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Hey, guys! How are you?

I want to explain you why I stopped posting Pinupocalypse pages. Sorry about that, but I just needed some pause to collect more energy to dive into it again.

So, I'm returning with the new pages! This week!
Also I'm preparing a really cool and huge project for you right now on Kickstarter. Kinky Cards. This project took a lot of time from me and I was drawing cards for the few last months. I just wanted all cards to be done 100% before I start promoting it. That's why I needed this pause with the comics.
Pinupocalypse will be finished on this patreon page in the next year I'm 100% sure. And by finished, I mean completed. And that's only first part (80 pages) out of 3 volumes. I'm already have some thoughts about sequel. There will be Amazons from Mars attacking this miserable city.
I'm glad that you were worried about Pinupocalypse, because for some time I got feeling that people are more interested in Swinging Island. That's why I didn't stop posting it.

So, in November, 

  • I'll post the hole deck of Kinky Cards along with my Kickstarter project.
  • I'll start posting Pinupocalypse again
  • I'll update failed links to the files
  • and I'll upload stuff I haven't got time to upload before. Like Maniac Princesses and Star Wars Imperial Girls finally (sorry for delay)

Hope you like this news. Happy Halloween! Write in the comments, what should I do more to make you happy on this page?





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