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DROPBOX: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/n7h7dgwc69epwcz8f4mc7/7llin-in-the-DREAM-EP.-3-and-4.mp4?rlkey=stxba2r13kfsipfibiehtj3e1&st=ct59fz30&dl=0



7llin' in the DREAM EP. 3 and 4.mp4

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By the way for context when they talk about points and deductions. They have friendship rings and a bet that whoever has the least points and/or loses the ring at the end of the comeback season, have to go to Busan alone (idk why that'd be a punishment like free vacation lol). They have many rules with a point system the ones they talk about the most is if someone says, "everyone clap!" they all have to clap and whoever doesn't follow the command looses a point. It's not just clapping, but the wording "everyone *insert action*". Another one they always talk about is random daily check-ins (i think they mention it in the last two episodes) to see who has the ring on, if they're not wearing it they loose points and if they loose the ring they have to buy it themselves (it's Cartier rings too, $3K+). This era Jisung lost and absolutely no one was surprised since he's apparently lost at least 3 rings, but he's originally from Busan so it was fun at least lol.


You should watch "7ilin in our Youth" after this. It's also only 6 episodes long and is from last year. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWznbX9Vr47j4Ovn9TQ2yctr1djPC6U9i