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Finding a unique and appealing style is a very common concern among artists, and yet if you ask very experienced artists and art directors, you will often get answers like “don’t worry about style, it’ll find you”.
And this is true!
But it isn’t a very helpful answer to the concerns that I think artists are actually worried about when they ask about style.
You probably already have a style, even if you don’t think you do.  When I hear concerns about finding your style, I think what most artists actually mean is,
“How can I develop a style that I actually like!”
It's true that your style will develop naturally, whether you are consciously thinking about it or not.  But there are certainly ways to help push your style in a specific direction faster if you ARE consciously thinking about it!
So let's go over ways to do that.  These are methods that I specifically use when I am trying to develop my style in a conscious direction.

In this 12 Page article I go over techniques I have used and still use to help find and develop my art style.  We go over ways to use and incorporate reference, as well as some "cheats" that help us experiment and learn when it comes to style.

The pdf of the article is attached to this post for you to download and read at your leisure!

It seems like some folks were having trouble downloading the pdf from the post, so here is an alternative download link!
🌟 http://www.mediafire.com/file/j4kpybqwlmrkyqy/Finding_and_Pushing_your_Style.pdf 🌟

I hope it gives you some helpful insights and ideas!

Quick little note/disclaimer for the topic of this Article:  I noticed literally AS I was in the middle of typing this article that the lovely Nadiaxel came out with a youtube video talking about style.  I briefly scrolled through the video but haven't actually watched the whole thing yet, since I was worried with us addressing the same topic so close together that it might look weird. 

 I think this topic is common and broad enough that maybe my worries of being accused of something like copying are unfounded but better safe than sorry in this crazy age of cancel culture.  Any overlap in topics or techniques with her video or any other artist's video in regard to style is purely coincidental... and to be honest there are only so many ways to cut a carrot.  

With that being said, she is a wonderful artist and human who I consider at the very least a friendly internet acquaintance, so I definitely recommend supporting her youtube channel.

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This was a very helpful article.Thank you,Chrissabug!


I'm really excited to try the techniques that you describe in the article! I've been really worried about developing a style, and this definitely helped me to know what to try next! Thank you Chrissa!!!


Yesss! I am so so happy to hear that it is helpful!! So excited to see what you come up with~


I just got back to it, Chrissa - great value, love to see you putting the effort in these articles!


Thanks! They do take me many many hours to put together, so I'm glad you find them valuable.


Oh boy, Color lookup looks awesome!! I had no idea Photoshop can do this :D Very helpful article , thanks for sharing! :3 Im full of ideas and inspirisation now!


Love your articles! I’ve been in an art rut trying to figure out my style. These are helping me a lot :)