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Hello hello! Happy August my lovelies!  Let's kick off this new month by answering some questions!🌼🌸🎥

In this video I answer these questions: 

  • How many pieces do you find yourself working on at a time? And do you give yourself a deadline for each piece or go with the flow?
  • What would you recommend how to start an artcareer?
  • Is being a leader of a massive cult exhausting or exhilarating?  When do you expect global membership to surpass one million?
  • Is it difficult for you to find inspiration without comparing yourself to others? How did you figure out your niche?
  • For hobby artist & new artists how do we find our own style?  Still learning and I don't want to copy any of the artists I admire.  
  • do you have any suggestions for getting started on patreon? scared to even start

You guys came up with some great questions and there are a couple that I am holding off on because I want to make a dedicated video, so if your question wasn't answered in here, don't worry!  It is coming!

As always, these videos are from my own experience and while I really hope they are helpful, everyone is different and different advice works for different people. 🌟 So feel free to take parts that resonate and leave parts that don't! 👍🌺🌷

Mentioned Articles in Video: 

Do you have more questions? 😊💬📝🌻🌼 Please Comment your Questions in the Ask me Anything post!! 

And if you haven't already seen it, the Art Pack 72 Rewards Index is UP


All rewards and downloads from this patreon page are for personal and educational use only.  Redistributing in any form is not permitted.  I'm a relatively small artist who puts a lot of work into sharing this work and providing as much value in these rewards as I can and when they are taken and used for unauthorized purposes it hurts me and my ability to provide for myself and my cat.  Thank you for supporting and respecting independent artists <3



Hello hello! Happy August my lovelies! Let's kick off this new month by answering some questions!🌼🌸🎥 In this video I answer these questions: How many pieces do you find yourself working on at a time? And do you give yourself a deadline for each piece or go with the flow? What would you recommend how to start an artcareer? Is being a leader of a massive cult exhausting or exhilarating? When do you expect global membership to surpass one million? Is it difficult for you to find inspiration without comparing yourself to others? How did you figure out your niche? For hobby artist & new artists how do we find our own style? Still learning and I don't want to copy any of the artists I admire. do you have any suggestions for getting started on patreon? scared to even start All rewards and downloads from this patreon page are for personal and educational use only. Redistributing in any form is not permitted. I'm a relatively small artist who puts a lot of work into sharing this work and providing as much value in these rewards as I can and when they are taken and used for unauthorized purposes it hurts me and my ability to provide for myself and my cat. Thank you for supporting and respecting independent artists



The scuffed part resonates with me 😂 I used to be a perfectionist, but that ended with paralysis or waiting until I was "ready". I've slowly learnt to just give it a go and work on things as I go 😊


Yeah, it is a big problem that a lot of people have, including myself sometimes still! It takes a lot to learn that a scuffed SOMETHING is better than nothing. haha! It's good that you have learned that already!