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fullscreen loop: https://player.vimeo.com/video/873231144?autoplay=1&loop=1 

normal vimeo link: https://vimeo.com/873231144

password: midweekupload


ArmlessVtuber_15 on Vimeo



Good luck with the uploading pace :) That shirt falling from your shoulders was just... *chef's kiss*


One option you might consider if you want to allow people to see things mostly in character would be to add a small "OOC" (Out of Character) overlay for times that you are notably out. This could be like a TV station logo in a corner out of the way. If an option for where you upload videos, you might also be able to embed "chapter" coding so people could jump to/over those parts.


Thanks! I thought about possibly doing something like that yeah. And you bring up more to it that I'll think about. That being said, I don't think the "meta rp" thing is the main and only problem here. Let me first see and test how the rapid firing of these videos that I plan to try goes with the audience just in general.