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  • PersephonesDecisionTimelapse60.mp4



Time was running out.  It seemed that Persephone's short reign as Queen of the Underworld was already over.  Zeus had tired of her mother's dramatics and was ordering Persephone's "release" from the Underworld.  She would have to go back home... back to where everything was bright(too bright), where she was taken care of and didn't need to make such tough decisions herself.  Back to that gilded cage.
Being "stolen" to the underworld had been terrifying at first.  But now...  she had developed a taste for the darkness and power of this realm.  She didn't have to hide her own darkness with fake smiles.  She belonged.  She might be goddess of Spring, but she was also a goddess of Death. 
She looked at the ruby red fruit in her hand.  There wasn't any other way.  Zeus' word was law, so she would go back to the light. But not forever.  
She felt the cold but strangely comforting weight the god of the Underworld's hands on her shoulders and she plucked a few seeds from the pomegranate and made the choice to permanently tie herself to this darkness.

It has been long debated whether Persephone was chose to eat the fruit that would tie her to Hades and the Underworld or if she was tricked into eating it.  There have been so many retellings of this fascinating myth that it really just comes down to what you choose to believe.  

I like the idea that she knew what she was doing and chose to eat the pomegranate, but I wanted this painting to also be kind of like the myth itself... meaning that it is open to interpretation.


This past week (and month) have been absolutely crazy for me!  I am adjusting to working my day-job back in the office for now and, OH BOY! That has really thrown a wrench in my usual routine!  So it took a while to actually get this piece completed but I hope you like how it turned out and the storytelling behind it!

  • For everyone who ordered from the Secret Shop (prior to the couple orders that came in this weekend). your orders were shipped on Tuesday, but it seems that the shipping confirmation email had trouble going out for some reason.  (some issue with my system notifications or something)  But fear not, your orders are on their way via postnord letter!
  • Next Goddesses:  Eris and the 3 Fates!
  • Remember that you can grab the entirety of Art Pack 51 in one chunk by using your special Gumroad Code: https://www.patreon.com/posts/55628512

===>Click Here For Previous Persephone Artwork<===

If the images in patreon are having trouble previewing, you can download the images from the bottom of the post.

Rewards for this piece (attached to bottom of post):

  • Full Res Art
  • Timelapse Video
  • Raw PSD<<download link
  • Sketches
  • Process Shots



Lexi Rosenne

This is beautiful and I adore this version of her story!

Lia Graf

Gorgeous! I love the reflection of the red of her power, the red of the fruit, are reflected in her eyes. Well done!


Thank you so much Lia! I am so glad you like her and noticed the red reflection! 🥰


I love the dark atmosphere in this one and the fog enveloping her! So beautiful!


wow. i do love the colors :) it's great


The ✨atmosphere✨here is so pretty!! I love how she is totally a part of the piece if you know what I mean? I feel like it can be difficult getting characters *into* the environment of a painting but you totally nailed it!! 💖


Omigoodness! Thank you so much! I'm really glad that she looks like she fits into the atmosphere!


I love your take on Persephone's story. I love Lore Olympus, but your take is so much more real