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Heya all! Been a couple of weeks since my last post, though I've sent the links out to my previous story and just now sent out links to a brand new RWBY one as well, so you've got some reading material to get through at least!

You know, it FEELS like it's been a pretty rough month for me, but honestly it's not been that bad. I've actually got a load of work done, it just doesn't feel it because I've had like three 20k stories come at me back to back. It's been a bit of a struggle to manage my workload with so many bigguns to work with, but fortunately I've had quite a backlog of previous works to post up throughout the month. I can see the light at the end of the long tunnel though! I'm gonna be wrapping up some of these chunky bois pretty soon and then I'm gonna rearrange my schedule to focus on a few more 8k-10k ones. Crank out a few of them before diving back into the big ones.

This isn't to say I do not appreciate people booking the big commissions of course. Keep 'em coming! Considering the amount people pay for them, I'm damn lucky people consider my writing good enough to pay to get that much of it! But when you get a few of them hitting at once, it can sometimes feel like you're dragging your feet a bit. Especially for someone like me who can be a BIT harsh on himself for his workload anyways.

Plus I got my own story to get finished up for the end of the month...oooh I got some good stuff lined up for the monthly story...


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