoughtful and helpful T___T <3 <3 <3 tysm!!!

Sara Moreno

I feel like I missed something. Did you get reported or something?


Nah I'm okay for now. The site just released new guidelines banning explicit nsfw across the board, along with a bunch of other nonsense new policies. I haven't been contacted or anything so I'm just gonna keep scooting along as usual