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  • Cyan16.mp4



Android Waifu incoming!  This is Cyan16, and She MIGHT be a little intense.
CMYKORP® cannot and does not assume responsibility for any personal property damage, injury, or death from proximity to Cyan16®.  

Purchase at own risk.
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Thanks everyone who hung out while I worked on the grayscale of this one.  

News: Make sure to vote in the new montly article poll!  

Rewards for this piece:

  • Full Res Art
  • Timelapse Video<<Attached to Bottom of Post
  • Raw PSD<<Download Link
  • Sketch & Lineart
  • Process Shots



Jade Sharp

Omg yessssssss love it!!!!


that stomach tho *chefs kiss*

Seru Wolf


Lia Graf

The perspective angle really gives the intensity to her. Really like it, nicely done!


Hold the phone, not responsible for property damage, injury, or death? I'll have to pass until I up all my insurance. 😅


A sporty android? She looks amazing! 😍


Thank you so much! I find perspective soooo challenging but I really want to do more of it to make my artwork more dynamic!


Ahh! Thank you so much! I'm working hard to get better at lighting so that means a lot!


lololol xD Yes, it will be best to get some really good insurance before picking up this android waifu


Lovely design! The glowing spots on her face is a very nice touch!


Chrissa, I absolutely love this one! This character reminded me of my own character with the similar galaxy eyes I did in color pencil about 10 years ago! I might even consider redrawing it and using this artwork as one of the many references I find!!


Hi again, Chrissa, how can I join your Discord? 😅


Ooooh! Yessss! That's so cool! I would love to see you redraw your character!


The best way to join the discord is to link your patreon account so that you get the correct role. Here's an article on how to do that: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role#:~:text=Step%201%3A%20Log%20in%20to,role%20tied%20to%20your%20Tier! If for some reason it isn't working, you can also join via this invite link, but I'll need to manually assign your role. https://discord.com/invite/P5qxnXD


😍 I love it so much, the colors, the robot-parts 😁 It's awesome!! I am curious about the black&amp;white shading though, how does that work? how does it help with the final artwork?


Thank you! Working in grayscale helps when I'm trying to focus on the lighting and shading. It is a lot easier to get a more sculpted look when I'm not distracted by colors. Of course, adding the colors afterwards is its own challenge.


This is my favorite &lt;3 (... well, ok, *ONE* of my favorites &lt;3 ...)