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Hi hi pals!  Announcement time! 

In order to make this Patreon more sustainable for myself I have realized that I need to make a slight adjustment to the $2 and $5 tiers.

📚The $5 tier is now called the STUDENT tier!📚

Starting in June the tutorials and the advice articles will be available for the $5+ tiers.

💖Pay what You Wish $2 tiers will still have all the other digital rewards (raw work files, high res art, timelapse videos, lineart, sketches, etc), but will no longer have access to the new articles and tutorials.

Even though the difference between $2 and $5 isn't all that much, I realize this might be disappointing to some folks out there and I am sorry about that.  But after a lot of thought over the past few months, I feel like this is a change I really need to make to be able to continue supporting all of this content...

The $2 pay what you wish model was implemented before I started regularly creating tutorials and articles and now that they have been a regular thing for a while, I feel that I need to be a bit more fair to myself considering the cost in time and expertise it takes to create tutorials and advice articles.  

An now a bit of emotional real-talk... (feel free to skip this if you aren't interested in a bit of inner turmoil! lol)

Honestly, I am spread quite thin, and if I can’t figure out a way to make these tutorial and article projects pay for how much of me they take to create, I don’t know If I’ll be able to continue making them.  And I want  to continue making them!  

My hope is that with this change we can keep growing and I'll eventually be able to switch over to making content for you guys here full time, which of course would mean more and higher quality art, tutorials, articles, and merch.

Apologies if this sounds too negative!  It’s not my intention, but I do want to be real and transparent with you guys.

You are the ones who have believed in me and have supported me even when I haven’t believed in myself and I am SO grateful!  Thank you!

I hope you’ll be understanding of this change and of course feel free to let me know if you have any questions!




Lia Graf

Hey I get it, truly understand. May this new path not have any hidden sidequests for you!


Hello! I just joined your Patreon, but I’m really happy with your content and I think 5€ for this content is more than fair! So thanks for sharing, I really enjoy your content :) and good luck for everything!


Hey Komogi! Welcome in! Thank you so much for joining! It seriously make my day that you like the content! Ahh! Thank YOU for telling me!


I believe this is deserved/worth it. If others want to benefit from your time/life/experience, it should be compensated, it's only fair. :) I know different people have different disposable incomes, but if you don't make it worth your own while, you'll only get yourself in trouble in the end. And hey at least people are actually getting stuff in return! 😊


Hey! Thank you so much for letting me know your undertanding! It really helps calm me down a bit! haha


Thank you so much for saying so Roy! Its always tough re-adjusting pricing structures and I have gone back and forth on it for months now on what to do because I really hate to disappoint anyone... but as you said I need to try making it more fair and sustainable for myself as well.


I believe this change is for the best! I totally support that you get paid better for creating content, as it is a lot of work and commitment! I will continue to follow your work even though I might not be able to afford the 5$ tier! Sending lots of love!


First, think about your health, mental and physical. You deserve to be compensated fairly for your time, and this patreon is already a bargain for content you're offering. Don't feel bad for taking care of yourself and your buisness ever <3


Thank you so much Satoji! This change totally isn't meant to pressure everyone to switch their tiers, especially supporters who are mostly interested in just supporting and the other digital rewards, that's why I left all the other digital rewards on the $2 tier. I still want to make sure the pay what you wish tier still has access to all the other digital stuff! I appreciate any support you guys are willing to give.


I totally support this change Chrissa! Also, I really appreciate how transparent you are with us. Please take care of yourself!


Thank you so much for the important reminder and your support!! I think it’s no secret to you guys who come to stream that mental health is quite the struggle sometimes! Haha! But I am trying to focus more on that lately and hopefully this change will eventually help lead to a bit more balance on my end. 🤞 Thank you again for all the love!!💖💖💖


Hey thank you so much Az! I really appreciate your support and letting me know! It really means so much!!🥰💖


You deserve to be paid for your time! ❤️