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Hey everyone! This is the character sheet for Hera. Here it will have all her current skills, equipment and spells. (Spells will come a bit later. I realized that my list of her spells is a mess and I have to reread everything to make sure I don't miss anything.) There will be a link to this post at the beginning of every chapter. 

Also, this will always be updated to the start of the current chapter, and I'll try to update it by the end of the day when the chapter is posted. That being said, weekends can be a bit weird. So Saturday's chapter may not have an up to date character sheet.

 If you are looking for a specific skill, you can just use 'Ctrl + F' or 'CMD + F' on MAC, so you can jump straight to that. I've set a list of tags below that can help you to jump to a specific category of the character sheet. I'm also adding a picutre of Hera made with Artbreeder. 

One last thing. I always have the Patreon Shout out in the free versions of the novel, but I realized that I never did that here. So, at the very end I'll have the same shout out that I put on the websites that I post the novel for free.

[PassiveSkills]    [ActiveSkills]    [RoleSkills]    [LegacySkills]    [CourtMembers]    [Equipment]    [Titled Blades] 

Hera Kingsley -- Role: Explorer Level: 28
Legacy: Court of Blades [Blades]

Strength: 80 Endurance: 80
Agility:  80 Charisma:  80
Intelligence:  80 Luck:  80

Mana:   612 597/612 597

Remaining attribute points: 8

Court Ruler, Courtship, Bestow Title, Army of One

Exponential Growth
Observe: Red sight 3
Treasure Map
Handaxe Combat 3, Chakram Combat 3, Glaive Combat 2, Sword Combat 1, Two-handed Sword Combat 2,
Dagger Combat 1, Scimitar combat 1, Axe combat 1, War Axe Combat 1, Knife Combat 1, Tonfa Combat 2, Rapier Combat 1
Wire Trap Style 3, Subtle Strike 3, Dorohla Style 3
Dodge 2, Run 3, Improved Stamina 4, Flee 2, Jump 2
Mana Recovery 4, Mana sensitivity 2, Shaper of Mana 1, Reinforced Mana 1
Improved Regeneration 3
Ailment Mastery 3, Poison Mastery 2, Allergy Mastery 1
Earth Mastery 1
Earth resistance 2, Wind resistance 2, Water resistance 1, Sturdy Body 1
Magic Armor Proficiency 2
Naga poison 4
Nature connection 1
Silver Lining 2
Ancient language 5
Powerful connections 1
Pathfinder 1

All in 2
Inspect 2
Hide 4, Sneak Attack 3
Weapon Maintenance 2, Weapons Rebalance 2, Weapon break1
Etching 3
Medical Reference 2, Identify Ailment 1
Green Thumb 2
Chain of Command 4

Role Skills:
Local Guide
Private Room, Meeting Room
Explorer's Assassinate
Explorer's Map
Explorer's Catalogue, Explorer's Hunt
Explorer's Research


Exponential Growth

While all attributes have the same value, the user can increase all the attributes by 1 at once.
Cost changes with the value of the attributes.
Current attribute point cost to use the skill: 17 points

Observe Red Sight (rank 3)

Allows the user to see the basic information of the target.
You can also focus your vision to see the target through infrared.
The information available is limited by the rank of the skill.
While hidden, there is a chance that the target won't realize that it is being observed.

Treasure map

Allows you to create a map of a place you have been before. The more you know about the area, the more accurate the map will be.
The map can identify possible secrets and points of interest. Their discovery will increase the information available about the area.
Requirements: Drawing space, knowledge of the area.
To improve the skill, find secrets and points of interest before they are shown on the map.
The tools used in the process may affect the result.

Handaxe Combat (Rank 3)

Improves your ability to use handaxe during combat. Techniques that you already learned can be used with muscle memory alone. However, using a technique like this lowers the strength of the attacks.
This skill also improves the user's ability to learn new handaxe techniques and skills.
Handaxe effectiveness increase: 15%

Chakram Combat (Rank 3)

Improves your ability to use chakrams during combat. Techniques that you already learned can be used with muscle memory alone. However, using a technique like this lowers the strength of the attacks.
This skill also improves the user's ability to learn new chakram techniques and skills.
Chakram effectiveness increase: 15%

Glaive Combat (Rank 2)

Improves your ability to use glaives during combat. Techniques that you already learned can be used with muscle memory alone. However, using a technique like this lowers the strength of the attacks.
This skill also improves the user's ability to learn new glaive techniques and skills.
Glaive effectiveness increase: 10%

Sword Combat (Rank 1)

Improves your ability to use swords during combat. Techniques that you already learned can be used with muscle memory alone. However, using a technique like this lowers the strength of the attacks.
This skill also improves the user's ability to learn new sword techniques and skills.
Sword effectiveness increase: 5%

Two-Handed Sword Combat (Rank 2)

Improves your ability to use two-handed swords during combat. Techniques that you already learned can be used with muscle memory alone. However, using a technique like this lowers the strength of the attacks.
This skill also improves the user's ability to learn new two-handed sword techniques and skills.
Two-handed sword effectiveness increase: 10%

Dagger Combat (Rank 1)

Improves your ability to use daggers during combat. Techniques that you already learned can be used with muscle memory alone. However, using a technique like this lowers the strength of the attacks.
This skill also improves the user's ability to learn new dagger techniques and skills.
Dagger effectiveness increase: 5%

Scimitar Combat (Rank 1)

Improves your ability to use scimitars during combat. Techniques that you already learned can be used with muscle memory alone. However, using a technique like this lowers the strength of the attacks.
This skill also improves the user's ability to learn new scimitar techniques and skills.
Scimitar effectiveness increase: 5%

Axe Combat (Rank 1)

Improves your ability to use axes during combat. Techniques that you already learned can be used with muscle memory alone. However, using a technique like this lowers the strength of the attacks.
This skill also improves the user's ability to learn new axe techniques and skills.
Axe effectiveness increase: 5%

War Axe Combat (Rank 1)

Improves your ability to use war axes during combat. Techniques that you already learned can be used with muscle memory alone. However, using a technique like this lowers the strength of the attacks.
This skill also improves the user's ability to learn new war axe techniques and skills.
War axe effectiveness increase: 5%

Knife Combat (Rank 1)

Improves your ability to use knives during combat. Techniques that you already learned can be used with muscle memory alone. However, using a technique like this lowers the strength of the attacks.
This skill also improves the user's ability to learn new knife techniques and skills.
Knife effectiveness increase: 5%

Tonfa Combat (Rank 2)

Improves your ability to use Tonfa during combat. Techniques that you already learned can be used with muscle memory alone. However, using a technique like this lowers the strength of the attacks.
This skill also improves the user's ability to learn new Tonfa techniques and skills.
Tonfa effectiveness increase: 10%

Rapier Combat (Rank 1)

Improves your ability to use Rapier during combat. Techniques that you already learned can be used with muscle memory alone. However, using a technique like this lowers the strength of the attacks.
This skill also improves the user's ability to learn new Rapier techniques and skills.
Rapier effectiveness increase: 5%

Wire Trap Style - Intermediate (Rank 3)

A fighting style that focuses on using a chain with a weight attached to the end of it to hit and trap your target. The skill allows you to use moves from that style using muscle memory. However, attacks performed with the aid of the skill won't increase the mastery of the style.

Subtle Strike - Intermediate (Rank 3)

A fighting style that focuses on interrupting the opponent's movements.
It requires knowledge not only about the anatomy of your enemy but its attack patterns as well in order to be effective.

Dorohla Style - Intermediate (Rank 3)

A fighting style that focuses on quick movement around your opponent to disorient them and take advantage of the openings in their stance. Because this style was made with the Naga body in mind, other races might need something to replicate the necessary movements.

Dodge (Rank 2)

Increases the judgment of the user when dodging, decreasing the strain placed in the body while doing so. While hidden your ability to evade attacks is increased.

Run (Rank 3)

Increases the speed and the coordination of the user while running at the expense of increased stamina consumption. When hidden the amount of noise you make while running is reduced.

Flee (Rank 2)

Increases the speed and the coordination of the user while running away from something. This effect is only triggered when the user's fight or flight response is triggered.

Improved Stamina (Rank 4)

Increases the stamina of the user as well as its regeneration. The effect increases when the user is less active or more relaxed.

A reduced version of this effect will be active if the user is doing any non strenuous physical activity, or while moving when hidden.

Jump (Rank 2)

Increases your ability to jump and gives you a better idea if you were able to make a jump or not

Mana Recovery (Rank 4)

Improves your natural mana recovery. This effect increases as the mastery of the technique used to create the skill increases. The skill increases your passive mana recovery.

By activating the skill, you can recover mana at an accelerated pace. However, if the skill concentration is broken, you become unable to recover mana for 30 minutes. The amount recovered by the active effect increases significantly with the mastery of the technique.

Passive Recovery: 53 mana per second
Active Recovery: 81 mana per second
Mastery: 35%

Mana Sensitivity (Rank 2)

Allows you to feel smaller changes in the mana around you. This skill makes it easier to understand mana.

Shaper of Mana (Rank 1)

A skill that improves your control over the mana present on your spells. It allows you to better control how the mana acts inside your spells and even break away from the basic form of a complete spell without the need to create a new one.

Reinforced Mana (Rank 1)

This skill allows your body to create more powerful mana. Reinforced mana makes spells cost less to cast and deal increased damage. Some spells can also have other increased effects.

Spell Cost: - 10%
Spell Effectiveness: + 10%
Maximum mana growth rate: +50%

Ailment Mastery (Rank 2)

Increases the effect of your ailments based on the number of unique conditions that you applied to your target.

Poison Mastery (Rank 2)

Increases the effect and the strength of your poison spells and skills. Also allows you to create different types of poison more easily.

Allergy Mastery (Rank 1)

Increases the effect and the strength of your allergy related spells and skills. Also allows you to create different types of allergy more easily.

Earth Mastery (Rank 2)

Increases the effect and the strength of your earth related spells and skills. Also allows you to shape earth more easily.

Earth Resistance (Rank 2)

Increases your defense against attacks made with the earth element.

Defense increase + 10%

Wind Resistance (Rank 2)

Increases your defense against attacks made with the wind element.

Defense increase + 19%

Water Resistance (Rank 1)

Increases your defense against attacks made with the water element.

Defense increase + 10%

Sturdy Body (Rank 1)

Increases your defense against physical attacks.

Defense increase + 10%

Magic Armor Proficiency (Rank 2)

Increases the effects of any spell based armor that is applied to you. If you are the one who creates the buff, you will also be able to reduce its mana cost.

Increased effectiveness: 20%
Mana cost reduction: 19%
Naga Poison (Rank 4)

You are able to create poison effects as they are natural extensions of your body. Your poisons can become more varied, and you can imbue different types of mana to the poison itself.

Poison mana efficiency + 100%
Poison effectiveness + 40%
Poison resistance + 60%

Nature Connection (Rank 1)

Allows you to understand natural structures like mountains, jungles, and rivers.

Silver Lining (Rank 2)

When something bad happens to you, there is a chance of it leading to something good.

Ancient Language (Rank 5)

This skill assists you in understanding ancient languages. You might still require a dictionary, but the skill makes finding the correct meaning of each sentence easier.

Pathfinder (Rank 1)

This skill will make it harder for you to get lost unless there is an intentional effect in place. As long as you have a general idea of the location of your destination, you will be able to find a path leading to it. This effect will be active as long as you are not going to a place that know well.


Inspect (Rank 2)

Allows you to read the information available of the target.
This information can come from general knowledge or your own experiences
If a new piece of information about the target becomes available it will be added to its description.
While hidden, there is a chance that the target won't realize that it is being inspected.

All In (Rank 2)

The user can increase one of its attributes to perform a single action.
As if all the available bonus points were allocated in the relevant attribute, the attribute will have bonus increments and at the same time, reduce all other attributes to 39 (10 + level - 1) for 4 hours.
Value of attribute when the skill is used: 110
Cooldown: 24 hours

Hide (Rank 3)

Improves your ability to erase your presence and blend with your surroundings.
The more your appearance harmonizes with the place you are in, the more effective this skill becomes.

Requirements: Not being in the line of sight of your target/ hiding place.
Hide effectiveness increase: + 20%
Bonus damage when hidden: + 20%
Penalty to damage when discovered: - 30%
Penalty duration: 200 seconds

Sneak Attack (Rank 2)

When a target is unaware of your presence, you are able to deal increased damage. If your attack hits a vital spot, the increase will be even greater.
Sneak attack damage: + 200%
Vital spot sneak attack: +500%

Weapon Maintenance (Rank 2)

Improves your ability to care and maintain your weapons.
The more careful you are with the process, the better the results will be.
Increased durability: 2%

Weapons Rebalance (Rank 2)
You can control the mana inside a weapon to change the distribution of weight. To do so, a weapon must have been recently cared for by someone who applied mana during the process. The more familiar one is with the type of weapon, the better the results. This effect lasts for up to 48 hours. The more the weapon is used, the more the duration is reduced.
A weapon can only receive this effect once every 48 hours.

Legacy - Every member of your court will have this effect applied to them and it lasts for 4 hours.

Weapon Break (Rank 1)

By ensuring your weapon is destroyed with the attack, you can deliver a blow that will deal increased damage. There is a small chance that the weapon won't break.

The increase in damage is based on the rarity of the weapon.
Common: 200% increase, 1% chance of not breaking.
Uncommon: 500% increase, 0.001% chance of not breaking.
Rare: 900% increase, 0.00001% chance of not breaking.
Very rare: 1 500% increase  0.000000001% chance of not breaking.
Epic:  35 000% increase  0.00000000000000001% chance of not breaking.
Unique: 86 000% increase  0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance of not breaking.

Etching (Rank 3)

Improves your ability to create engravings. By using specific tools and materials, the etching can create various effects on the targets.

Medical Reference (Rank 2)

Allows you to identify wounds and other physical ailments. When you have identified what the injury is, you can also check the possible treatments and any complications that it might cause.

Identify Ailment (Rank 1)

Allows you to observe ailments that are affecting a target

Green Thumb (Rank 2)

When cultivating a plant, you are able to understand what the plant needs and how to assist its growth.

Chain of command (Rank 4)

When you give commands to your party, they will always hear it loud and clear, no matter the circumstance. Your intentions with the command are also easier to understand.

Powerful Connections
Explorer Exclusive Skill

Explorer exclusive skills are more powerful based on your [Treasure Map]'s completion rate of the room you are currently in.
Current Room: ——
Completion rate: ——
Explorer exclusive skills bonus: ——
50% completion rate achieved, a random skill will be selected to be affected by this bonus when you are in this room.
Random skill selected: ——


Local Guide

It allows you to summon the guide of the room you are in. The guide will stay for five minutes and answer any questions you have about the room. You can summon the guide only once per room.
Information about this skill can only be discussed with explorers who have the skill.
Information about a specific guide can only be discussed with explorers who have met said guide.
If these rules are broken three times, the skill will be removed.

Private Room

When touching a doorway, you can enter a private room where you will find a bed, a bathroom, and a table in an 8m² area. You can invite up to 4 people to enter the room with you and customize the room as you please.
Entering and exiting the room counts as crossing a single doorway, not two.

Meeting Room

When you are alone inside your private room, you are able to communicate with the guides you have met during your travels. They can send you messages on the room's screens, and you can invite them to your private room.
This interaction can only happen inside your private room, and the guides must be willing to communicate with you.
Any communication under the effects of this skill is not under the same restrictions of the [Local Guide] skill. The guides are not required to answer your questions, and they can tell lies, but they are also not limited to discussing the room.
There are some subjects that the guides are unable to discuss.

Explorer's Assassinate

Increases your ability to move undetected and the strength of attacks when your target is unaware of your presence. Some spells and skills also gain benefits from this effect.
If you get discovered before attacking your target, you will suffer a penalty to your damage.

Hide effectiveness increase: + 15%
Bonus damage when hidden: + 15%
Penalty to damage when discovered: - 35%
Penalty duration: 300 seconds

Skills and spells related to the Assassin role can be affected or changed by this skill.

Explorer's map

Allows you to use your map in any situation. By activating the skill, a window will appear with the map of the current area. This map has the same function as your mapping skill.

Explorer's Hunt

The more you know about a creature, the better equipped you are to hunt that creature.

You receive a 5% increase in effectiveness when doing something related to a creature that is not registered in the [Hunter's Catalogue].

You receive an increase in effectiveness when doing something related to a creature registered in the [Hunter's Catalogue]. The increase is based on your knowledge of the beast. You can check each individual buff on the target's respective page in the [Hunter's Catalogue].

Explorer's Catalogue

You can access a list containing all the creatures you ever hunted. All information you have about the monster will be saved inside their individual pages. The more information you have about a specific beast, the more effective you will be while hunting it.

The catalogue takes after your knowledge. If you learn something that is false, the information will be added to the skill until the falsehood is discovered. Having false information will not increase the bonus given by the [Hunt] skill.

Explorer's Research

You are able to tell how much of a subject you already have learned and use your personal knowledge to cross-reference with other information.
You are only able to tell up to 70% of completion in a subject, and you cannot find any related topics by using these skills.
By calling the skill, you are able to open a window that allows you to search for any information you know. If you forget a piece of information, that information won't appear on the screen.


The Court of Blades - Legacy
Empress: Hera Kingsley
Mistress of the Hunt:
Sentinel: Nimbus - Bladed tonfas
Royal Adviser: Daskka - Ego Item

Court Ruler - Legacy skill

An empress knows that they only have to give an order, and it will be followed. As the empress of your court, you are able to give commands to its members, who will do their best to fulfill your orders.

Your blades will move on their own, inheriting any fighting style you possess that may also be applicable to them. Attacks against the blades will never harm the empress, but attacks against the empress harm her entire court. The court will prioritize the empress' safety unless commanded otherwise. If the empress is attacked, the court will do its best to protect them. All members of the court pledge their eternal loyalty to the empress.

Bestow Title  - Legacy skill

A court is more than an empress and its subjects. There are several moving pieces, each with its own duty to help the empress. When the conditions are met, you are able to bestow a title to a weapon. Doing so will allow them to serve you better by giving them mana bodies that match their personalities. A title is a lifelong vow that cannot be removed until the empress passes the court to someone else.

Giving one of your blades a title will increase the weapon's attributes depending on the rank of the given title. They will also be able to utilize 90% of their original weapon status and receive double the additional attribute from the empress for being a member of her court. The type of mana that one of your titled blades uses does not remove the empress's ability to use that type of mana.

Army of One - Legacy

When the skill is active, you and your court will function as a single entity. Most effects that would target a specific blade can be shared or redirected to one or more specific members of your court, including yourself. Buffs cannot overlap because of this effect and they are shared with only 10% of their strength.

You can activate and deactivate this skill at will.


Courtship - Legacy skill

A ruler needs a court, and to fill it, they must perform certain actions to entice possible subjects.

You are able to absorb a bladed weapon into your court. You are required to have a certain degree of familiarity with the weapon to accept it in your court. Doing so will destroy the weapon's physical form, but you can recall the weapon back to your side by spending mana. Weapons in your court retain 50% of their own status and are granted an additional 20% of the empress attributes. Each member of your court is able to use only a single type of mana. While they have access to that mana, the empress won't be able to use said mana. At any moment, you can expel a member of your court. If you do so, the weapon that you absorbed will be lost forever.

The level of familiarity with the weapon changes the % received from the empress.

Current members of your court:

Lurize of poison (Zweihander) - 10 000 mana
Ooze (Chakram) - 10 000 mana
Beam (Handaxe) - 8 000 mana
Armory (Tiara) - 12 000 mana
Scythe (Earring) - 12 000 mana
Core (Rapier) - 15 000 mana
Court capacity: 6/6

Revocation of Nobility  - Legacy Skill
You are able to relinquish one of your court members from its duties. Doing so will remove the court member from your court.

Once a court member has been exiled, it can never return to the court.


Ooze - Sound

Attribute Scaling:
Empress attributes: 74
Strength: x3.76 [1.8(3.6) + 1.96] Charisma: x3.36 [1.4(2.8) + 1.96] Luck: x3.06 [1.1(2.2) + 1.96]
Intelligence: 1.96 Endurance: 1.96  Agility: 1.96

Weapon skill:
You can make your weapon scream, causing nearby creatures to run away in fear or to become frozen in place.
Range: 50 meters
Mana cost: 200 mana

Deals 10% of the damage as lightning damage when imbued with mana.
No engraving slots
Familiarity: 65%

Beam - Light
Hand axe
Attribute scaling:
Empress attributes: 68
Intelligence: 3.45 [1.6(3.2) + 1.85] Charisma: 3.3[1.45(2.9) + 1.85]
Strength: 3.25[1.4(2.8) + 1.85]   Dexterity: 3.2 [1.35(2.7) + 1.85]
Agility: 3.1[1.25(2.5) + 1.85]  Luck: 1.85

Weapon skill:
Light Beam:
You can summon a beam of light from the tip of this weapon. This beam will damage and burn your enemies.
Mana cost: 600 mana

Increases any magic based attack by 50% but increases the mana spent by 100%
1 engraving slot remaining

Familiarity: 73%

Lurize of poison
A two-handed sword that excels in duels thanks to its parrying hooks.
Weapon Scaling:
Empress attributes: 68
Strength: 2.41 [0.7(1.4)  + 1.71] Endurance 2.36[0.65(1.3) + 1.71]  
Agility: 1.71 Charisma: 1.71 Intelligence: 1.71  Luck: 1.71

Weapon skill
Teacher's spirit:
Your familiarity with this weapon will grow at an accelerated rate.
Familiarity: 52%

Scythe - Chain
Empress Attribute: 77
Intelligence: 1.8 Charisma: 1.8 Strength: 1.8
Dexterity: 1.8 Agility: 1.8  Luck: 1.8

Item Skill:
Chain Attack:
After you have hit a target, the next attack will deal increased damage. This increase will stack additively with each subsequent attack. If you attack a different target, this bonus will be reset.
Increase damage per attack: 1%

Increases the radius of perception by 100%
1 engraving slot remaining

Familiarity: 35%

Armory - Metal

Attribute scaling:
Empress Attribute: 77
Intelligence: 1.71 Charisma: 1.71 Strength: 1.71
Dexterity: 1.71 Agility: 1.71 Luck: 1.71

Lowest Stat Buff
Increases the lowest stat scaling of your weapons by 20%
Duration: 10 minutes
Cooldown: 2 hours

Increases the duration of buffs created by this weapon by 50%
2 engraving slot remaining

Familiarity: 30%

Core - Lava
Attribute Scaling:
Empress attribute: 77
Agility x 4.74[2.8(5.6)+ 1.94]  Endurance x 4.59[2.65(5.3)+ 1.94] Luck x  4.44[2.5(5) + 1.94]
Inteligence x 1.94 Strenght x 1.94 Charisma x 1.94

Weapon Skills:
Volcano Core:
This weapon is unbued with the power of a volcano. Attacks with this weapons deal additional fire damage
Aditional fire damage: 50%

This weapon was created in a harsh volcanic enviroment, it is sturdier than it looks.

You can make this weapon give off low light in an area.
Duration: 1 hour
Area: 10m³
Cooldown: 2 hours

Your attacks can leave behind a piece of hot magma at the expense of mana.
Cost:  400 mana per cm²

Volcanic Ash:
You can make the ash resting in the wrist guard become a shield to protect you from attacks.
Cost: 10 000 Mana

Allows the weapon to ignore 30% of the targets fire resistance
No engraving slot remaining

Familiarity: 52%

[Titled Blades]

Sentinel Nimbus - Protection
Bladed Tonfa - Griffon

Total attributes: 466
Empress total attributes: 480

Strength:  102 Endurance: 142
Agility:  106 Charisma: 38
Intelligence: 38  Luck:  40
Remaining points: 2

Mana: 12 536/12 536

Weapon Scaling
Endurance x 15.3[11.3(14.2) + 4] Strength x 10.2[6.4(8) + 4] Agility x 10.2 [6.4(8) + 4]
Charisma x 4 Intelligence x 4 Luck x 4

Passive Skill:
Fire and Ice
Cold Burn

Active Skill:
Griffon's call
Frozen Ash
Griffon Form

Passive Skills

Defender (Rank 1)

When you block an attack using this weapon, you are able to reduce the impact of the attack.
Fire and Ice (Rank 1)

Attacks with these weapons alternate between dealing an extra 20% fire damage and 20% ice damage.
Cold Burn (Rank 1)

Attacks with these weapons can trigger an ailment that will deal constant cold damage to the target, and it will reduce the target's fire resistance by 10%. This effect cannot stack with itself.

Active Skills

Griffon's call (Rank 1)

You can activate the skill to make the griffon heads on the tonfas cry out. Doing so will give the wielder a buff that increases the scaling of this weapon by 20% for 1 minute.
Cooldown 3 hours.

Frozen Ash (Rank 1)

Creates an aura around you made out of frozen ash. This aura will reduce the power of incoming attacks. The reduction increases if the attack is imbued with fire or ice. Additionally, it creates a layer of protective sediment that can absorb some of the damage that would be dealt from the attacks. The more mana is used to maintain the aura, the stronger the protective layer will be.
Base reduction: 20%
Fire or Ice reduction: + 30%
Base mana cost: 750 mana/s

Griffon form (Rank 1)

You are able to turn into the form of a griffon. While in this form, you can move at high speeds, glide through the air, and fly. You also have increased strength. However, you are unable to use any other skills or weapons, and you are unable to speak when in this form.

After moving for a long time at high speed without stopping, this form is destroyed.
If the form is destroyed, you are unable to return to this form for the next 48 hours.

Griffon form speed: 60 km/h
Griffon form max carry weight: 300 kg.


Daskka - Ego equipment - Unique

A necklace made by Darni, the old Naga hero. Later, the will of Chika, the sacred snake who bonded with the hero, was passed to the necklace, giving it an ego. The construct created has its own will and can move independently of any orders given by the wielder. Daskka's strength and abilities will grow along with the user.
You can call Daskka by putting mana inside the necklace. To withdraw her, she will jump inside the necklace.
Daskka can move at the same speed as the user.
You can cast spells through Daskka at a distance of 300 meters.

The snake can attack independently. However, it will understand the user's orders, and it is inclined to follow them. Daskka can learn some skills that belong to the user. She will also learn skills and spells that once belonged to Darni, Chika, or Casks as she grows.
If Daskka is destroyed, it takes 730 hours to recover.
Daskka has a natural regeneration equal to 10% of the user.
If the wearer is not Hera Kingsley or someone who was recognized by Daskka as her owner, the necklace won't have any special functions, and Daskka cannot be summoned.

Stored mana 46 000 / 46 000

Glaive of the Battle Mage

Rarity: Rare

This weapon was crafted by using mana-infused wood, frostmetal, and the skin of a red salamander. It was created having mages in mind so that they could use weapons that would not only benefit from the magic they used but also enhance the spells they could cast.

Attribute Scaling:
Intelligence x 4.5   Endurance x 4.3   Strength x 3.2
Passive Skills:

Spell catalyst:
When the glaive is used to cast a spell, spell efficiency: + 20%

Mana Blade:
When a magical effect is applied to this weapon, it will generate a mana on a blade that will function as a real blade.
When casting a magical effect on this weapon, mana cost: +10%
Made for magic:

This weapon was created with magic in mind. Magic-based effects are easier to be applied to the weapon.
Familiarity: 3%

Gloves of Glimmer
Rarity: Uncommon

A pair of gloves made with the fur of Glimmer. It takes some attributes from the beast that once eluded so many hunters.
Attribute Scaling:
Agility: x 4.3  Intelligence: x 4.2  Luck: x 4

Passive skill:
Unseen touch:
Anything you touch while wearing these gloves will be less likely to realize what happened.

Glimmer hunter set (1/6)
Set effect will activate when at least 4 pieces are worn together.

Protection Breastplate - Mass-Produced - Failure
Rarity: Rare
Level restriction: Level 25
Attribute scaling:
Charisma x 4.3  Luck x 4.2 Agility x 3.9

Armor passive skill:
Magic protection
Reduces the effect of any magic attacks by 10%

Purple Flight Boots
Rarity: Very Rare
Level restriction: Level 25

A pair of tall boots that were made by a master armorsmith. The creation process of this item mixed old techniques with modern ones, creating a result that brought together the best of both periods.

Attribute scaling:
Agility x 3.14 Intelligence x 2.89

Armor skill
Allows you to glide through the terrain as you move for 30 minutes.
Cooldown 30 minutes.

Bronze Leaf Armguards
Rarity: Rare

Armguards created by an exemplary blacksmith and later improved by Kahala, the master armorsmith. By extracting impurities from the original material, the armguards became much more resilient and capable of strengthening the user.

Attribute Scaling:
Intelligence x 2.4 Agility x 2.7

Armor Skill:
Autumn's Grip:

Improve the handling of weapons by sharing their weight with the armguards. The skill also improves any magical enchantment the user placed on the weapon.
Attribute scaling: Intelligence x 3

Dream Feather Bracelet
Rarity: Very Rare

A bracelet created by a shaman who put her life and soul into the work intended as a gift to her student. By adding several plants that can be used as medicine and poison with a feather with propagation properties, the bracelet can increase specific characteristics of some spells and provide a small increase in the defense of other equipment.

100% increased effectiveness when utilizing natural-based healing spells.
50% increased effectiveness when creating plant-based poison spells.
30% increased infection rate with plant-based toxins spells.
Poisons and other types of toxins spells have a 10% chance of propagating to a secondary target.
Poison spells have a 0.1% chance of mutating on their own when affecting a target.
2% increase in the defense rating of other pieces of equipment.

Ouroboros's spawn's Belt - Mass Produced
Rarity: Uncommon

The belt has a mana crystal in its buckle and the symbol of a snake trying to catch its tail.
Mana: 20 000/20 000
Mana recovery: 3 mana per second

Mana storing bracelet - Minor
Rarity: Common

A bracelet that stores mana.
Mana: 50 000/50 000

Raw Mana Stone

A mana stone with non elemental-mana
Mana: 100 000/100 000

Snake Pit - Bracelet
Rarity: Unique - Lost

A bracelet created by one of the emperors of the Naga. It was used to command large armies, as well as to perform different rituals. It was lost during an expedition to a new land, where the emperor lost his life, and the bracelet fell into a pool of acid created by the monster who killed its creator.

50% increased effectiveness when using Naga skills.
40% increase in mana growth.
30% increase in mana regeneration.
20% reduction in damage taken.
10% increased Naga skill growth rate.

After performing a sacred ritual, these effects will double for up to 2 days. The better the ceremony is performed, the longer the duration will be.

By shaking the bracelet, you can trigger a sound like a snake rattle. This sound can affect allies or enemies depending on the effect chosen.
- Warning Rattle: Can only be heard by those the user considers allies.
Cost: 2 000 mana  Range: 1 km
- Battle Rattle: All allies who hear this sound will have their strongest attribute increased by 20% for 10 minutes.
Cost: 50 000 mana   Range: 200 m
- Threatening Rattle: All enemies who hear this sound will have their weakest attribute reduced by 30% for the next 5 minutes
Cost: 50 000 mana Range 100 m
- Death Rattle: All those who hear this sound, aside from the user, will receive 50% extra damage from all sources for 1 minute.
Cost: 300 000 mana   Range: 50 m Cooldown: 24 hours

Only a single Rattle may be active at a time.

Pit of Snakes:
You can store mana inside this bracelet to create a number of snakes that will emerge from it when called. The number of snakes is proportional to the amount of mana in the bracelet, and their strength is proportional to the wearer. The bracelet cannot have more mana than its current wearer.

The snakes can perform simple tasks and listen to basic commands. They can also be used to create a makeshift altar or ritual circle as long as the wearer presents the image to them.

The wearer can also ask one of the snakes to share their senses with them. That can be done with a single snake at a time, and said snake will become unable to share their senses again unless they are resummoned.

Maximum number of snakes summoned: 30
Current Mana: 0 / 612 597

??????? (Skill locked)

As per the will of its creator, the bracelet cannot be destroyed by acid.
If someone who is not a Naga wears this bracelet, its skills will be locked.

Thank you Shakez44, Redhood, Daniel, Giuseppe, GuyWhoReadsALot, Chris, David, Theredescare77, Romeo TZ, SlothDemon, S, Toby, Matt, RRoss, Dreegonz, Tosca's, Gregório, Itbeme, Codered999, Matt, Exxator, Michael, Boll, NoDanaOnlyZuul, Will C, Pltergeist, Azazel, Deion, Faeolin, Nix, Lilith, Frightful6_7, Timothy, Xaekros, Annelise, Gail, Tuqueque, Deven, Shire, Owen, Fiction Addict, Cog, Eric, Clara, and Charles for the amazing support



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