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  • EvaRendering.mp4



As some of you may have seen in Discord, I recently had the opportunity to do some fun artwork for Dragon Raja's 1 year anniversary!  

I don't normally take commissions or freelance jobs these days because I prefer to spend any time off of my day job working on personal artwork and extra content for you guys.  BUUUT, this particular collaboration was just too cool for me to pass up.  

Like I mentioned, the game is Dragon Raja and it is a beautiful MMO on mobile.  And it really is stunning... I actually can't believe you can have such beautiful graphics on mobile, its crazy!

They asked me to play the game a bit to get a feel for it and then gave me a lineup of ally characters that I could choose from.  All of the characters are stunning!  But you know I love my blue skinned characters, so I couldn't pass up doing art of this beauty!

This is Eva, she is one of the NPC characters in Dragon Raja.  She is actually a computer program based on another character who passed away on a dangerous mission.  (such a sad backstory, right?!  D:)  So when the professor created Eva, he programmed her to have that past student's personality and resemblance.  

Anyhoo, this was a super fun experience and I love that I got to paint such a pretty character.  I probably put more time into it then I should have, but I really wanted it to come out super nice!  Hopefully I did her justice!

The official Instagram post will be going up on the 28th (that is the day of the anniversary), so this is a super special secret early preview!  🤫

Rewards for this piece:

  • Full Res Art
  • Rendering Timelapse Video<<Attached to Bottom of Post (somehow the CSP recording glitched and didn't capture my whole sketching process.  :(, but at least there is the rendering phase)
  • RAW PSD<<Download Link
  • Sketches
  • Process Shots




She looks amazing!


This is absolutely stunning! 💙 Any chance she'll be available for the vote for prints next month?


I don't usually like MMOs because your actions don't always have affects and because you typically have to grind for resources by replaying the same level over and over, but! It looks so pretty. 😭 I'm going to give it a shot. It's a 2gig game!


Amazing job!


love her! amazing job Chrissa!


Thank you! It miiiight be possible. I'll need to look over my contract really closely and see if it would be okay to do. I think it might


Yeah, I totally understand those reasons MMOs aren't always appealing. I have played MMOs in the past and can get into them but it can be kind of a struggle. This game is so freaking pretty though and huge! haha. I had to clear off a bunch of space from my ipad to install it. xD


Beautiful work! I think the color palette really well with the sci-fi vibe! Well done! 👍🏼