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Let's set up a few questions to clarify any doubts about this.

First, the most important one.

Q: Do I have to pay to keep reading? 

A: Absolutely, not! The Patreon is 100% optional. I intend to keep posting the novel on various websites for free. This will be just another way of showing your support. 

Q: I want to support you, but I can't spend money right now, is Patreon the only way?

A: Not at all, you can like the novel, comment on chapters, review the story, and share it with your friends or people you think might enjoy it. Also, don't forget that the discord server is open for anyone who wants to join, be it a Patreon or not!

Q: How many advanced chapters we can expect?

A: My goal is to have half month's worth of chapters in advance available here. That means at least 8  advanced chapters a month. Depending on when you join you might even get 24 (the 8 already available + the 16 to be released during that month)

Q: Do we get just the chapters or something else too?

A: Patreons will get access to side chapters, bonus stories, and polls to help guide the story. When I publish MAZE as an ebook, I also intend to either give every patron a DRM free version or a copy via Amazon. This will depend on how their system works, so please bear with me a little. I also want to do something similar to The Blacksmith when it is done and any other works I might publish. 

Q: Why are you setting up the Patreon with only one tier?

A: As I started to write, I realized that it can be very harmful to stay in an "only show it when it's done" mentality. Because of it, I rather start now when I already have something to share. Also, I wanted to know how many people would be interested in being a part of the Patreon. 

Q: Are you going to have more tiers?

A: I have a few ideas, a recruit tier with a lower value, and access to fewer advanced chapters. And a couple of higher tiers with different rewards. I'm still workshopping a few ideas, but they might be able to access a world-building channel on discord to create your own items/spells/monsters and stuff. Being able to create your own explorer that will appear as a cameo in the story. 

Q: How many advanced chapters are available right now?

A: Right now, there are 10 advanced chapters available and a short story. And we still have 4 new chapters every week.

Q: Don't you think 8 chapters are too few for 3$?

A: Maybe, but at the same time, I'm trying to do this at a pace that I can maintain and keep myself healthy. I can't promise more than that when I have a full-time job. Even if I didn't, I believe we all deserve to have comfortable working conditions. I will try to do more, but not at the expense of my physical or mental health.

Q: Who did your cover art?

A: It was created by the incredible LiaArt. If you are interested in getting a commision from her you can check her profile here liart29commissions.carrd.co/

If any more questions show up, I'll add it to this list. 

And I just want to say Thank you very much for all who even considered being a part of the Patreon!



I appreciate the answers to questions I didn't even know I have. Even though your chapter count is lower than most of us maze junkies would love to have, I am most grateful that you are able to be consistent. I think for me, that's the most important part. I also love that each chapter is a good, healthy read, it's not a light weight which chapter, those are annoying. I think only e bucks a month isn't too bad, especially since it can go help support a wonderful author directly. Plus the fact that's it's less than a single cup of coffee at certain brand name coffee stores isn't bad either. Thank you for the great work!


Glad to help, and feel free to ask any questions be it about the patreon or the story either here or in the discord. I try my best not to leave any question unanswered!