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I'm sorry, I'm trying to work, but work going really slow right now because of my new pills. Sometimes my blood pressure down and I sleep a lot.. Therefore, I am not able to work for a long time( I was prescribed antidepressants to overcome my constant anxiety and while the start of treatment is underway, I feel bad

   This happens in the early stages of treatment until the body gets used to it. Now I'm already working on the Exclusive work for January`23, so I'll show you a little WIP! 

 I know I'm late with this again, but I'll try to finish this as soon as possible.




No worries take care of yourself that’s all that matters


Look after yourself <3


thank you ToT I'm in such a lost state right now because of the side effects from the pills, I just have zero concentration on work, constant headaches and low blood pressure. I hope this ends as soon as possible, my doctor says that it can take up to 2 weeks until the final dose of tablets is reached D:


I sincerely hope you feel better soon! Taking psych meds is never easy. I've been taking heavy doses of antidepressants, antianxiety, and mood stabilizers since 2015 and I've felt a lot of the symptoms you're feeling now. I can't imagine how stressful your current situation is because I've never been there. But I know from experience that people can only handle so much stress until it becomes an unbearable burden, and just how mentally and physically exhausting that can be. It took me what felt like forever to realize that I needed to share what I was going through with people I could trust to confide in. I honestly felt like I would have to be medicated the rest of my life and that made me feel so hopeless that I would ever recover but that was never true. I got so much help from meditation, talk therapy and especially group sessions because I could share all my problems without judgement or fear that the other people in the group would gossip about me outside of the groups. Hearing the stories from other people that are experiencing similar things helped me massively because I used to believe that nobody understood what I was going through and that I was alone in my struggle. You are not alone! We all love and support you! ❤️ Take all the time you need to focus on your recovery and don't worry about us, we will still be here for you every step of the way!


Thank you very much for such an answer. I am working with a psychotherapist now and go to general classes to overcome my childhood traumas. I lived all my childhood in abuse from my mother and it left too big an imprint on my life I have a lot of injuries about which I just kept silent and lived with it, but I have been practicing for the second year with a therapist just to learn how to live anew. I was able to do it without pills up to this point, but recently my anxiety became more frequent, and it interfered with me, so I decided to take a course of pills


Take care of yourself, thats most important