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This movie had my blood boiling, my gawdddd. 7.5/10

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Mujhse Dosti Karoge [Full Movie Reaction].mp4

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Musa, I don’t know how you could watch this movie and be on Pooja side she’s the root of all the problems all three are dealing with she's to blame for her own heartbreak and Tina's as well. She started and continued a relationship with a lie even as an adult and kept lying until he figured out on his own. Pooja doesn’t deserve a happy ending at all I don’t know how you can over look all her issues. I certainly didn’t want Raj with Tina or Pooja cause Raj is no less than Pooja maybe in that sense they deserve each other but they don’t deserve happiness especially when its Tina who ends up heartbroken due to their stupidity.


This movies boils my blood just as much but for a completely different reasons I don't see Pooja as this suffering girl who’s man is taken from her. I see her as the villain of this movie who didn’t deserve Raj in the end. Raj was always into Tina even as a child he never cared for Pooja and saw her as nothing but a friend but Pooja was always into him and instead taking a chance and telling him the truth and how she felt she decided to lie to him and excite him that way using Tina's name cause she knew he is into her friend. There are millions of reasons what she did there was wrong but that's not all instead of just telling Raj the truth when he decided to visit she prefers dragging Tina into the mess by emotionally blackmailing her friend and together they decide to lie and fool this man which is so fucking upsetting, also she could’ve told Tina that she's in love with Raj but didn’t and let her think she had a chance with the man. Even when Raj finds out the truth and tries to make things right she yet again emotionally blackmail him to keep quiet. I swear just talking about her actions here boils my blood. Pooja didn’t deserve a happy ending with Raj cause that entire relationship is nothing but red flag. She needed to either take a chance and be honest with him or move on since he was clearly never ever interested in her.