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Evening everyone! I am once again posting an update super late in the day because I have lost control of my life! Well, to put it less dramatically my schedule kinda got shot to shit for a few days thanks to travelling and generally feeling a little worn out. So I'm a bit more behind than I'd like to be on my work BUT I'm catching up slowly but surely. To prove it, here's a new chapter!



Also, just to make a quick note, I am not taking any more commissions for a little while. Not even putting them on my schedule! I've got some in the pipeline I want to clear out before I start adding any more on top of them. This won't actually effect the schedule or anything, I'll probably be able to take more by the end of May, but it does give me a little peace of mind and lets me clear off my rapidly filling To-Do List. A peaceful mind makes more smut smoother. I think that's a saying. Sun Tzu's probably.


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