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Gueeeessss whaaaaaat!?   I will have some free time over the upcoming weekend.  Its a miracle!  

So, after a long time of having commissions closed, I am going to open up a couple of slots!  I'm going to open up commissions to the public tomorrow, but as always, I want to give you first dibs.  

Please Read my Commission Guidelines (They have had some minor updates!)

And Email Your Commission Request to: chrissabug@gmail.com


Updated Price Sheet

Pinup Special!

For Patrons only, the Pinup Special is still running for this round of commissions.  But it may not be running for the next round, because I have some ideas for other specials I would like to do in the future.  SO, if you want to take advantage of the reduced price for pinups,

now is your chance!  


Additional discounts for you guys are as follows:

 Silver Patrons: 5% discount!

Gold  Patrons: 10% discount!

Platinum Patrons: 20% discount!




Noooooooooooooooooooo!!! - I just won a local Lotto .... and spent 300$ on a commission with another artist ... I am sooooo broke :p ... OK, not broke but .... Le Sigh ...


Ah, when it rains, it pours, right? Haha. Congrats on winning the local lottery though! If you can't afford a commission this time around, don't worry, I will open up commissions again in the future, and hopefully there won't be as long of a gap between commission openings for me, now that I'm getting more settled into liveaboard life.


OMG - That's right, the boat, that is so insane (in a good way) ... what is that even like?? I mean - You're on a Boat :) too cool :)


Awesome!!! I need to pay the bills tomorrow first. :)


Haha! Yeah, its pretty cool so far. The largest challenge has been figuring out how to organize all of my stuff (and where to set up my art station to work) in such a small space, but I really like it. :)


I emailed you about a commission! I hope you like the idea! :)


I replied to you and I love the idea! I also replied with like 3 emails because I'm so scatterbrained this morning! Ahh! lol Anyway, sorry for all the emails.