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Hey, friends! Here's another high resolution displacement map for you to use! I've also supplied some texture masks that allow you to easily blend two textures together. Let me show you how it works below:

Step 1: Add a plane and give it some subdivisions (I like to cut twice and then give 50 cuts - but vary this based on what your computer can handle)

Step 2: Add a subdivision modifier and a displacement modifier. UV unwrap your plane in edit mode, and then set the displacement to UV coordinates for the displacement modifier

Step 3: Open up the displacement modifier by clicking on the slider looking button above the Coordinates menu and locate the .exr file I've provided in the attachments. It should look something like this:

Step 4: Adjust the strength of the displacement and level of subdivisions in your modifiers until you get a result you're happy with

You can also shade smooth to get rid of some of the tile noise that you see. 

Step 5 (optional, but I tend to like to do this to speed up my viewport): I usually apply both the modifiers at this time, and then use a decimate modifier to bring the number of faces down a bit for my mesh:

The land on the left is the original mesh, and the one on the right has been decimated with a ratio of 0.2. You lose a little bit of the detail, but it makes your viewport and render much faster. At this point, I'll apply the decimate modifier and move on to texturing with the masks I've provided.

Step 6: Open up the shading tab and locate the texture mask I've included in the attachments files.

Pick any two textures you want and connect them to a mix shader node. Take the color output from the heatmap texture and plug it into the factor input on the mix shader. For illustrative purposes, I've set one texture to red and one to blue to show how it blends on the displaced terrain. Pretty neat, huh? You can use two different rock textures, or a rock and a snow texture, or a rock and a sand texture, or really whatever to mix here and make the scene your own! I'm excited to see what you come up with :)



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