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Hey, friends! I took on a challenge to recreate a desert environment from scratch. I wanted to practice using brushes to sculpt my own rocks in Blender instead of using external assets. I used some really cool brushes (free!) from here: https://blendswap.com/blend/18735. This link has a step-by-step guide on how to append these brushes into your Blender workspace and start using them. It may appear that they are hidden, but you'll just have to click on the menu you see here to access them:

The brushes in this pack are organized in this menu under three different brush types (that you see along the left column) including: draw, clay strips, and scrape. I mainly used these brushes to sculpt out the rocks you see used in this render and then resized/re-positioned them to break up the uniformity. They were a bit dense, so for my final render I used a decimate modifier to bring the poly count down a bit.

For the plateaus you see in the background, I procedurally generated a displacement map using World Creator to get the terrain I was looking for and brought it into Blender. The displacement map helped give me some great detail for the background mountains (you can download this file in .exr format below as well!). 

I'm really happy with how this one turned out and am definitely planning on sculpting some more rocks and generating more terrains that I'll happily drop on here once they are done. Enjoy! :)




Thank you so much!! One thing, could you please double check the link? It’s giving me “not found”.


Oops try it again now! Somehow the period got included in the hyperlink. Here it is as well: https://blendswap.com/blend/18735


You’re the best!